Wild West of the Heart


Ola: hi. See you later?

He texted to a phone that was a mile away from the owner and waited for a reply from Fiyin while he walked into the kitchen.

Seeing his father embrace his mother from behind was surprising, but what was more surprising was his father being around by this time.

He never got to see him on his way out, and he didn't have a clue that his dad was out of job. The most terrible thing to happen in a crashing economy. But they'd figure it out right? "Let him just face his studies. I don't need him worrying about us" Akin whispered to Mary, on seeing him. And she was forced to flash a smile to Ola as he walked capriciously into them. He handed him his bagged lunch with a pat on his shoulders. "Good morning..." He dragged, turning around. "How are you my son?" She asked. And as always, even if he was or he wasn't, he'd still reply. "I'm fine" And then she'd go There was nothing good about that.

"Good morning, Dad"

"That's good" Even though they were about to sell half their possessions that day, including their honda car.

Ola walked by, choosing not to engage in further questions. "You're already late" Mary peered from behind. "Can't you drop me with the car, since dad is home?" He mumbled under his breath, cursing at the fact that he had to trek to the busstop that day.

Again, like a ritual each morning. He'd fancy jogging, but he hated that. It was a very long walk, greeting all of his mother's friends.

"You need to start doing things yourself. You're all grown now" She walked closer to him, making sure he knew that she heard his mutterings. She held open the door, while they made a hush eye contact. "-since you now have a tattoo" His eyes struck open at her words but she closed the door on his expression. His face turned crimson as he turned away. She hadn't even mentioned since the day they'd gone to see their aunt. She knew what she was doing, just casually bringing it up to haunt him.

Letting it linger in his head, that she could still very much tell Akin and it would be over for him. He just let that fear die down in the winds as he strode by. He pulled out his phone, hoping to see a text for Fiyin, to Obi. Or maybe Williams from Texas.

Anything. But his phone was empty, as if he had not any friends. That's what he soon began to think. And while he was somewhat on a brink of his own breakdown, Obi was approaching a breakthrough.

Maybe an exaggeration, but at least he was excited to be awake that morning, that he appreciated the blissful sunrise, which was a start. He trailed down the stairs with a backpack across his shoulders. And a smile plastered to his face upon seeing Mira.

There was a low song playing from the speakers on the counter. It was Abba, a swedish band that Mira had only recently fallen for. She was in love with their music, and the way the lyrics just felt right. And whenever she was down, or just needed the bliss music brought, she'd listen to Abba, over and over again.

That was the reason why Obi pieced together that something had happened earlier, besides he didn't get to see her on the night of his birthday. "Obi" She called, stopping him in his tracks. It was not his intention to leave, but still, he halted. "Mira" He called, placing his arms on the counter. "Slept well?"

Obi hummed, grabbing a mug that already had tea in it. It was Mira's. He let his bag fall to the grounds as he sat on the chair. The clock still had a few minutes to eight am, so he still had time- -given he'd miss the boring morning assembly.

"Well, at least you didn't wake me up" Obi finally replied. "I got home late yesterday" She said, dryly.

"That's true, didn't you say you were off to see the police that yesterday?" He asked, and there was some hesitation and then a sigh, that was anything but good. "About Jasmine?" He added.

"I did, Obi" Mira let the broom fall out of her hands. She rested her back against the walls, next to already blown out confetti that had been packed to one corner of the room.

The song, Chiquitita still played behind them, somewhat removing the sadness from the atmosphere. Of course, Obi knew the song, for God's sakes, he even knew the album. And he begun to love them even, thanks to Mira- -who wasn't really doing well now. Because even with the Abba, her face was still scrunched up.

"Yeah i did"

"And?" Obi asked.

"Well, it wasn't really how i envisioned it to go" She heaved a deep breath. "For starters, they think she killed herself" Obi almost choked on his coffee on hearing that. "What?" He asked. "That is the most stupid thing i've heard. Everyone literally saw her body. They saw the viscous stab wounds. And "

"But no one saw the crime. No one saw what happened that night. And the man i met yesterday said, if i wanted something to be done about it, i needed a key witness" Mira's voice cracked.

And Obi walked forward, knowing tears were to follow. "It's okay, Mira" He whispered. "I had to go back to her mother whom i already promised justice and i told her that though everyone knows the truth, no one wants to do anything about it" She said.

"That somehow believing that she killed herself is much better fitting to her story. To the end of her story. But i can't help but think, maybe it's a hate crime. Maybe it's one of these people that used to see Jasmine and think, oh how sinful. Shameful"

"Mira" Obi called.

"Or maybe it was some stupid robbery. Some callous act that caused the death of a human being. A human being that was robbed of so much in the world already" At that moment, the tears did fall to Abba's song still behind. Obi inched closer, resting his back against the walls also.

"I saw the pain in her mother's eyes. And all i could think of was you, Obi. The world is a dangerous place for people like you. Like Jazzlyn. And i don't know what i would do if ever i was to lose you" Her voice broke and Obi turned to her. He knew this, it was why he hadn't taken his hormones since then. Fear. And tears begun to fill his eyes too. In that moment, he wanted to tell her that he was scared to, that he was off them. But as much as the timing was right, he didn't. For some reason, he didn't want to add to the list of things Mira already had on her shoulders. So he just nodded, taking her arms. "I'm not going anywhere"

He said that to her, trying to withhold the doubt that crept in his voice. "Neither are you. Forever, Mira" It was what they always said. "Always and forever"

It was a beautiful idea, though untrue that two people could last forever. But it was hope, it was what kept them together. "I don't ever want to lose you" Mira said, gripping tighter. "Forever?"

"Forever" She replied, just in time for the pianic classic at the end of the famous Abba song. And they held each other for a lasting hug. Mira felt some type of way, that it was always Obi doing the comforting. But nonetheless, he always helped.

"You need to get to school" She pulled away, holding out a strand of hair and tucking it behind his ears. His 4c hair was well tied behind a band whilst Mira didn't have a single hair on her head.

It just felt easy to throw on a cap when she was going out, or one of her colorful wigs during drag. But it didn't mean she didn't envy Obi's natural hair. The way it curled with the cream. Or the way it firmly stood atop his head. "You're beautiful" Mira complimented and Obi flashed a smile.


He didn't know how he felt about that, but it was good. He felt good and then, he wiped his eyes off the tears that hadn't fallen. "Thank you, Mira"

She slipped the long broom back in her hands as Obi ran to pick up his bags from the floor. It was now past eight, he was officially late. But it was on reaching the door, that he halted—

-remembering what Mira had said.

"But no one saw the crime. No one saw what happened that night. And the man i met yesterday said, if i wanted something to be done about it, i needed a key witness"

He realized in that moment, that he knew someone that had indeed seen the crime. A key witness-noveldrama

"What's that?" Mira asked, seeing him freeze in his steps. "A key witness?" He said suddenly. And she arched her brows. He could see her from the glassed door reflection. "I know someone" He continued, but then he wasn't in good terms with that person.

Sort of.

"Who?" Mira asked, though she supposed to know.

To be continued...

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