Whore of the Werewolf Billionaire

Chapter 94: A Kiss of Distress

Several full moons have passed, distress is still whispering in my mind.

I have finished reading Rowena's journal as far as I can remember-before the moment my eyes burned upon Tyler seeing a bloody blade in the trash, forcing me to make up excuses believable enough for a pregnant, powerless eighteen-year-old woman like me.

I never felt sadder than today. It felt like, since I already knew enough from Rowena's

journal, I no longer felt the need to live.

And I...I remained prepared for whatever unexpected might happen.

What unexpected things I might let happen.

I stared at the she-wolf doctor's face. She's calm and gorgeous compared to me. I might

still look beautiful on the outside. But deep inside, I'm panicking. Quivering and anxious about what may happen in any minute now.

I'm ready to die, yet still afraid of death.

"You must be extra careful, Elaine. Since you're in your final trimester, you're more sensitive and fragile than the last few months."

I simply nod along with a soft sigh. Fear has still kept its hands around my neck and the fuck I know if I can still give birth before I die or will I die as I give birth.

Either way, I will still die. I might sound so negative, but what do you expect when your enemy's side wants you dead to resurrect their queen and the other side will immediately kill you the moment they found out that you're a descendant of their archenemy?

Thank Stella this she-wolf doctor of mine is a Black Wolf. Tyler might be pissed off why I'm keeping a distance with his brother and other Brown Wolves for all I care.

It often felt good to be selfish sometimes. It sometimes felt good to just think of yourself and yourself only.

"Yes," I finally answered, hiding any remnants of emotions swarming inside me.

"Good. I'm going to go now. Alpha Jason's wife just gave birth yesterday." I gaped at her words, no wonder Tyler always leaves my side-to make sure his sister-in-law is safe and sound. 'He prioritizes Melissa more than you. You poor thing...' But I ignored the wicked

whisper. Instead, I walked her to the door.

"Thank you, doctor." She shook my hand. "I'll see you soon."

'I doubt that.' I want to voice that out, but she's already striding towards Café del Luna which can just be seen from here. I can no longer feel if I'm hungry or I'm just stupid enough to think that people here care for me if I die here and now.

The bitterness of my fate and the sweet invitation of death have not yet left me all alone. It still lingers in my mind and soul.

I must act fast-find a way to end my life fast-before the Hearteaters swarm and cut

through the Wall. And kill me. And resurrect their Queen, Eliane.

Though no attacks have happened or have been reported since that day I tried to end my life with a single tiny blade, it doesn't mean those beasts have retreated in making their plan come to life and just simply gave up.

No. My gut is telling me that they are just waiting for the calm before the storm-the silence that will perfectly deafen anyone when they break it.


And lunge for the Werewolves' throats, as well as the rest of the residents here in Stella's

Even if I cannot see the future, I know these monsters will strike at their enemy's weakest. At the time their enemies least expected them to attack.

And I...I don't know whether I am their ally or enemy.

The hell I care.

But for me, I have always seen them as an enemy. My enemies. Once an enemy is always an enemy, as much as a dove is always a prey to a serpent. As much as a lamb is always meant to fill a wolf's belly.

"Maybe I should drown myself in Aurora's Waters." A grotesque smile split across my face at the memory of a foreign hand shoving me in the gilded fountain. Macabre thoughts and ideas swirl in my mind, pulling me closer to death's embrace.

Right. I should make this fast and quick. I don't care how painful it is.

"But what if the Hearteaters drag my body instead and resurrect it?"

No. I should burn. I should incinerate myself in a place where no one can find me. Perhaps The Hidden Spring will do, where a hidden grotto of the Three Goddesses can be found. There, no one can smell the smoke. There, no one can notice the fire the moment I burn. There..."Tyler will just find my ashes, mourn for me and throw my ashes in Luna's Lake and all will be well."

I hope so. I really hope that all will be well after that. After I burn myself ourselves.

It's an hour-long trek there. In my condition, maybe I should drive Tyler's midnight blue baby and park it near the Honeymoon House. And from there, I'll walk to The Hidden Spring.  

That's Plan A. I hope I will only have Plan A.

Wiping the tears that trickled from my eyes, I reached the garage and started to gather supplies: gasoline, lighter, match, torch. Any flammable, any fire-giving stuff that will not ruin my plan.


I have accepted death. It had been my destiny all along.

'Choose wisely, Elaine. Choose wisely, or your destiny will bleed like mine.' No, mine will not bleed. Mine will burn. "I will burn, Eliane. And there's nothing you can do about that."   No foreign voice answered. Good.

As soon as I arrive there, I will savor the intimate touch of flames in my skin as if it was nothing but cool snow drifting and sliding along my skin. I will never be able to smell the scent of rain and forest and mist anymore if I do that do this. I will no longer be able to see the breath-taking cerulean blue eyes of my husband, the eyes I have always loved. The eyes that enlightened my life of darkness.

I was a fool to think that I have a happy ending like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. I was a

fool to think that fantasy can no longer hurt as reality.

But no. Both are painful in their own ways.

No matter what side I take, I bleed. No matter what side I choose, I will burn.

For I was born to die-to save and to be the destruction of either Werewolves and

Hearteaters. And I chose to die for the Werewolves.

  I am Elaine Winona Moonstorm, the last living descendant of the Forest Queen, Eliane. And her last living feminine vessel.

But today, this day, I shall die.

Will. Burn.noveldrama


I reached the Honeymoon House at exactly noon.

No one had noticed me when I drove Tyler's blue car within Stella's Soul. No one had questioned me why I went to Luna's Lake and parked my husband's car near The Honeymoon House.

No one paid attention to me. No one heed the silent cry I made as I drove carefully to Luna's Lake. No one saw me and asked me why my husband was not accompanying me.

No one dared to come forward and stop me from my death, or at least convince me not

to. That there is another way to save this species, some other way

  "But there is no other way. It's either I burn or they bleed."

The noon sun seemed to hide as I rested my hand in a forest tree. "I'm almost there." I'm almost in The Hidden Spring, its name could've made me chuckle if this was another time. The air shifted and coldness whispered in my skin. Are they here already?   The Hearteaters would have not known what I was planning. Rowena shouldn't know what I was planning.

But Eliane...it had been weeks since I heard her last whisper. Months, actually. The last was when I was gripping that tiny silver blade between my fingers, almost victorious to cutting my wrist and ending my very breath.

But I realized fire is the only element pure enough to cleanse me, to get rid of me. To end

my misery and anxiety and fear.

  "I will win this time. I shall rise from the ashes as victorious as I could be." 'And let your soul burn in hell,' my mind countered. 'Burning a life in your womb with you is

counted as murder, merciless murder. And you think that you are saved?'

I don't care if I am saved. As long as Tyler and the people here are saved.

As I have said, day by day, I am becoming more selfless. And more self-less.

I keep walking like a damsel in distress, though I hope a knight in shining armor will never sniff me in this not-so-dim forest. The bag that bears a liter of gasoline, match, lighter and torch are masked like a picnic bag.

  Yeah, this shall be one hell of a sizzling picnic.

My baby kicked and I halted, my heart lurched on my throat. My sadness creeping into every bone. 'You will not only kill yourself,' a goddess-like voice interrupted me. 'You shall also kill that innocent soul inside you.'

If I don't do this, if I don't end my line...then all my efforts will just be wasted. Even if Eliane's vessel are only females, my son will soon have heirs of his own. And if he ever has a daughter, if I ever have a granddaughter... Eliane's hair-raising grin flashed in my thoughts, sending me almost breathless.

I cannot let that happen. Two lives to save a hundred. Tyler can just have another sacrificed one to marry and fuck and kiss and-"Love."

  But I am his mate, his one and only wife. Soulmate. Bestfriend. All of these, and yet more than those.

We are bound, soul to soul. My life is his life. His breath is my breath. So if I die...if I burn

  'Tyler will die too...' A young goddess-like voice added. I can feel a gentle hand caressing my belly.

Are they the Three Goddesses? Are they the ones whispering to me right now?

'Is there any other way?' A voice more older than the former one asked. But it was me who shook my head, it was me who answered. "There's no other way. A fire for a flame. A storm for a flood."

When I didn't hear their voices, I braced myself-willed myself that only I can save me.

I forced a long, deep breath in my lungs, ignoring all worries and setting aside all


"I can do this," I repeated my mantra. Then I stepped forward, continuing my journey to my



I can now see the spring from here.

In just a few steps, no one can claim my body. In just a few more steps, I will eternally rest forever. We will eternally rest in peace.

  Yet, as soon as I reached the spring, its rocky treacherous shore forced me to grip the nearest tree.

The air swept towards me a hint of the scent of rain and forest and mist. But manly.

"Those were not natural," I whispered. Just then, a tall, muscular man appeared on my

side. Walking towards me from that grotto in the corner.

;   No.


No. Shit.

  I swallowed. "Tyler? What are you doing here?"

I should have made a Plan B because Tyler made my Plan A more difficult to execute


"Wh-what are you doing here and what is that bag? Is that for me?"

I blinked at his questions, not knowing where to look first and what to answer first. I looked straight in his face as I opened my mouth. "I should ask you the same, Tyler. What are you doing here in The Hidden Spring?"

"Praying," he answered. I flinched, surprised. "For months I've been praying. And keeping myself here to think and breathe properly."

 ; "For months?"

"Yes, for months. I told you, since I was a child, this was the best place to think properly.

To contemplate and isolate from the world briefly."

Funny 'cause I will isolate myself here from the world permanently.

"What's wrong, Elaine?" Tyler slowly approached me with predatorial grace. "Is that— gasoline I smell?"

  Oh shit. His werewolf senses never wronged him.

  "What's happening, Elaine?" He demanded. "Why are you so pale? Is something


"Tyler, I" then, I forced a fake sweet smile. "We'll have a barbecue here." That lie is not enough to convince him so I laid the bag in the grass and ran towards him.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed Tyler deeply and passionately-forced myself to do so for one last time.

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