The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Book 2 Chapter 10.

Rebel POV.

As soon as the words left my mom's throat, I was up and running to grab my

helmet and out in the lift to get to my bike to get to the compound. I needed to see that she was lying to me, that they were ok. No way in hell were my nanna and pop-pop dead. It wasn't fucking possible. Right, right?

I make it to the parking garage and run to my bike; I turn it on before I even climb on and I'm out of there heading to the Clubhouse compound. She is lying; she is lying. Is all I kept thinking as I dodged through traffic and riding at speed to get to them.

But my heart is telling me something different, my vision blurs with the unshed tears. My gut twists and I know she isn't lying. She wouldn't pull something this sick just to get me back there to them. She wouldn't dare. It would be too fucking cruel, but it would mean her death would come quicker.

I pull into the compound and dismount, unaware that I was being followed. I climb off, rip the helmet from my head and throw it as I run towards the steps, running past Dylan as I go. My head was in one space and one space only, to find out the truth. I burst through the doors of the clubhouse and stop dead in my tracks.

A strangled sob leaves my throat as I see the looks of pity on everyone's faces.

"Rebel," I ignore the voices that are calling to me as I make my way towards the clinic that is in the back. When I'm stopped.

"Move, I need to see them." I say, looking at Ice, but he looks at me with so much pain in his eyes. I shove past him and run to the clinic. I stop in the doorway as I look at the two beds. Two bodies covered in white sheets.

"Rebel, I ..." I hold my hand up as I walk towards the bed. My hands shaking as I reach for the top of the sheet and slowly and gently pull it back.

Tears stream down my face as I take in her face. My nanna. I reach for her face and sob as I hug her head to my chest. My hand fisting in her blonde hair.

“Nanna, nanna, no, wake up." I say even though I know she is gone, the little girl inside of me screaming for her nanna and pop-pop. I won't admit that they are dead. No. I kiss her head and look at the other bed. I move slowly and repeat the process. Doc is just watching on silently.

"Pop-pop." I touch his face, his grey beard that is braided, and his long grey hair. I kiss his head and make a solemn, silent vow. I will get the ones who did this. They will die by my hand and anyone who gets in my way.

I cover them back up and leave the room. Only to be confronted by the club. I don't wipe my tears as I make my way through.

"Rebel." I look at her, my mom. I have no love for her, and she knows it. The same as she has no love for me.

"What happened?" my voice is low, dangerous, void of emotion. A telltale sign that shit is about to get ugly.

"We came under attack, and they were dumped. Thrown from the SUV." She says when I step up towards her, when I'm grabbed and held back. I lose it as I lash out, trying to get her to tell me what she knows. But this is a fucking message. A huge fuck up on her and my part.

I'm screaming like a banshee trying to get to her. She is much to blame for this, as I am. If not more!

In my head I need to get to her, to eliminate her, the twisted part of me wanting to see her fucking suffer. Like I have. When I'm stopped and lips slam against mine. My mind stops for a second, only to be flooded with warmth and pleasure. God above. I kiss him back, knowing who it is. Dante, he followed me here. He must have known I would need him.

When he breaks the kiss, I'm in a daze when I'm kissed by someone else. Holy shit, what is going on? I don't know, but I kiss this person back too. Again, I feel warmth and pleasure. But I know it isn't Dante. Holy fuck, it's Dylan.

When we break apart, he pulls me in to a hug. I don't really hear what he is saying. I just sob into his chest. I only pull away when I hear my dad's booming, angry voice as I turn to face him.

"I know who it was, it was a message for me ..." but I didn't get to finish when Luna attacks me. Oh fucking great, she wants to go, ok plastic barbie let's fucking go!

We fight. She isn't very good, sloppy, weak. So I over power her easily. I was always a fighter, even when I was little. I would scrap to get what I wanted, not have it handed to me on a fucking silver platter. Words are exchanged, but then she blames me. Oh no, not today, miss lady.noveldrama

I pull my gun and press it against her forehead. Her eyes are wide and she now realises she fucked up. I now have her life in my very capable hands, and she knows it.

I shove her to the ground and she tries to get away; I find it amusing as she shuffles back on her ass. Never run from a predator. We love the chase.

"Rebel, stand down." I ignore the voice as I take another step. The room is dead silent. One wrong move and I will blow her fucking head off.

"Stand down Rebel, that's an order!"

“No.” I raise the gun, take the safety off just as someone steps in front of it. My finger on the trigger one squeeze is all it will take and the bitch and the bastard who caused my life to be like this would be dead. I would be free.

When a bang sounds and I blink out of my head and see Alessa standing pointing her gun at the ceiling. She is looking at me not with rage, or pity, but with understanding. She takes my gun from my hand and I feel myself fall. Strong arms catch me before I hit the ground, tears blurring my vision. I look at my mom.

"This is your fault as much as it is mine." I say to her, and she looks at me with confusion and sorrow on her face.

"Don't talk to your mom like that." I look at him, the sperm donor, and chuckle. "Why, it's the truth. She killed him before learning the fucking facts."

"Rebel, not here." I look at Alessa, and she knows what I was about to say. She knows the truth, no doubt thanks to Candy. That is the only reason she is here.

"Who did I kill Rebel? Tell me?" my mom tries to move to me and my dad lets her go. She stops in front of me and I look at her.

"Uncle Gianni, he wasn't working alone. Before your cunt of a daughter attacked me, I was trying to tell you. But as usual, you all took my words wrong. When are you ever going to be on my side for once? Just fucking once!" I snap, I shove whoever has hold of me off me. I stand and stagger to my feet.

I look down at my mom and dad before I look around the clubhouse at every member here. I look at Alessa and she smirks at me with one nod of my head. I make the biggest fucking declaration in the history of this family. For nanna and pop-pop.

"Your president and his family are not fit to lead you in this battle. But I am. All in favour for me to take my place as the rightful president, say aye!" I look at my parents then to the crotch goblins and they are all shocked but I don't look away from them as the first aye rings through the room, then the next, soon enough all the members are voting in my favour.

I look at Blaze and Scythe. They both look at me. Scythe shouts aye and I look at Blaze, he looks from me to my dad and back at me.

"It was your rightful title, the firstborn, the heir. I'm sorry brother, but your judgement has been blinded by your actions. Rebel, we have watched you grow, brought you up alongside Hatchet, Deanna, and Scar. They would have wanted this, they would have approved. So, aye, you have my vote."

"The Mother's Revenge will stand behind you as we always have." Alessa says as she stands at my side. Dante stands and comes to the other side of me. I look at him and he nods his head.

"The Fanucci family, vow to stand at your side to eliminate the threat to me, you and your family and club." The club members mumble at his declaration. Not knowing what he means by this. But they will.

They will know soon enough about

what is happening here. I would never had done this if my so-called family didn't jump to conclusions like they always do. If they had just had some faith in me, had my back, then this wouldn't have happened. This is on them whether they want téadmit it or not. The final straw that broke the camel's back. I'm sick of being the bad one. The black sheep, the fuck up. No more.

"The Moretti's will stand behind you."

I turn my head and see my uncles walking into the clubhouse. Uncle Nate and Nico both look at me. I'm shocked. Uncle Nate nods his head at me fight the tears back. Over the years, he and uncle Nico have both been in contact with me. After all, I have done jobs for them.

"So will the Cartel." Uncle Nico says, and I fight the emotions that are building inside of me. I just give them a head nod as I turn to look at my family. "When this is over, I will hand back the title. Then I will slip away from your lives

like I never existed, just like always." I turn on my heel and walk towards the conference room.

"CHURCH!" I shout as I enter the room. Ok, I can do this. This wasn't in the plan, but I can make it work. I have to.

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