The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 86

Dawn POV

He was determined to feel sorry for himself. When he said it was the most humiliating experience of his life, some part of me lost it. He didn't know how lucky he was. I had worked for clients who were almost completely paralyzed, unable to move in their beds, unable to control their bodily functions. Others had feeding tubes in their noses because they couldn't swallow their food. I could feel my body vibrating with anger as I faced him, my anger getting the best of me. "Humiliating?" I said softly as he looked up at me with wide eyes "That is nothing compared to how bad you could have it. I've seen patients who crap their pants because they can't wheel themselves to the bathroom, others have to wear diapers. Some have to be moved every few hours in their beds so that they don't get bed sores and others have feeding tubes in their noses to give them the nutrition they need because they'll choke if they try to swallow food the normal way."

My voice is rising in anger "So what if you dropped a damn toothbrush and couldn't pick it up" I snapped "You might not have the use of your legs but you're able to wheel yourself around. You can shower. You can feed yourself. You can cook. You can eat proper food and even continue to enjoy the effects of alcohol. You can retain some of your independence. Not everyone is as lucky as you are and if you think not being able to pick up a toothbrush and me seeing you naked, constitutes as the most humiliating thing in your life, then you should consider yourself blessed" I hissed.

I stood back and dropped my hands, regarding him as he blinked and then swallowed hard. Damnit. My infamous temper had struck again. I waited for the shouting, the yelling, the declaration that I had been fired, but nothing came. He was speechless, an expression of humility appearing on his face.

"You're right," he said quietly, as my anger deflated as rapidly as it had begun "I shouldn't be complaining about my life so much."

I waved a hand "By all means complain" I said "b***h, moan, but realize that you could have it so much worse. I know that you're having a hard time, but this will get easier" I told him, moving back into the kitchen as his eyes watched me intensely "You just need to give it time."

"How much time?" he asked frowning "How much time does it take to accept that you're likely never going to be the same as you were before."

I looked over my shoulder as I opened the refrigerator "That depends on the person. There's no time limit. It comes when it comes" I shrugged, grabbing ingredients and setting them up, grabbing a frypan and quickly putting oil in it "but you'll be amazed at all the things you can still do."

He wheels himself to the dining table. This time I don't insist that he helps, sensing how tired he is. Instead, I make breakfast for both of us and sit down at the dining table, pushing a loaded plate of bacon, eggs, and toast at him. I've made coffee as well and he sips at that, looking a lot more cheerful as he consumes the caffeine.

"What's on the agenda for today?" he asks, his eyes on the table.

I frown. "Well, there's your physical therapy exercises for one. It's important we keep to those but is there anything you want to do? Anywhere you want to go?" I asked, "If you have a gym you could work out, even though it would be your upper body but it would be helpful in increasing your muscles and strength."

"We have a gym in the main house" lan mumbled, devouring a piece of toast as though he was starving "It's on the lower floor so I should be able to access it" he added thinking it over.

"Well, how about we do the exercises, and after you've had a nap," I said looking at him meaningfully "we go down to the gym and you can do some upper body workouts? You might need help getting from each machine."

He looked hesitant "I don't know. My brother might be in there and he tends to take up a lot of space," he said, looking away.

"So do you," I said nibbling on some toast as he stared at me stupefied "So what? You can avoid each other or work with each other. There's no reason the two of you can't be in the gym at the same time."

He sighs. "I guess not."

There's a story there, I'm willing to believe it. "Is there a reason you wouldn't want to see your brother?"

He bites his lip "Not really" he says unconvincingly.

"Hmmm," I mutter but decide to keep my silence. I've already overstepped my bounds this morning and need to keep my opinions to myself right now.

He viciously stabs his bacon and bites into it, chewing furiously. It looked like the subject of his brother was a sore one I noted. I sipped at my coffee and gave a sigh. I didn't have time to make one before work, because I'd overslept by accident and I relished the smooth taste of the caffeine as it hit my tastebuds. "You like coffee?"

It was the first time he had spoken to me outright. I smiled "I'm a coffee fiend" I admitted "I live on the stuff. Have since Faith was born."noveldrama

Show me a mother who didn't depend on coffee to survive having a newborn who didn't sleep well. I dare you. No such woman exists or if they do, they are made of some superpower. Ian gives a smile and I stare, taken in by the dazzlement of it. "Same here. Used to drink copious amounts while I was running the company" he said with a sigh.

"Well they do say that caffeine is bad for you, but seeing as you have the same vice as me, I'll make an exception" I teased and watched as his eyes began to sparkle.

God, he was gorgeous. I darted a quick look at my coffee mug, sure that I was blushing profusely. My heart was beginning to race and my hands were trembling as I clutched the mug in my hands. Thankfully lan Grant didn't notice.

"Why don't we do the physical therapy exercises in the gym" he suggested smoothly, cutting away at his food.

Surprised I stared at him. It made logical sense. If he was going to be exercising anyway, then he could theoretically do it all in one hit. But the nurse side of me was cautious, not wanting him to do too much at once.

"Do you think you'll be up for that?" I asked quietly "I don't want you to drain yourself."

"I'll have that nap," he said brusquely "if you're willing to let me do what I want today, within reason. I'm sure I can handle it."

"I'm not saying you can't. I just want you to be aware that you have certain..." I trailed off and then finished with a sigh "Limitations."

"I'm aware" he sneers.

Great. There went the mood again. This man was like Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde. Or was it alternate personalities? I played with my mug, trying not to be upset as he turned cold on me again.

"I'm finished" he scowls.

He had eaten everything, bar a few mouthfuls. That was a good sign, meaning his appetite hadn't been affected and that he had no trouble eating regular food. He scowled down at the table. "I'm going to sleep now," he said broodingly while I clutched my mug and inwardly sighed "Don't disturb me" he frowned and then wheeled himself backward, turning and then wheeling himself into his bedroom.

I watch silently as the bedroom door shuts behind him and the sound of a lock clicking turns into place. Maybe after he's had a sleep he'll be a bit more receptive to my suggestions or at least willing to do his physical therapy without protesting too much. A lot of clients or patients disliked physical therapy, not seeing the need for it because they were unable to move their limbs on their own, but it was important to keep their muscles from atrophying. I gathered up the dishes and began to wash them in the sink. The sound of soft snores could be heard from behind the door. I decided to make lunch up ready for after his exercise and moved around, doing just that, before sitting in the lounge room, waiting and keeping an eye on the clock. I expected lan to have a decent nap, about an hour or two and after two I knocked loudly on the door awakening him from his slumber.

"What" he groaned, and I fought back my grin, imagining him with disheveled hair and rumpled clothing.

Gods, is that what he looked like after s*x? Only with no clothes but the hair? I could feel my hands becoming clammy. "lan, you've been asleep long enough. It's time to get up now" I called out, keeping my voice optimistically cheerful. Silence. "You woke me up for that?"

I heard a huff and then the sound of a pillow hitting the door. Ah. Not the best at waking then. I tried the knob but it was locked. "lan" I kept my voice pleasant "please unlock the door so that we can go and do your exercises."

"I've changed my mind. I don't want to do them today. I just want to sleep."

His voice is dismissive.

My lower lip twitches. He wants to spend today sleeping? I take a deep breath. Fine. If he thinks that this is going to stop me, then he's in for a surprise. I head towards the handbag I've placed on the couch and begin to rifle through it. Ian Grant has no idea who he's messing with. I'm not some cowardly employee he can boss around when he feels like it. It was imperative that we do these exercises and sleeping all day would only result in depression and lack of energy. I withdrew what I needed, smiling at it ruefully. It was just a run-of-the-mill ordinary paperclip, but that was all I needed. Ian Grant was just about to learn that having money did not automatically give you permission to do whatever the hell you wanted without consequences. I was so filled with rage that I was tempted to kick down the door but knew I wasn't that strong. I could however, pick a lock, something I had failed to inform either Grant about. I guess lan was about to learn that I had many skills, some of which had nothing to do with nursing.

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