The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Book 2 Chapter 11.

Rebel POV.

I walk to the head of the table. I run my fingers over the wood. I smile slightly. I used to run around this table when I was little, with pop-pop chasing behind me pretending to be the tickle monster. I smile at the memory.

I reach the president's chair and wait for everyone to enter the room. Alessa, Dante, Dylan, Blaze, Ice, Ripper, my dad, my mom, Uncles Nate, and Nico, the members, and the crotch goblins.

I look at the two brats and sneer at them.

"Are you two even members yet?" I ask, looking at them, and RJ steps forward with a snarl on his face. I just watch him. He approaches the table and places his hands on top of it. Watching me, waiting for me to make a move. Yeah, I'm being petty, but who cares because I don't. This is a show of power and I have it. He doesn't.

"Rebel, please. They were our grandparents, too." I just look at him when a bloody faced Luna steps up to her brother's side. Her eye is turning a beautiful shade of purple, her nose is broken, a cut to her cheek and her hair is all over the place.

"Are you both members? Do either of you wear a patch? I don't see one." I make a face as RJ clenches his fists.

"No, then. You aren't members, so there's the door. Make sure you close it after you leave." I say to them both and they are both upset, but I don't care. I give a smug smile. Karma is a bitch, but she ain't got shit on me. I'm the one she sends when shit needs doing.noveldrama

"You don't have a patch either, you aren't a member. You should leave!" He spits and I smile at him before I chuckle.

"The firstborn has automatic right. Besides, I do have a patch. I'm a member of the Mother's Revenge, so I outrank you both in every way. Also, I have just been voted in as your president. Not you, not him. Me! Leave now. This doesn't concern you RJ. Oh and take the come bucket with you." I say, looking at Luna. And she winces and I smirk at her. I know I can't talk but I don't hide it, she however, has been linked with many young president of other clubs. Something that daddy doesn't know. Opps looks like I will let that slip.

I have kept tabs on them. You know, know your enemy.

"Rebel, she is your sister, and he is your brother. We are family." My sperm donor states and I laugh.

"She is a glorified club whore, not here but within other clubs, and him, please he maybe your chosen heir, but he couldn't catch a fucking cold let alone the title of president. As for family." I make air quotes as I look at him. "You forgot about me a long time ago. The people who I consider family are there and lying dead in the clinic. So you Savage can go and fuck yourself. The only reason I am allowing you in on this meeting is because you are a member. Your crotch goblins are not. So they leave or I banish them. It's that simple." I say, staring him down.

He looks devastated, good he did this, not me. So fuck him and his feelings. He nods his head as he hangs his head. He takes the two of them out of the room and shuts the door as he comes to stand by my mom. The mighty Ryder Savage Jackson, pah, nothing mighty about him. He is weak, and he knows it.

"Right to business. Please take your seats." I sit down. Blaze and Dylan to my right. Alessa, Dante, Ice, and Ripper to my left. The rest take seats where they


"Rebel, can you explain what you meant before? I apologise for the way your sister acted. You are my daughter and you do matter." I roll my eyes and raise my hand to stop this fake sickening display from her.

"Enough, it's gross. When you killed uncle Gianni, he didn't tell you everything. He was working with someone else to take down the Moretti family." I say to her and watch her face and she listens.

"This man has taken out hits on Rebel and Don Dante. Allegations were made about Dante, which I disproved. So I sent Rebel to protect him. Her contract went live last night after she was seen with him. The man Rebel shot five years ago. His father works for the man who is responsible for both contracts. He was also involved with Gianni," Alessa tells them. I just sit back and listen. I can't be bothered to explain it all, so she can.

"What is the name of the man involved?" My dad asks and I look at him, before I look at mom.

"Alonso Ricci. His dogs are the Smyth family. The man I shot was Billy Smyth, Paddy's son." My mom looks at me in shock, but I hold her gaze as a tear falls from her eyes. Now she gets it.

"This is because of me. They are targeting my daughter because of what I did to Foxy and Gianni." I look away as I look at my uncles and they are both silently raging as they both look at me.

"No, it's because of us. The past is now going after her." my dad takes her hand and they both look at me. I don't think I could ever forgive them for any of this. They have fucked up my life in more ways than one. Yes, they had good intentions when they went after them, but still, I was cast aside when something new and shiny came along.

"Your past has always come after me. You two were just too blind to see it. You both opened that door and allowed them to step through it. What did you think would happen? That everything would be fine when you got rid of the problem? No, you made it worse. You didn't cut the head off the snake. Now it falls to me to do." I say to them and they look down. I know this must be hard for them, but fuck them. They don't deserve my sympathy or compassion. They never gave me any.

"Rebel, for what it's worth, we are so fucking sorry. We treated you wrongly. We didn't realise until it was too late." I just ignore him. I know I'm being petty, but there is too much pain that a simple sorry will not fix. I'm not a little girl anymore. I have survived on my own for a long time, so I should thank them, but I won't.

"The Smyths have been a thorn in the MC's side for the past ten years. They are trying to push us and the Moretti products from the streets. We need to attack the Smyths. That way, we regain control of the town. But we do this silently, leave the Ricci family to us." I look at Dante and he nods his head and gives me a sly wink. Idiot.

"What will Dante do in all this?" Blaze asks and I look at Dante and then at Blaze.

"He controls the Fanucci family. He is in the same business as Ricci, so we need them to think we are none the wiser. We were seen together in his club, as Alessa has said. I killed two people last night that were after him. One in his club, the other in his penthouse. I'm sure you all saw the display, their claim." I say with a small smile on my lips and they nod their heads. I look at Dylan and he smirks at me before he looks at Dante. Wait, what?

"Dante and I are in a relationship. So, of course, I am going to protect him, the same way he is trying to protect me, but we all know I don't need it." I say with a chuckle and the members all smile and chuckle too. They know I have been looking after myself for a long time.

"But Scythe, he kissed you, too. So your relationship can't be that stable." One of the members says. He has a point. I look at Dylan when Dante speaks up.

"We are in a polyamory relationship. She couldn't choose and so we agreed for all three of us to be together. I know that may seem strange to you all, but love is love." He shrugs and I look at Dylan and then at Dante. He winks at me. What the fuck is he doing? I look back at Dylan and he looks tense.

"It's a bout fucking time. Jesus Scythe, we were all wondering when you would come out. Happy for you, brother," Hound says and the rest of the members smile. Wait, they all knew and they are ok with it? Well, fuck me sideways. The club has moved with the times it would seem.

"Ok, now that has been sorted. We need a plan to get the Smyths off our streets, but it has to be done quietly. We can't go in to this at full tilt. We need to be strategic." I say and they all mumble an agreement.

"The next shipment is due in three days. As usual, the MC will run the product and guns. We will keep eyes on them. As for the Ricci family, Alonso has been trying to set up a meet with me about expanding on to my territory. I will agree to it, as for you Rebel. You need to be seen with your boyfriends in public. They see you as arrogant, untouchable. Keep it up, but watch your six. Dante, I will collaborate with you. Together, the Moretti and Fanucci's will join forces to take them out. The Mother's Revenge will do whatever it is you do." Uncle Nate speaks and I look at Alessa and she smirks at me.

"The DeNucci's will join our forces with you both. As well as the Cartel. Four mafia families against one will make this happen quicker." My mom speaks and I nod in agreement.

"Well then, the MC will join forces with the Mother's Revenge and the Bratva. We will eliminate any and all potential threats from the free-for-all contracts." Alessa says and I look at her and she smiles at me.

"I should have done that before I sent you in. That is why I'm here. I found out who it was and knew this wouldn't end unless I pulled our team and family together. The more hands, the better. It will keep you both alive, and it will also help keep you three focused on staying alive without having to fight the world alone." She says, giving my hand a squeeze.

"But why?" I ask her. This all started because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. She smiles at me.

"You are family, and that is what family does. We protect our own. You were always family to me, Rebel, from when I first met you when you were nearly three years old. I put you on this path because I could see it in you. What I see in all my girls. The need to be recognised, the need to be loved, but most importantly, the need for revenge." She isn't wrong. The Mother's Revenge takes in all the wraiths and strays and gives them a purpose, a home, and a family. They took me in and made me who I am now. For that, I will always be in her debt.

"We have a plan, mom, Dad. Can you stay behind, please? The rest of you, dismissed." I bang the gavel down, calling an end to the meeting. I watch as everyone leaves the room. Dylan kisses me, and so does Dante. I give him a look, and he just smirks at me. I will be speaking to him later on. Sly fucker.

Now to sit down and do something I haven't done since I was ten. Speak to my parents.

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