Bedmates Soulmates


'I'm not tabang about last night I meant the ties you met hin at the hospital"

"Kai towed me his photos, Austen sald calmly. He told me about you and cadron."

Het downcast eyes hid hei diuppeltement.

Auryn warned to say something but heldback,

He slebed the car which the light changed

Ove Anach And They'll Take A Miei

"Tara something

'If the gives you trouble again, don't put up with it. Give her hell"

"Don't worry. She won't dare do anything to them. You have me."

Hrastared at hin

Austyn's expression was as impassive as ever.

'Nonates what happens, you'll always have me. No one can hurt you or the kids ever again." Kira's pulse picked up.

It had been a long time since anyone told her she didn't have to face everything alone

Her heart swelled with a warm feeling that was maldinger blush

But it soon faded when she glimpsed the ring on his finger.

Justyn was promising to take care of has and the kids, but he was still engaged to someone e

From her perspective, Austyn was her legally wedded wesband

But from his viewpoint, Gwen was his fiancée,

Which meant Kia was the other won

Kira pursed her Ups

The warm feeling was gone ou

She pointed to an intersection ahead. You can just drop me off there. My office is tight and the cor

The car rolled to a stop

Kirage out without another word

Frowning, Austyn watched her disappear into an office building

Ha'd detected her sudden change mood hot there had been no time to ask her why.

He tapped a finger on the sterling wheels in thought.

Kira was ten minutes late when she clocked in

'Good morning," Rony grated her with a mug of hot coffee.

Kira didn't take the coffee. "Bony, are you working for Gideon"

Barry's mouth hang open

He almost dropped the mug in his hand

He stood rooted to the spot, looking flustered 'T, ah..'

Kira had settled into her workstation

She was waiting for her computer to boot up

Bony pulped

He set down the mug on her desk gingerly and asked nervously, "How how did you know

Kira studied her assheant

Gideon was always the first to appear whenever the or the lads an into trouble, like when she got stuck at work and couldn't pick up the kids on time, or when Jenna ran a fever and she was away on a business trip. deon was there to take care of things.

Kira didn't think much of it at the time.

She was graceful to him

But now she realised that Gideon must have been ripped off by someone close to her

An Uneasy Father-son Relationship

'You answered my phone without my permission the other day." Kita said coolly. And you didn't pass me the message

Kia had quite a scare when she rushed to the kindergarten only to be sold that the kids had left with someone else.

She went berserk and slapped Austyn for not informing her earlier.

But it named out to be a misunderstanding, one that was engineered by Hory-at Gideon's instruction, no doubt

hony stared at the floor, looking contribe.

And there was the time Gideon came straight to the hospital after returning from a business trip I didn't tell him where I was so, how did he know?


The assistant shuffled his fort, unable to meet Kira's eyes.

re more than just colleagues. We are friends, share everything with you. How could you do this to me?

"Rony, we've been working together for two and a half years. I thought we were more than

Rony hung his head "I'm sorry."

He had no qualifications in journalism and only got the job because of Mr Garner.

His task was simple-leep an eye on Kata and report to Gideon if she ran into any problems.

was only trying to help. I didn't do anything bad, I swear. I was just —

That's mough." Kira put up a hand to stop him. I don't care about what you did in the past. But you and I are no longer friends

She turned back to her computer "Toned to get to work!

Rony wanted to say something

Kira pointed to the mug on her desk. Take your collar with you."

The avant left quietly.

Lionel knocked once before entering the conference r

Liam was declined in a leather swivel chair, listening to the report from the Sales Department

He had a faraway look in his eyes as if we was daydreaming, but he pointed out the mistakes i (manager's presentation without looking at the slides. Powell, the manager, was sweating by the time be timmbed He heaved a secret sigh of relief when the president finally allowed him to down

Liam's browse furrowed deeply. "Algo snatched out contracts again?"

Powell swallowed "They undercut out price by at least twenty per cent. We lost two major retail clients to them in the last month.

Liam drummed his fingers on the desk, ooling pensive.

Gideon Carer founded Alps.

In just a little under four years, he'd scaled up the company from a one-man operation into a docce to be reckoned with in the retail sector.

Of course, he had the financial backing of the Garners' family business back in ulama.

Which was something Liam couldn't understand-Gideon's home base was Ouchlan; what was he doing in Stamford?

It wasn't the first time Algo poached the M Group's customers

Gideon had to be doing this deliberately,

Lian's phone vibrated.

He picked it up and glanced at the arreen

Charles texted him.

The cant had just pickedup Aiden from school.

Charles asked if he should bring Aiden here to have lunch with Liam

Lim eyed his schedule on a tablet and beritated

He wanted to spend time with the boy, but he wasn't sure if Alden was up for it.

Four years ago, he was astonished beyond words when Deborah came to him with a DNA report.

Aiden was his son, not Austyn's.

Liam didn't believe it at fa

Hedd his own DNA test, three times.

But the results came back the ume each time.

Aden was his dash and blood

After the initial shodwore off, Liam had a long, hard think

He was so preoccupied with this matter, he didn't have times help look for Austyn, who'd gone missing.

A week later, he had a talk with Deborah

Right off the bat, he told her that they would not get married.

He didn't love her and had zero feelings for her.

Deborah took the blow well

Lamodfered her two optio

One-They would share rustody of Alden, and Liam would pay her a monthly stipend.

Ties - Liam would take sale custody of Alden and he would offer Deborah a one-off payment of five million dollars. Deborah spent a day thinking over this.

An Uneasy Father-son Relationship

Shock Option Co.

Liam wasn't surprised.

He could tell that Deborah loved Alden, but perhaps not as much as she loved herself.

She was still young and could find someone else to start a family.

Deborah told Alden that Liam was his father.

She brought Alden to Liam's house and disappeared a day after she took the cheque

Liam and Alden lived under the same roof.

They hadan uneasy start in their father son relationship.

Alden was now Alden Cane.noveldrama

Liam wanted to give his son the best life he could afford but he wasn't sure how to go about doing it

He sent Alden to the most exclusive private school in Stamford, filled the boy's room with toys and gadgets kids his age supposedly loved, and hired a full-time nanny and a housekeeper. But Miden kept his distance.

He was now ben years old and had never called Liam 'Dad'

When he wasn't at school, he spent most of his time locked up inside his room.

Liam tried to draw him out of his shell, but all his methods failed

Thinking that Alden was missing his mother, Liamuwached out to Deborah, but she had left Stamford and changed her phone number.

It was like she just dropped off the face of the earth

Liam stopped picking up and women at the bar and taking them home.

He attempted to give Aiden a better childhood than the one he had, but the boy was growing up so fast

Aden was almost a teenager tow

Sometimes, Lamended Kira for her ability to take care of two kids

She was struggling to make ends meet, but she showered the twins with love and attention.

A Brotherly Alliance

Liam had been to her apartment once.

It was a hovel compared to his house, but the twins were unmistakably happy.

Liam was tempted to ask Kita to marry him, just so that iden would have a caring mother.

Dat he knew Kira would never agree to it

Nor would Alden.

Lamread the mesuge again.

Alden would probably prefer spending time on his own than with Liam.

He texted Charles codrive Alden home..

Lioral walled till the president looked up. "What?"

The secretary bent down to whisper in his ear. There's a Mr McCarthy waiting to see you"

"McCarthy?' Lam's brows shot up.

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