The Way We Score: A small-town, accidental pregnancy, sports romance. (The Bradford Boys)

The Way We Score: Chapter 18

My phone buzzes, and I do my best to lift it discreetly as I sit in the Pirates owner’s office.


WTF, man? You sneak into town without telling anybody?

My brow furrows, and I remember my visit. Liv and I were really careful. We had lunch at her mom’s, sitting across from each other at that little table in front of the bay windows looking out over the yard… down to the bay.

I said I finally got why they called them that, and she teased me for living on a bay all my life and just getting it. I wanted to pull her into my lap and kiss her.

I didn’t.

Her mom said everything I was thinking, but I didn’t have a leg to stand on. If we were still in the days when we were just graduating from high school, I think I’d have a better chance of convincing her we should get married—crazy as that sounds.

Instead, she’s seen my worst. She knows what a dickhead I can be, and she was right to walk away. Even if that’s not technically what she did.

She actually begged me to understand, and the image of her tear-flooded hazel eyes will never, ever leave me alone.

I’m getting a second chance, which is not something everyone is lucky enough to get, and I will not blow it. What’s that line from that musical? I am not throwing away my shot?

“We’ve given this a lot of thought, and we need you on the team.” Kurt Lucas is the Pirates’ owner, and it’s the first time I’ve ever met with him alone.

Usually, he’s jetting around the world on his private jet. Yes, that’s redundant, but this guy has more money than God, so I imagine he has a lot of redundancies he couldn’t give a shit about. Including me.

“I hate to contradict you, Kurt…” Lie. I’m happy to contradict him. “We’ve got so many great players on the team just waiting for their chance to shine. Most of them are a lot younger than me⁠—”

“Yes, but they don’t have your experience.” Kurt looks down at his desk. “They don’t have your star power, and in this age of influencers, we need all the faces we can get.”

Sliding my lips together, I hold back my impulsive swear. Kurt’s calling me a face guy? Like I’m filling the seats? It’s fucking bullshit, and he knows it.

My eyes cut to Thad Holloway sitting beside me. He’s one of the coaches I don’t know as well, but he’s been around long enough to know I’m not putting butts in seats these days. I give him a silent plea, and he clears his throat.

“My vote is to let him go.” Thad flops it out there like a dead fish, no prelude. “We thought Berke could fill the space left by Logan Murphy, but it’s not working. I think matching him with another lineman might be the key. Move Bradford to second string.”

Wow. He’s blaming Ricky’s failure on me.

The impulse to defend my record is strong, but I push it down. Thad’s taking an unexpected approach, and perhaps this angle will get me what I want. Leaning forward, I exhale my frustration and focus on Liv.

“You’re new, aren’t you, Holloway?” The near-snarl in Lucas’s tone draws my eyes. “Garrett Bradford is not the problem here. The fact you would say something so ignorant makes me question your competence. If anyone should go, it should be Berke.”

Mother. Fucker. How the hell did I get a superfan for an owner? I mean, it kind of rocks, but it’s screwing up everything.

“I’m sorry, sir.” Thad drops his chin, looking at his shoes. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“Get out.” Lucas tosses a Mont Blanc pen onto his blotter. “Garrett, I appreciate your paternal instincts, but they’ll pass. You’re not going anywhere. End of discussion.”

He turns away, and my lips press into a frown. Thad grabs my sleeve, pulling me to the door. I cut my eyes at him, not interested in his protective gestures.

Still, I follow him out.

“I’m sorry, man. I thought if I came on strong, he’d cave.” Thad looks up at me with apologetic eyes. “He’s as big of a fan as we all are, and if you go, it’ll be the end of the triumvirate. First Logan left, now you. Charlie’s contract is up for renewal next year, and we don’t want him getting any ideas.”

Reaching up, I rub the back of my neck, exhaling a growl. “I want to be with my family.”

Lifting his shoulders, he holds out his hands. “I’m sorry.”

We’re headed back to the locker room, and I take out my phone, remembering the text from Logan. Liv said it would be okay if I wanted to tell the guys. I guess this means she told the girls.

Liv’s pregnant.


You didn’t wrap it???

It’s Liv, dumbass.


Sounds like you’re the dumbass. How many wild oats have you spread?

Again, it’s Liv.


And I love Liv, but now you’ve got poopy diapers, no sleep, vomit. Babies carry disease… Always wrap it.

Next time I see you, you’d better run.


Hey, I’m proud of you, bro. You figured out where to put it.

It wasn’t that hard.


They make a pill for that.

Keep digging.


When are you moving home? You can’t miss the good stuff.


I haven’t talked to Rodney yet, but I will.

No worries. I’ve hit a snag here.


Jack knew? That hurts, G.

Jack was approved by Liv. He’s helping me get a job, but who knew the owner is a superfan? He won’t let me go.


How can I help?

Is it possible to get canceled without any long-term effects?


Make direct eye contact. Say what you want.

Thanks, Yoda. I never tried that.


Don’t do anything hasty. Let’s brainstorm.


It’ll work out. Somehow it always does.

Shoving my phone into my pocket, I walk slowly to the locker room. Another whole week has passed. Liv and I text all the time, but it’s not the same. At fourteen weeks, the book says the baby is the size of a kiwi fruit, and Liv’s in the second trimester. I’m missing everything.

“Am I in a stable?” Ricky walks up to join me on the way to the locker room. “Why the long face?”

Cutting my eyes at him, I’ve never wanted to punch him in the junk more. “Why are you such a dork?”

He huffs a laugh. “That’s better than a dick. Something must really be bothering you.”

“I’m working on my team building.”

“Keep working.” He shakes his head. “Look, I get it. I’m not Logan Murphy.”

Stopping, I size him up, thinking about what Thad said. “You’re right. Logan and I could read each other’s minds on the field. We trusted each other. You can’t force that kind of chemistry.”

“What are you saying?” His brow lowers, and he almost seems worried.

“Maybe you’d mesh better with a different lineman. Is there someone you’d like to train with?”

Hesitating, he thinks a minute. “How about Huck Holmes? He’s about my age, and we’ve hung out a few times.”

Nodding, I look into the locker room. Huck is a new guy, transferred over from the Admirals last year. He’s been on the bench, but I think it’s time he got off it.

“I’ll take care of it.” Ricky starts to go, but I grab his shoulder. “Good luck.”

Ricky Berke is not dumb. It only took me one conversation with Huck and another with Thad before the starting lineup was shuffled, taking me out. Considering it was my idea, I was not offended.


Why didn’t you play tonight? Are you hurt?

Working an angle I hope will get me home. Any word?

I’m sitting on the bench in the locker room, wondering why I haven’t heard from Liv. Jack’s worried about me. I’m worried about her. If the owners were watching tonight, they have to be weakening.

We won the game. I wasn’t on the field once, and Ricky looked like a good trade for the first time in two years. It has to be worth something.


Rodney can’t fit you on the force til March, but animal control needs help.

Like a dog catcher?


More like a gator catcher, water moccasins in pools, who knows what else. He said you’d get credit for law enforcement training on the job. Might be interesting.

Scrubbing my hand over my chin, I hesitate before tapping my reply.

If it’s as close as I can get…

Charlie walks up. “I would never leave you standing on the sidelines. Coach must’ve lost his mind tonight.”

“It’s okay. I suggested trying Berke with Holmes. I hope it’ll give them some ideas, help them see they don’t need me.”

My friend’s jaw tightens. “You’re needed. You’re more talented than Holmes. You’ve got more experience on the field, not to mention your spirit, your enthusiasm.”

Another stab of guilt. “You’ll find a new guy, Chuck. Before it was me, it was somebody else.”

“Dammit, Grizz, I knew you’d say that. I don’t want you to retire.”

Standing, I pull my friend into a bro-hug. “I know. It was tough on me when Logan left, but you’ll adjust. And you’ve got Maddy and the kids. I want that.”

He starts to protest when my phone buzzes again, and I lift it expecting Jack. Instead, what I see makes my blood run cold.


Something’s wrong—I need you!

I don’t waste time texting. My thumb is on the call button, and my heart stops when I hear her voice. She’s crying. Correction, she’s sobbing.

Grabbing my duffel off the bench, I’m practically running to the exit before her first words are spoken. “Garrett?”

“What’s wrong, babe?”

I can’t stand to hear her crying. A fist is in my chest as I jump into the waiting car.

“I don’t know.” She hiccups a breath. “I went to the bathroom and… there was blood.”

Fuck. My stomach plummets, and I wave at Fred. “Teterboro airport. Fast as you can.”

My old driver hops to it. “Yes, sir.”

It’s a gamble, but Logan’s dad had a private jet service at Teterboro when Logan lived here. I have to hope he still does, and he’ll let me use it.

“We should never have told anybody.” Her voice wavers, and my heart breaks at the fear in her tone. “Now what will we do?”

My throat hurts like I swallowed a bone turned sideways.

“Is your mom there?” Forcing myself to think, I swallow air. “Are you cramping? Having contractions?”

What the fuck did that book say about this?

“Mom’s taking me to the hospital. But Garrett…” Her voice breaks, and she exhales another brief sob. “I’m scared.”

If I weren’t in a car, I’d be on my knees.

“I’m going to hang up and call Logan.”

“Don’t tell them about this!”

“I’ll only say what I have to. I need to see if his dad’s jet is available. It’ll take me a few hours to get there, but I’m coming, Liv. Hang on, okay?”

Her soft hiccup rips me in two. “Please hurry.”noveldrama

“I’ll be there tonight. Try to be strong. We’re going to be okay.”

I want to say I love you. I don’t want to hang up the damn phone, but I have to call Logan.

“Okay.” Her voice is small.

“I’ll keep you posted. I’m coming.” And I press the button.

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