The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 88



Gods, what had I just done? I had thrown myself right at lan Grant and sat on his lap, like a woman of loose morals! The worst thing was, I liked it! I more than liked it! Up close I could see just how smoky his eyes were and the different hues of colors in his hair. I cleared my throat, trying to overcome my embarrassment and pretending not to hear what lan had just blurted out. I ran a shaky hand through my hair. "We should get going back to the flat," I said softly trying to avoid his gaze. He looked a tad bit disappointed. Had he hoped I would admit to something else or say something more? He glanced down at his hands and then shrugged "Guess so."

His tone was flat, not giving away any of his true feelings.

He was pensive as we made it back to the flat. I expected him to become withdrawn but he surprised me by helping to serve up lunch in the kitchen, despite how tired he must have been.

"How old is your daughter?" he asked me unexpectedly, as I nibbled on a sandwich, taking me off guard by the question. "Faith is almost four," I said with a smile curving on my lips.

He nodded and then frowned "What about her father if you don't mind me asking?"

I tensed. While it wasn't any of lan Grant's business, this was the first time he had shown an interest in talking to me about personal matters and I sensed it I opened up with him, he might be willing to open up with me in return. "Dexter is one of those come-and-go fatherly types," I said without rancor "he's been in and out of her life since she's been born."

He looks genuinely upset about that. I wonder why. "That can't be easy," he says slowly, fixing his eyes on me.

I shrug nonchalantly "It's not but I do what I can for her and for me. It's better that I learn not to depend on someone who is unreliable because it only ends in tears. So far Faith hasn't suffered for it. She's happy that it's just her and me and of course her grandmother" I said with a slight giggle "My mother adores Faith and helps out when she can."

"Don't you want Faith's father to have to pay child support? To have a responsibility to the daughter he helped create?" lan's voice is slightly steely.

This time I look him directly in the eyes "Considering that more than half the time he's unemployed, it would be futile trying to get him to pay and a waste of my time chasing him for it."

He frowns and takes a sip of his drink, more relaxed and at ease, even if he's a bit sweaty from his session in the gym.

"What about you lan?" I ask deliberately, making him raise a brow "Have you ever considered maybe having a family of your own? Your brother seems nice."

He looks disgruntled "Knox is nice and he's going to have a son soon but having children is not for me," he says bluntly. Oh really, I muse, I wonder why that is. "Why?" I can't help it, I blurt the words out.

Instead of getting angry, he merely gestures towards himself with a resignation that makes my heart break slightly "Well for one, what kind of woman wants a man in this condition? To spend her life looking after him when he should be the one providing for her? The man is the one who is meant to be the strong one in the family unit."

"Not true. A woman will love a man for who he is, not for what he can do for her."

My tone is vehement and filled with passion.

His lip twitches "You're a romantic."

It's said casually. I try not to flinch. What's wrong with being romantic? Was it wrong to believe in love and the happily ever after?

"What's wrong with being romantic?"

"Nothing, except it makes you easily gullible," he says calmly.

"You're not romantic then? Not even a little?" I press.

For a moment he's silent, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Once, I might have been, but I've since learned that's a mistake. Getting attached to someone, or close, is a dangerous thing to do when you're in my kind of position." "Something happened to you. Something besides the shooting, didn't it?" I asked but he flattened his lips and refused to


I sighed. So close and yet, at the same time, perhaps it was best he only revealed parts of himself in short bursts. I didn't want him to regret what little progress we had made toward each other. "Tomorrow I think we should go out," I said, half lowering my eyelids and watching him closely to see how he would react to this news.

Immediately a look of panic came over him. "Go out? I can't" he said dismissively.

"lan, you can't spend the rest of your days confined to this house and your mansion. You need fresh air, the outdoors, to spend time surrounded by people. I understand you might be hesitant but..." "But what? Let me make this clear. I am not going out. You can forget about that right now" he growls.

"I could just push you out the gate and keep walking" I pointed out, causing him to gape at me "There would be nothing you could do about it. Or you could think about somewhere you might be comfortable going."

He grits his teeth "Listen you stubborn, frustrating woman" he began as I smiled widely at him "I'm the client and you're supposed to listen to me."Enjoy this chapter for free and stay updated with the latest version on J Obn ib.c om. Don't miss out, visit it now. He's

so cute when he's angry, I think too myself, raking my gaze over him and seeing how flushed his cheeks are. My fingers are twitching as I think about running my fingers through his hair. He senses I'm distracted and begins to wave a hand in front of my face as I blink at him.

"Hello" he barks "I'm talking to you here. Are you even listening to me" he demands.

"Not really," I said, standing up and beginning to clear plates "I was too busy looking at how cute you are."

s**t. Had I just spoken that out loud? I glanced over my shoulder and saw that lan had gone slack-jawed. Damnit. I had. He was struggling to speak now while I continued to put dishes into the sink.

"Trying to butter me up" he barked and I heaved a massive sigh of relief "well it's not going to work. I'm staying here tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes "For a man you're very dramatic" I said, filling the sink with water as he spluttered behind me "have you always been this way?"

Silence. I begin to wash the dishes. I sense anger emanating from behind me and fight back the urge to chuckle at him. I hear him mutter under his breath in frustration. I finish up and put the dishtowel over the dishes, leaving them to dry, empty the sink and then turn back around.

I saunter over to lan, a small smile on my lips as he gives a growl of exasperation. "A trip will do you some good," I say coaxingly, as he clenches his jaw, "aren't you bored here, lan?" I asked, licking my lips as he stared at me "Don't you want to go and have some fun?"

"I think your idea of fun and mine might constitute two different things" his voice sounded strangled now.noveldrama

"Or we could invite some friends over for lunch if you preferred" I offered, bending over so that both my arms were on the armrests of his wheelchair and my head was bent over to stare challengingly into his eyes.

I was blatantly unaware of how much cleavage I was showing as he sat there, avoiding my gaze. "No" he said, as I waited "I don't want to invite anyone to lunch." "Are you sure?" I breathed.

His hands trembled "I'm sure" he choked, as I let go of the armrests and stepped back "Confound it woman, I just want to be left here in peace" he snapped.

"You need a shower" I changed the subject again and had him blinking at me bewildered "Should we organize that?"

He groaned "You're so frustrating. It's like I can't read what you're thinking or what you're about to do. We haven't finished discussing one subject before you leap to the next."

"Oh so you do want to go out tomorrow," I said smugly.

"Yes, no oh I don't know," lan said helplessly "I want to go out but I'm afraid to at the same time."

"Why?" I asked confused.

"I'm afraid I'll do something to embarrass myself in public and I don't want people to pity me."

I gestured towards him "Why don't you have an electric wheelchair while we're on the subject? It would make getting around easier for you."

He bites his lip "I didn't see the point since I wasn't planning on leaving the house. I thought this would build my strength up quicker."

"It does, but it also tires you out a lot faster," I said sighing "I'll talk to your father about getting a motorized one you can use to take out on outings."

"Don't bother. I'll have one by the time you're here tomorrow" he said nonchalantly.

Must be nice to be that wealthy, I thought slightly amused, to be able to get what you wanted at the single press of a fingertip.

"Well, you're not going to embarrass yourself. I'm going to be with you and I won't let that happen. People might pity you but that's their problem lan" I said quietly as he turned his head to the side, listening intently "Not yours. You should be proud of what you have accomplished and you shouldn't hide yourself away. You're still the same lan" I told him sincerely "You're still the CEO of the company, the only one that can't see that right now is you, but I'm going to get you to see you're that man again" I promised, "even if it takes me months to do it."

A wistful smile appears on his lips. "I hope so," he said quietly.

"I know so" I corrected him "Now about that shower."

He sighs but motions towards the bathroom. At least now he isn't fighting me. The bleak look in his eyes from the first day is gone, but I know better than anyone how soon that can come back. This man was going to recover and get his life back on track, no matter how hard I had to work in order to get him to do it. I had a feeling though, that lan was not the sort of man to give up hope, no matter how small or minute it was.

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