Unspoken Pleasure

It All Starts With A Brother: Ep23

"Cum in me baby, cum in your little sissy," Lexi moaned and hissed with lust.

Will pumped load after load inside his sister as their orgasms died down.

Will's head fell back on the bed as he lay back exhausted. The entire family caught their breath as they they came down from their sexual high.

"Who wants ice cream?" Mary asked as everyone laughed.noveldrama

"NAKED ice cream," Lexi added.

Will chuckled as everyone got up to go upstairs, Daisy looked back at him, "you coming?"

Will nodded, "I'll be there in a minute," he said as he watched all three walk upstairs naked, sweaty and sexually satisfied.

Will couldn't help but wonder what would come next, he knew this wasn't the end, it was just the beginning.



Twins realize the family reunion can be fun after all

Read and enjoy.


Sarah Wilkerson sighed as she looked out of the window of the family SUV as it barreled along the highway. The Wilkerson family was on its way to its annual family reunion. Every year it was held in a different location but that didn't hide the fact that every year it was boring. This year all facets of the Wilkerson family were getting together at Bear Point Park to spend 10 days roughing it in the wilderness.

The entire "vacation" was one boring conversation with one aunt, uncle or grandparent. She wasn't really close to any of her cousins even if they were around her age. The only person she got along with and spent time with was her twin brother Brad.

Brad was the one thing that made the family reunions bearable. Being twins they were already close and they only got closer on boring family vacations like these. She looked over at her brother and saw he was sleeping.

Brad was an attractive young man. He was taller than Sarah, standing 6'3 to her 5'5. He was still growing into a body too big for his age as he weighed only 170lbs. He had short brown hair and green eyes. His body was toned from the long distance running he did for their high school. Sarah was growing into her body as well. Her legs were sexy and smooth, her hips starting to widen ever so slightly as she became more a woman and less a girl. She had soft brown hair which came to her shoulders and deep blue eyes. She was forever buying new bras as her chest continued to grow. It was clear to see Sarah was starting to resemble her mother Kelly, Kelly being a busty woman herself.

Sarah turned from her brother and turned her attention to the scenery zooming by as the family drove to its destination. It was about 45 minutes later when Sarah was brought back to reality as her father Tom announced they were there.

Tom stepped out of the SUV and inhaled the country air. He turned around and smiled at his wife.

"Smell that honey, smell that clean country air, the trees, the flowers.... its intoxicating," he said. Kelly chucked, "don't strain yourself honey, we still have ten days to go, we don't need you hurting yourself taking in the country air on the first day," she replied.

Tom was about to respond when he hear the voice of his brother, shouting his hello. Sarah and Brad were just stepping out of the car as more members of their family came out of the woods to say hello.

They endured pinches on their cheeks from their grandparents, wet lipstick kisses from their aunts and firm handshakes from their uncles before volunteering to unpack the car just to get a break.

There was a lot to unpack. Tom had packed two tents (one for Kelly and himself and one for Sarah and Brad), two canoes (the family was going to make portage down the river which flowed inside of Bear Point Park) and plenty of clothes and food.

They unpacked the car and set up the tents, placing their bags and sleeping bag in their tent and their parent's bags and double sleeping bag in their tent.

The first night was about as good as can be expected. The super sized family ate dinner and talked around the family, getting caught up on this, that and the other. At around 10:30 Sarah and Brad retired for the night.

It wasn't until they were in their tent that Sarah let out a big sigh. "I can't believe we will have to put up with ten days of this," she groaned.

Brad chuckled, "I know.... this reunion is more for mom and dad than it is for us. I wish they let us stay home like we wanted."

Sarah rolled her eyes, "we NEVER had a shot at that Brad, mom would be too worried we would do something they wouldn't approve of," she said.

Brad shrugged his shoulders, "we probably would have done something Sarah, I mean I know I would have wanted to do something, hormones are a powerful thing," he said.

Sarah smiled, "I know what you mean," she blushed as she looked her brother in the eye before looking at the ground.

"I better change," she muttered as she slipped in her sleeping bag.

As Brad and Sarah got older there was from time to time some sexual tension. They had many friends and had gone on many dates but they had always been close. When they were younger and very curious the siblings experienced their first kiss together.

They were best friends and shared everything. They had never done anything together, they never played 'doctor' or 'house' but there was always a certain sort of attraction to each other, even if it was subconscious.

The only real difference between them was Sarah was a virgin and Brad was not. Brad had recently been introduced to sex and since then he could think of nothing but. In fact, from time to time he even found himself thinking about his sister but always quickly dismissed that from

his mind as the thoughts usually happened when she was the only female in sight. Brad slipped into his sleeping bag to change and looked over as he saw his sister pull her jeans out of her sleeping bag, fold them beside her and pull her shorts in with her. He thought of her being naked from the waist down save for some cotton panties and felt his cock start to harden. He shook it the thought from his head and started to change himself.

Sarah could feel her brother's eyes on her as she changed. The thought made her young pussy quiver with excitement. When she slid her shorts up her smooth legs she ran her hand over her panties, rubbing them softly and feeling how damp they had become so quickly. Sarah knew her brother wasn't a virgin. She had heard him fucking his girlfriend and had gone to sneak a peak to watch. Her intention for watching was more to take in the actual act of sex than it was to stare at her brother, but while watching her brother screw his girlfriend she couldn't help but feel the smallest tinge of jealousy.

"What are you thinking about Sarah?" Brad asked, awakening her from her day (night) dream. Sarah blushed slightly and shook her head, "nothing in particular. Night" she said.

It was two days later that Brad and Sarah once again packing as the family was beginning to move down the river. Brad and Sarah packed their things into the canoe they would use and helped their grandparents get into the canoes they would ride in. They wouldn't paddle, they were too old but they would be damned if they were going to be left out.

The plan was for the family to paddle down the river single file (or close to it); Brad and Sarah were going to be last in line as they were in charge of making sure the camp fire was out. Once they were sure everything was ok they got in the canoe and set off. It didn't take them long to catch up to their family and they settled into a slow methodical ride down the river. They took breaks every now and then as the current carried them down river, with Brad ruddering and Sarah lying back in relaxation.

It was during one of these breaks that Brad was ruddering and Sarah was lying back relaxing in the sun. Her paddle was resting on the edge of the canoe, Brad missed a log which was stuck in the river and the paddle fell into the water.

Brad swore softly and Sarah giggled. "Calm down Brad, it's only the paddle; we'll just double back and pick it up," she said.

So Brad turned the canoe around and did a 180 degree turn as the two siblings made their way back to their lost paddle. When they turned around again the rest of the family was gone.

"I guess they didn't see us turn around," Brad said.

Sarah shrugged, "that's ok, we caught up to them before, we can do it again," she said.

As the picked up the pace paddling again the twins came to a fork in the river.

"Which way are we supposed to go Sarah?" Brad asked.

Sarah shrugged her shoulders, "how should I know? I don't have a map" she answered.

"Which way do you want to go then?" he asked.

"I don't know......right?" she guessed.

Brad shrugged his shoulders, "sounds good to me," he said as they took the right side of the fork

in the river.

It was late afternoon and about 45 minutes later when Brad said, "I think we were supposed to go left, I don't see them anywhere."

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