The Slave of Pleasure

Capítulo 106


After spending so much time in silence and keeping my feelings to myself, I now found myself caught between two worlds, as if part of me had stayed behind in Italy with Vincenzo and the other was here, in that family home, with Nancy. The news that he wanted to bring Veronica to justice was both a relief and a horror at the same time. Vincenzo was determined, but Veronica was not the kind of person to let anyone get in her way with impunity. However, just thinking about the chance to be with him again made me feel something blossom inside me: a small but growing hope.noveldrama

The night was long, and even with my head buzzing with worries, I eventually fell asleep. However, my sleep was restless. Images of the past and the future mixed together in hazy dreams, in which I was sometimes with Vincenzo, sometimes fleeing from an invisible danger. It was as if something in me already knew the risks that this decision of his would bring, but another part was willing to face whatever it took to have the life he had promised me.

The next morning, I was woken up by the familiar and enthusiastic sound of Nancy's voice. She was standing next to the bed, smiling, carrying a coffee and looking like she was ready to hear any news. "Good morning, sunshine!" she said, with that smile that could cheer me up in any situation.

After a short pause, I decided to tell Nancy everything. I needed to get it off my chest, and if there was anyone who would understand, it was her.

"You're not going to believe this," I began, and Nancy leaned in, attentive, her eyes wide. "Vincenzo texted me last night." I tried to explain everything, telling her about his plan to confront Veronica, about how he had deleted the contact right after, leaving me with only the words he had written, nothing more. "He said he wanted to protect me, and that only after everything was resolved could we be together."

Nancy let out a long whistle, holding her coffee cup in both hands as if she were processing each word. "I kind of figured he'd do that," she said. "Vincenzo is a man of action, and deleting his number from your phone makes sense, especially if he wants to keep you out of trouble." She kept talking, her tone conspiratorial, but all I could think about was what that really meant. As much as I wanted to be by his side, the idea that he would risk so much for someone like Veronica made me painfully anxious. Vincenzo might be strong and fearless, but even he had his limits, and I knew how risky this confrontation could be. "He's being impulsive, Nancy," I said, my voice shaking more than I intended. "That woman is dangerous. She has nothing to lose, and if he confronts her directly... I don't even want to think about what might happen." Nancy, who had been listening intently until then, took a deep breath and placed her cup on the table. She came closer and placed a hand on my shoulder, her gaze serious. "Rachel, Vincenzo is smart. If he's decided to act, he must have thought everything through. But... you need to decide what you want to do from now on. I know this situation is a nightmare, but you can't let it define your entire life." Nancy's words hit me hard. There was truth in them, something I had been reluctant to admit. Even though my heart was still deeply attached to Vincenzo, I had to ask myself if this relationship was worth the risk of always living in the shadow of his problems. Vincenzo was part of a complicated world, and I might never be able to deal with everything that came with it. But at the same time, it wasn't easy to just move on. Vincenzo wasn't someone ordinary; he was someone who had come into my life unexpectedly and changed everything. How could I just forget about that? Nancy sighed, almost as if she could read my thoughts. "Look, Rachel, I know you have feelings for him, and that's natural. But don't forget that you have your own life, your own choices. You need to decide if you want to stay stuck in a situation that may never have a peaceful end."

For a moment, I found myself torn between the logic Nancy brought and my desire to still have a chance to live this love. The idea of Vincenzo fighting to protect me was charming, but also cruel, because it left me powerless, at the mercy of his decisions and what might come next.

Nancy stood up and gave me a quick hug, saying with her typical energy: "Let's have a hearty breakfast! It will help you clear your mind, who knows, maybe you'll be able to think better on a full stomach."

We headed to the kitchen, and the smell of coffee soon brought some comfort to my agitated thoughts. Nancy, always optimistic, tried to turn the moment into something lighter, and I thanked myself for having someone like her by my side. Between one laugh and another, I We were making breakfast. She tried to distract me by talking about a new hobby she wanted to try-something related to growing exotic plants-and for a brief moment, I was able to put my worries aside and simply enjoy the present.

But as the day wore on, I realized that despite the distractions, the situation with Vincenzo was still lingering in my mind. What if he got hurt? What if I really never saw him again?

At one point, Nancy stopped and looked at me with an encouraging smile. "You know, Rachel, no matter what you decide, I'll be here. I'll always be there for you, whether it's to laugh or to catch you if you fall."

Those simple, sincere words were all I needed to hear. I knew that the final decision was mine, and that in the end, perhaps the only way to resolve everything was to wait and see what would happen. Vincenzo had chosen his path, and now it was up to me to decide mine.

Finally, I took a deep breath and looked at Nancy, feeling a little stronger. "I know it won't be easy," I began, trying to organize my thoughts, "but I think you're right. I need to get my life back on track, with or without Vincenzo." She nodded, her eyes shining with pride and support. "That's right, my friend. You're strong, and I know you can handle whatever comes your way. And in the meantime, I'll be here for you if you need me." With those words, something inside me calmed down. The storm of feelings was still there, but now it seemed less intense, as if I had found a place to stand, a light in the midst of the chaos. Vincenzo and what he represented would continue to occupy a place in my heart, but for now, I needed to focus on myself and the opportunities that this new stage in my life could bring. Nancy and I finished our coffee and began making plans for the rest of the day. Although the situation with Vincenzo was still up in the air, I now knew that regardless of the outcome, I would not be alone in facing it.

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