The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 87

lan POV

I frown as I hear the sound of something rattling in the door. What in the hell was that sound? I rub my eyes, feeling irritable. I had informed Dawn I didn't want to do my exercises and now she was attempting to break the door down or something ridiculous. I sighed. Screw it, I was going to go back to sleep. The door was sound. Unless she was a whiz at picking locks, she wouldn't be able to get to me. It was childish, but I was feeling low and petulant. The sound of the door banging loudly open, had me startled as my head turned towards the doorway, my mouth parting open in shock as Dawn stood there fuming.

s**t. What kind of woman was this? She was terrifying to behold. Her lips were pursed and her cheeks were red with rage. She was shaking violently as she fought to contain the rage she was feeling. Instead of feeling apologetic, I was incensed at what she had just done. "Are you insane?" I demanded as she glared at me "You just broke into my room" I accused.

"Yes, I did" she snarled "after you refused to open it when I asked you to. Get your a*s in that chair" she points at the wheelchair sitting next to the bed "and let's go. You're going to the gym like you asked and we're doing those exercises." "You can't talk to me like that" I growled "I'm a Grant."

"You could be the King of England and I would still give you a bloody what for" she retorted to my astonishment and admiration "Now stop being a stubborn jackass and let's go. If I have to come in here again, I will personally lift you into the chair's he threatened as I blinked, half believing she was capable of carrying out her threat.

She was so petite though that it was hard to envision her being able to lift me. Still I didn't dare try it.

I mulishly got into the chair and then did my business in the bathroom, before wheeling out of the bedroom. Dawn calmly came up and took the chair by the handles. "I can wheel myself."

"Conserve your strength for the gym" she sniped and wheeled me out of the flat and towards the main house while I simmered, filled with resentment towards this stubborn woman who refused to give me an inch, just because I was wealthy. She got me inside the house. "Which way?" she asked and I pointed wordlessly, feeling disgruntled.

I saw servants peering at me with pity as we made our way towards the back of the house before we reached the gym. I was grateful to see there was no sign of Knox. At least I wouldn't have to deal with him trying to help or his annoying attempts to talk to me. "Right, see those mats at the back" Dawn pointed to them as I nodded warily "We're going to lie you down on those and then start doing your leg exercises so that your back is nice and padded."

She wheels the chair over and then grips me under the arms, helping me to get out and lie down on the ground. She's surprisingly strong for somebody of her petite stature. I lie down on my back and she begins to kneel over me, one arm going beneath one of my legs and raising it slightly up.

"I'm just going to push it up and down," she tells me, as I nod, gritting my teeth.

I feel nothing. I can see her hand on the back of my leg and along my thigh, but there's no sensation. She moves my leg for me, manipulating it and its muscles while I lie there disappointed. She proceeds to do the same with the other leg. She gets closer. Her hand rests lightly along the bottom of my stomach as she begins to flex the knee. I suck in a breath. Her hand feels so warm, so soft.

Her face is so close to mine as she bites her lip and concentrates on what she's doing that I can see how long her eyelashes are. She does a few more exercises while I lie there, feeling frustrated and angry.

"Done," she says quietly, wiping the bead of sweat off her forehead.

She's panting but I'm as cool as a cucumber. I get myself back upright and she assists me back to the chair. Wordlessly I point to the dumbells. She rolls me over and I select some weights, almost dropping them in surprise. I had gotten weaker over the last few months, I thought studying them. I gritted my teeth and began to do some slow reps while Dawn

proceeded to keep a close eye on me.

"You don't have to watch me" I bit out.

"I'm worried you might hurt yourself. Those weights look like they might be too much for you." "They aren't" I growled.

I continued to do as many reps as I could to prove her wrong. I wanted to get my body back in shape, and I was painfully aware of just how much I had let myself go as I failed to do even half of what I used to do with such ease before. "Wow, lan, it's wonderful to see you down here" I hear Knox's voice, and he sounds incredulous and happy.

I bite the inside of my lip. I see Dawn turn to glance at Knox who extends his hand to her. Son of a b***h was trying to hit on her, I fumed. Dawn gave Knox an uncertain smile "I'm Dawn, lan's nurse" she said as Knox nodded and let go "It's a pleasure to meet you." I scowled and put the dumbbells down. Part of me felt jealous as I saw Knox take another look at Dawn. Why was he even looking at her anyway? He was married to Lorelai. I knew I was being illogical, but I couldn't help it. I coughed, bringing Dawn's attention back

to me.

"Are you okay lan? Do you need some water?" she asks biting her lip "I should have brought some with me" she added apologetically.

"I'll get some," Knox said hastily and disappeared while I inwardly celebrated.

Ha. Take that. I saw something slither into the gym and saw Dawn's eyes widen. "What was that?" she asked nervously.

I feigned ignorance. "What was what?" I asked trying not to grin.

I knew exactly what the creature was. It was a pest of a thing but completely harmless. Dawn however must have only seen it out of the corner of her eye. "I saw something," she said nervously "Something came running in. I think it was a rat" she whispered, moving closer to me and putting a trembling hand on my shoulder.

My eyes glinted. Knox came back and handed me water, handing one to Dawn as well politely. I unscrewed the lid and took a giant swig of water. I was thirsty. I was also sore but it felt like a pleasant soreness, that came from hard work rather than from a tired and achy body from being unable to sleep properly. I put the lid back on and gave a sigh of satisfaction.

"I'm glad to see you in the main house again," Knox said quietly while Dawn kept glancing around nervously "It's not the same without you here."

I stared at him. Dawn sensed the animosity that was in the air, my open hostility and tried valiantly to keep the atmosphere from getting too grim. "I think for his first session he's done really well" she beamed at Knox "his strength actually is quite surprising. I expected him to be a lot weaker and he's proved me wrong today."noveldrama

I had? All of a sudden I felt myself grinning at her. She was looking at me with her hair slightly mussed, her pale pink lips curved back in a smile.

"I enjoyed it," I said gruffly.

I had to be honest. Even though I couldn't do as many things, I felt a little lighter after doing those exercises. My chest was no longer as tight. "Well, then, we'll have to ensure that we come down regularly" Dawn began and then let out a loud scream as something flew towards her face, causing her to fall right into my lap literally, while I tried to keep myself from laughing out loud.

She clung to me. I heard Knox chuckling as I glared at him. Dawn continued to scream, batting furiously at her hands as Midnight scattered away and up Knox's arm, holding his prize in his hand. Dawn's wristwatch.

"Dawn, Dawn," I said, trying to forget I had a beautiful woman on my lap and finding it difficult as she wriggled on me, my hands clutching her tightly as she began to calm down "You're okay, it's just Knox's ferret Midnight" I explained, over Knox's laughter.

She blinked. I was amazed she hadn't tipped the wheelchair over, but if I were honest, I wasn't exactly complaining about having her in my arms right now. She felt like she belonged there. I could feel her pert little behind with my hand and fought the urge to rub it. I glared at a repentant-looking Knox as Dawn blinked and looked up. Midnight remained where he was while Knox deftly took the watch off of him.

"A ferret" she stammmered.

Damn, I could think of a hundred things I wanted to do to that woman right now and I was having trouble keeping those thoughts to myself as she continued to sit on me.

"His name's Midnight," Knox said sheepishly, handing a stunned Dawn the watch "he likes shiny things" he explained, rubbing the ferret's little weasly head as it nuzzled against him.

Dawn's hand was shaking. I calmly took the watch off her and put it on as she took deep breaths. Suddenly she realized where she was and began to struggle out of my grasp to my immense disappointment. Damn.

"I'm so sorry," she said blushing as she stood back up and moved away.

I wasn't. Hell, if she was going to do that every single time the furry creature came into view, I would gladly borrow him from Knox. I wisely kept that to myself though.

"Sorry," Knox apologized and Dawn gave a light little laugh.

"It's okay, um I didn't hurt you, did I?" she asked and I stared at her incredulously.

Was she kidding? There was no feasible way a woman as small as her could do something like that.

"Hurt me? You barely weigh anything. I just wish you had sat there longer" I blurted out without thinking and saw Dawn blush a bright red while Knox chuckled softly and ever so quietly began to make his way subtly out of the gym, leaving me alone with a woman who was too scared to look me in the eyes.

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