The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 18 - The Escape

When Anna heard Melita leave the dungeons, she opened her eyes. She may have a collar on that prevents her from casting spells, but it didn't hinder some of her other abilities, like healing. As a witch from Spirit Energy, they were the quickest healers. What concerned Anna was that she had yet to get her voice back. Whatever poison Melita had given her was potent if some of the effects hadn't worn off.noveldrama

Anna looked around the small cell for something to get the collar off. She felt around the collar and found the clasp. It felt like it had a padlock on it. She messed with it, but it wouldn't budge. She looked around the cell floor and found a small piece of metal hanging off the cot. Anna broke it off and used it to fiddle with the lock. When she thought she almost had it, she heard the door open again. Anna quickly sat on the floor, pretending she had just woken up. She held her head as though she was in pain.

Melita walked to the cell full of rage. After she left Kamryn, she went to her room, but she was too angry to stay there long, so she decided to take it out on his mate. She was surprised to see her sitting up, although she looked worse for wear. "I didn't expect you to be awake so soon, but I'm glad you are. I just got done speaking with Kamryn, and as everyone thinks you have run off, they decided I would be the best mate for him in your absence. When I go back, they will announce me as the next queen. So you see, Kamryn never cared about you. He's able to move on already, and you've only been gone for a few hours."

Anna tried to speak, but nothing happened. She shook her head. She didn't believe what Melita said. There was no way Kamryn was already moving on. They loved each other. They were mates.

"Don't believe it if you don't want to, but I'm telling you he and I will be mated and marked within the next twenty-four hours. I declared my love for him, and he said he felt the same way. After we kissed, he said he would make the arrangements for us to be mates." Anna felt like someone had stuck a knife in her chest. She didn't believe what Melita said, but that didn't stop the pain.

Melita saw the way she was hurting her with her words, and it made her feel good. Now she was going to cause her physical pain. She pulled out the cattle prod and used it on Anna's abdomen, holding it there until she fell to her knees. She then used it on her body over and over.

Anna was in a lot of pain, but not as much as she acted. She purposely fell, so she was close to the cell door and pretended she had passed out.

Melita sighed. Kamryn was wrong. His mate wasn't strong; she was weak. She passed out with the slightest pain. She decided to leave and come back later. She had to at least put up a front that she cared about Angel. She threw the cattle prod outside the cell and shut the door. She didn't notice that Anna had stuck her hand out to keep the door from closing completely.

After Anna was sure she was gone, she sat up and pulled out her little piece of metal. She went back to work on the lock of the collar. After what seemed like forever, she had finally worked it free. She quickly took the collar off and felt her power coming back to her.

Anna opened the cell door and began to walk out. She walked slowly until she got to the dungeon door. She opened it as quietly as she could in case someone was outside. She realized it was already getting dark when she peeked out the door. She wondered how long she'd been in the dungeons.

She used her witch speed to get to the palace in record time. Anna took a deep breath before going inside.

Lynn, Randal, and Micah looked at Kamryn in shock. They had cared for Melita since she was a baby, and this is how she treated them. Randal looked toward the guards.

"Find Melita now." He said, and they all ran out of the room. Kamryn felt the pain lessening, so he stood up.

"She said she wanted me to mate with her since we weren't blood-related. She thinks we'll let her be the queen with Angel gone. What is wrong with these women, and why do they think they can take her place. Not only is she my mate, but I love her. We haven't marked each other yet, but I can feel her pain like it's my own." Kamryn sat down in one of the chairs. His parents looked at each other.

"That means you have a strong bond with her already. That's incredible that you already feel what she's feeling. Too bad you can't mindlink her." Lynn said, wondering if they should tell him they suspect she is actually the witch from Spirit Energy that was to be his mate. She decided against it for the time being.

"I know. That's how I know she's still alive. I would feel it if she were dead." They heard a commotion, and Kamryn ran out of the office. One of the guards had Melita, and she was fighting him.

"Let go of me, you bastard. I am the princess. You can't treat me this way." Kamryn walked over to them with a fake smile.

"She's right; let her go. Didn't you know this is my mate? We're going to the royal office now to make it official." Melita looked at Kamryn with wide eyes. She knew he'd come around. When the guard released her, she ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He put his arm around her waist and led her to his parent's office. All he could think about the whole time was ripping her head off her shoulders. He knew this would be the only way to get her to come clean.

When they arrived at the royal office, Kamryn shut the door and shoved Melita away from him. She looked up at him, hurt.

"What did you do that for? You said I was your mate." He looked at her in revulsion.

"You're not my mate. You're nothing but a rat." Melita sunk away from him and looked toward the desk at her adoptive parents and Micah. "You can't listen to him. I don't know what he's talking about." She pleaded but could already tell they didn't believe her.

"Stop the lying. What did you do with Angel?" Randal yelled at her.

"What do you mean? Why would you think I did anything to that parasite?" Melita bit her tongue when she saw four sets of glares at her.

"We know you poisoned her tea and took her out of the palace. Now, what did you do to her?" Lynn asked, walking over to the woman she had considered a daughter since she was a baby. Melita trembled in fear. How did they know about the tea?

"I was only trying to show her that she wasn't one of us. She has no right to be here or be queen." She crossed her arms defiantly, and Lynn slapped her face hard. Melita put her hand on her cheek as tears welled up "We have treated you like one of our children since you were a baby, and this is how you treat our family? Where is Angel?" Lynne was furious and hurt that she had so little respect for them. Melita knew she had to tell them. They already knew everything anyway. There was no way out of this. She looked down before speaking.

in her eyes.

"She's in the dungeons." Kamryn took off as soon as he heard what she said. Micah was on his heels. Randal had the guards take Melita down to the holding cells where Elsie was. He and Lynn then chased after their sons.

When Kamryn got to the dungeons, he opened the door and checked each cell. When he got to the one in the back, he knew that was where she had been. He could smell her scent from the blood he saw on the cell floor. He also saw the witch collar with the broken lock, but where was Angel?

"She's gone." He said as he ran back out, shifting into Legend to look for her.

Anna had walked silently into the palace, not wanting to run into Melita before she found Kamryn. As she made her way through the palace, she heard Melita yelling, so she peeked around the corner and saw a guard pulling her with him down the hall. She was getting ready to continue on, but then she heard Kamryn.

"She's right; let her go. Didn't you know this is my mate? We're going to the royal office now to make it official." Anna fell to her knees, wanting to scream, but she still didn't have a voice. She watched in horror as Melita threw her arms around Kamryn, and they walked toward the royal office. She knew she couldn't stay there. She was terribly hurt but decided to leave him a note before she left.

Anna used witch speed to get to what used to be their room without anyone seeing her. She opened the desk and got a piece of paper and a pen. She quickly wrote a note and jumped off the balcony into the trees. She had always been the best at flying in her coven, and she took off once she was on the highest tree. She was headed straight home to Spirit Energy.

Legend followed Anna's scent from the blood. It led him to the palace and their room. He shifted into Kamryn once there. Kamryn looked everywhere but didn't see her. He saw the balcony doors were open, and as he headed toward them, he saw a note on his pillow. When he read it, he felt like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest. It was from his Angel.


*Melita said that you had taken her as a chosen mate. After I escaped from the dungeons where she tortured me, I saw you walking into the royal office to make it official. I thought you loved me, but I guess I was wrong. I have my memory back now because whatever poison she gave me was the antidote to the spell my cousin had put on me. I'm going home. I wish you well.*



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