Unspoken Pleasure

Downfall - An Erotic Invasion: 1

Lisa is about to lose her virginity when there's a sign.. eNJOY..noveldrama

When she stood before her family's congregation at the beginning of the year dressed all in white and swore that she would save herself for the man she was going to marry along with some of the other girls her age, Lisa had meant it. But right now, with her eighteen year old body on fire, she looked back on that moment and wondered what she was thinking. Would she have made the same promise though if she had known how good a boy's tongue felt on her clitty, or just how bad her little pussy would ache to be filled? If she knew how good it felt to be touched by someone like this?

Lisa was desperate to find some loophole -- anything to make what she was doing right and proper. Afterall, there was nothing that said she couldn't kiss a man she was in love with, and other than sister Anna no one had said he couldn't kiss her back. That Chad was kissing her nipples and her pussy seemed a distinction hardly worth noting if that was true. And if it was okay to kiss because of their love then surely it would be okay to do other things, you know, since they were in love. Or something.

The conflict in her mind between consummation of her lust and her desire to be a good girl was plain on her face as she lay gasping and writhing beneath her lover's mouth.

She wasn't sure. But she couldn't be sure of anything right now with Chad's head between her thighs while she was sprawled haphazardly across the tan leather of the Nova's spacious bench seat. Chad's father had spent years restoring it to pristine condition. Looking at it, one could say it was almost virginal. That would be a humorous observation if one listened to the rumors though. People around school said that no less than four girls had their cherries popped on this very seat, including poor Tina Bergren who had dropped out of school after someone had knocked her up and her tummy had started to swell.

Lisa didn't listen to rumors though, she was a good girl that had focused on her studies until Chad had swept her off her feet. Everything since she had met him in sixth period had just felt so right. The notes and texts, the kissing in study hall, and the ditching class for a few stolen moments together all felt so perfect. The romance of the classic car with fogged up windows all alone up on lookout point, just topped off everything else and added to it. It was the kind of story she could tell her daughter someday -- well, parts of it, she added hastily after a sharp jolt of pleasure made her his through clenched teeth in surprise.

It would be a fitting place for a girl like her to lose it, she thought, the right place, moaning aloud again as she felt the stirrings of another orgasm rising inside her. Surely Jesus would understand she thought, gripping the leather seat tighter as her hips began to buck with pleasure again. Afterall, they were both 18 - both seniors, so it wouldn't even be illegal - they could even go off to college together after they graduated!

"Mmmm, you like that baby," Chad paused teasingly to take a breath, "maybe you need a break." Lisa could be really loud when there was no one around to hear them, but Chad didn't seem to mind. The cocky grin he wore when he made her cum might have looked goofy on someone else, but it looked so sexy on him at that moment.

"Uh-uh," was all she could manage with more than an edge of pouting. "I was so close Chad - why did you stop?"

"That would have been your third orgasm tonight babe," he responded, shifting his body weight and climbing up slowly on her "I just thought you might want to, you know, both have some fun."

Chad kissed her deeply, his hands groping her as much as holding his body up while she was crushed beneath him and Lisa tasted her own sweetness. She enjoyed the taste and wondered, not for the first time, if that made her a lesbian. She didn't think so, but one could never be too sure.

"God I love your body," Chad said, breaking the kiss. "I could see us spending a lot of time up here in our future."

Lisa's heart swelled at Chad's use of the L word. He didn't use it very often, and though he had never said as much, she knew he loved her as much as she loved him. And the way he saw her in his future...

He was just working his way up to it. Soon he'd be telling her how much he loved her with his words as much as with his actions any day now...

Having Chad on top of her felt great Lisa reflected as he bent his head down again for a kiss, better than it ever had before. The crush of his weight pinning her helplessly beneath him, the feel of his strong hands kneading and touching her smallish breasts, and the feel of his cock pressed against the outer folds of her labia.. Lisa did a double take, and turned her head to dodge Chad's kiss.

"Umm, Chad," She said hesitantly as she felt his dick slid slowly up and down her dripping slit while he dry humped against her, "what happened to your pants?"

He smiled, "They were just too tight babe, and I was, you know - uncomfortable."

Lisa wanted to accept his excuse, but at the same time the feeling of their slow wet grinding made her realize just how defenseless she was in this moment. Neither of them was wearing anything below the waist, and he was already on top of her and between her thighs. All he had to do was change the angle of his hips a little bit and he could take her no matter what she said or did.

That realization made her bite her lip in anticipation, in a signal impossible for Chad to ignore, no matter what she actually said on the matter, she was his.

"Chad, I love you, but I've told you, I'm saving myself for my wedding day, I..." Lisa moaned as Chad's uncut cock pushed up, dragging slickly along her distended clit.

"I hear you, beautiful" Chad said, sitting up, "You don't have to worry, I mean the angle there is all wrong anyway."

"If we were going to" he paused, looking for the right word, "make love. Then my cock wouldn't be like this," he said, grabbing it with his right hand and rubbing it back and forth over Lisa's poor abused button, "It would be more like this," he said, shifting his cock somewhat lower, and sliding the head up and down her slit.

Lisa was entranced by this. She knew she should be pulling away. She knew she should be fighting this, but to be taken in his big strong hands, for her to feel the head catch every so slightly on her vaginal passage as he teased her... she ached for him to put it in. She didn't think about her pledge, or the rumors, or the fact that he hadn't told her he loved her yet, or the fact that he wasn't wearing a condom... she only knew the primitive message her body was trying to tell her. That as a girl in high school on the cusp of being all grown up, her body was ripe and ready for this moment.

Chad took all this in at a glance. Her glassy eyes, her trembling lips, the wetness of her pussy, and even the slight bucking motion of her hips all spoke to how much she wanted this.

"Tell me you want me to stop, Lisa," Chad said as slowly and seductively as he could manage. He had learned long ago that it was a lot easier for a virgin to not say no than it was for them to say yes, and he wanted all women to be as easy as possible.

Lisa couldn't speak, lost in the moment as she was, and looked at her partner with only love in her eyes. She could feel his dick just starting to sink slowly inside of her, when the cars fogged over windows began to light up. At first it looked like the high beams of a car pulling up on them, which would have been bad enough, but it went well past that as it kept getting brighter and the car began to shake. Moments later the whole car shuddered sideways on its shocks and the lovers were thrown apart as something bright and loud flew overhead. After a second or two there was a terrific crash, and a second smaller shock wave rocked them both one more time.

Lisa had a look of shock on her face, but Chad seemed to take it somewhat better.

"Well, was it good for you?" he quipped, obviously proud of his own joke. "The earth doesn't move for just anyone you know.

Chad leaned back in to kiss her, and pick up where they had left off, but Lisa pushed against him and sat up.

"What the heck was that, Chad?" The lust in her voice was now replaced with fear as she looked past him and out the window.

"How the hell should I know? A meteor? A plane? We're safe here, so what does it matter? It doesn't change how I feel about you." A few minutes ago that line would have made her panties fall off, if she'd still been wearing any that was. Now it only made her cross her arms defensively. "Don't you want to, you know, pick up where we left off?"

"Chad..." Lisa shook her head. What was sexy and dominating moments ago was now pushy and needy. "I think we should go, I mean, we had a great time tonight, but I'm scared and it's getting late." Lisa punctuated this statement by picking up her bra, letting her dress fall back down her legs and making it clear her pussy was, at least for the moment, off limits.

"Besides," she said, watching his expression darken, "someone is going to check that thing out right? Police or fire fighters or something. We shouldn't be here when they get here, right?" Downfall - An Erotic Invasion>1

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