Bedmates Soulmates


Standing Up For Her

Austyn's appearance caused quite a stir.

He was tall, well-built, well-dressed, and carried himself with a confident, almost aristocratic air Parents and beaches alike kept glancing at him susceptitiously, whispering among themselves.

The other kick in class poked at him openly

The similarities in Austyn's and the twins' deatures were plain for all to see.

It was easy to conclude that he was their father.

said goodbye to the twins, oblivious to the attention Austyn was drawing

Austyn noted, but paid it no heed

On their way out, they ran into another parent who was running late

Taubert was an inveterate gossip.

She was the one who started the rumour about Kira being a kept woman, partly out of serenge and partly out of jealousy.

Sering Kira standing next to such a fine-kicking man, Taracoled her lips into a disdainful smile..

'Miss Hewill, I see you've found yourself another man. I'm happy for your kids. At long last, they'll have someone to teach them some manners." Kira powl.

She was about tony smitting but dustyn beat her to it. "Who is this?""

Kira stood en tiptoe and whispered in his ear. Tara Gilbert, Joshua had a fight with her son once. The boy left in beam'

Tara beard her and couldn't want delivering another jibe "Your boy started it. He bullied my son. I could have sued you if the principal had not intervened."

She clicked her tongue and eyed Kira up and down. "You should really teach your kids how to behave. You know what they say-space the rod and spoil the child. Once a bully, always a bully. 1 concerned he's going to grow up to be a criminal "Iraker two co tango, Austyn shat back.

He didn't raise his voice, but cold glance from him was enough to senda shiver down the man's spine...

Tarastepped back

Austyn kept up his intimidating place. I know my kid well. They are not the type to pick a fight without a valid reason. Would you care to enlighten me on what your son did to Jeshua?"

Tara's eyes darted around, evasive:

"My wifi perous enough to drop the matter, but I'm not

Austyn harmed towards Miss Cooper. The camp is covered by security cameras. There are teachers inside the classroom and security guards at the main entrance. I'm sure there are wite to what happened that day!

"Uh, I'm We, ah Miss Cooper struggled to come up with a reply, awed by Austyn's

Ka stared at hini, stunned.

She had been taking care of the kids by herself for three years.

Being a single parent was challenging.

Kira kept a low profile and tried to avoid conflicts whenever possible.

When Joshua and Tara's son had a fight, Kira didn't want to make a big deal out of it and accepted the principal's mediation

But Taca refusedlerigoso radynoveldrama

She never missed an opportunity to have a dig at Kira whenever they ran into each other at the school.

Kira ignored ber most of the time.

She was about to do the same thing this time, but she didn't expect Austyn would stand up for her.

Kira looked at Justyn's stern prodi

His impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance pave little away.

The morning air was a little nippy, but she felt incredibly warm inside.

Tara was so used to Kira's silent acquiescence, she was thrown by Auslya's tough tance.

She jutted out her chin. 'You know your son well, but I know mine better. He would never initiate a light. It was your boy who started!!

She pointed a finger at Kira's nose and said to Austyn, 'Mister, I don't know what she told you, but you must be teful. Don't be fooled by het innocent, wide-eyed ingênuo act. She's manipulative and deceitful If the Bedto you about this, maybe the led to you about something else. Who knows, maybe the kids aren't even really yours. Is that you get a "Shut up!' Kira yelled

Shed Tara's finger away and glowered at the woman. 'Don't you dare injury kid!

Tarajumped air'den outb

Kia had always been so merk

This authe first time the raised her voice at Tara, who was nonplussed.

Justyn walked up and stood next to Kira, their shoulders almost touching.

Heard his dark, menacing ejes on Tara.

'Miss Cooper, please get the CCTV footage from the day of the fight. His wore w

The teacher wrung her hands

„The situation was getting out of hand.

She was there that day when Joshua and Tarafa boy had a tight.

was glacial. "And summon the witnesses present back then. We'll get to the bottom of this right here, right Standing Up For Her

She knew the truth, of cours

It happened during recess.

Tara's son shoved denne on the playground.

Jesusood up for his sister and pushed the boy.

Three-war-olds got into fights all the time

was not that big of a deal

But Tara kicked up a foss

She brought her husband to the school and insisted that Joshua apologise.

The schooled to defuse the situation

The principal talked to Kira, who apologised on Joshua's behalf.

But Tara's son we apologised to fee for pushing her.

Mia Cooper had put the whole thing behind her, but she didn't expect Kira's husband to bring it up again

The principal was going to dock her pay if she couldn't handle such a simple matter.

The teacher tossed a meaningful glance at Tara Mrs Gibert, you know exactly what happened that day. Miss Hewitt has kindly agreed to no longer pursue the matter. Perhaps it's best to just let bygones be bygones! Tara's face turned scarlet with emberrasment.

Miss Cooper pre-empted her objection. "We still have the video from that day. And plenty of kids remember what happened. Are you sure you want us to dredge up the matter again?"

The Inch And They Take A Mile

Give An Inch And They'll Take A Mile

Miss Cooper turned to Austyn with a placatory smile. Sir, is it really necessary to dig up the past? It's just a small matter between the kids. They have moved on Perhaps we the adults should aswell'

Tara was comping her feet, getting hot under the collar

Justyn, irked by her attitude, not about topild

Kira saw that he was getting furious.

The conflict would only escalate further if they stayed here.

She and in the teacher, "We'll agree to drop the matter if Mrs Gibert does."

Then she grabbed Austyn's hand and dragged him out of the school

He was still nothing long after they left campus.

Why do you allow that woman to bully you?' he domanded.

'ta deg bites you, do you bite back?" Kira shrugged. "There are important things to do than argue with a housewife

Austyn pursed his lips. 'If you give an inch, they'll take a mille and then some more. They're not going to back down. They'll only get worse,"

'Don't you think that Kira shot back.

Then she took a deep breath and said nothing more.

They got the car.

Austyn drove in silence.

Kira was in the front passenger seat.

She kept here out the window.

Eventually, the said in a low vol, I know thouldn't back down so easily, but I couldn't afford to take the risk. I'd rather that she pick on me than on my kids. If I argue with her and get th upper hand, who's to say she won't take it out en Joshua and Jennie? What if she tells her son tabully my kids at school? I can't be with them twenty-four hours a day, What if something happens to them and can't be there in time?

Her volte cougla

'don't want them to get hurt."

Kira blinked away the rears in her eyes.

Austyn gripped the sterng whsel

He wain't read at her, he was mad at himself.

Kira must have been through an euch in the past four yours

The confrontation with Tata rather was just the tip of the losberg.

Fat complained

Auryn's beam was heavy with galle

If only he died harder again his memory, Wendy hur'd found out so that he had a wide and two chikken...

Ir kas hamuresponsibility protect them, but he diet them down

Their sufferings were all because of him.

Kira turned to look at him when the crapped in front of

Austyn's head was lowered

His ywer hooded by his king, i

But Kia w his tightly clenched hands.

What was he thinking!

She Bluried "You got your memary back?!

She had to ask, became his reaction Ware ranga,

of a red Belt.

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