The Revenge of the Mute Wife by Melanie Paulson

Chapter 110



The detective laughed out loud upon hearing that.

"That was a good one."

"What are you laughing at?" Frederick asked, irritated.

"Although I hate Vox and his group, I can assure you that the one good thing about them is their moral code, which prevents them from harming women and children. Therefore, he is not a suspect. The only one with a motive and who benefited from Alexandra Anderson's death is you, isn't it?" the detective said, frowning.

Frederick frowned, realizing the detective knew this.

"You arrogant bastard, you killed her!" Nicholas could no longer contain himself and lunged at Frederick to punch him.

"You bastard, take advantage of the fact that I'm tied up! If I weren't, I swear I would- Frederick shouted, but was cut off by a punch to the mouth that knocked out some teeth.

"Stop it!" the detective yelled, standing up to separate them.

"Let me go! Let me at him! He took her from me!" Nicholas screamed, showing the anger he felt at that


*Nicholas, please, you promised," Christian pleaded anxiously.

Nicholas frowned but took a few steps back to keep his distance.

"Frederick, stop playing games and tell us the truth, or I'll let him," the detective pointed at Nicholas, carry out his threat. Scum like you deserve this treatment and more." "But she died because she was stupid," Frederick said with a mocking smile.

"What did you say?" Nicholas shouted, but he was quickly restrained.

"Well, yes, none of this would have happened if she had just given me her money," Frederick said mockingly, "but she wasn't as smart as she claimed, because the idiot ended up dead..." Nicholas couldn't stand hearing him mock Alexandra anymore, so he shoved Christian aside and lunged at Frederick, trying to either kill him or break his face... whichever came first. "No, Nicholas!" Christian pleaded, standing up with difficulty.

The detective quickly stood up, and other officers entered, having heard the commotion, and tried to separate them while pulling Nicholas out of the room.

"No, let me go, I have to kill him!" Nicholas said, struggling. "She didn't have to die!"

"Tch... I'm going to sue you! I'm going to sue all of you. Frederick started when they adjusted the chair he was tied to, but he was hit again, sending him back to the floor.

"Shut up already," the detective said, shaking his hand and giving Frederick a hateful look. "You're going to talk now, or I won't hesitate to let him come back and really kill you."

"This is police abuse!"

"Says the one who abused a girl for eight years just because she survived the accident. Your friend event forged documents stating that your children were Alexandra's so you could claim the Anderson fortune as soon as Deborah was declared dead," Christian declared angrily, showing the papers supporting his


Frederick trembled slightly, realizing they had indeed discovered everything, which meant he was in deep


Meanwhile, Nicholas was trying to calm the rage he felt at that moment, so he stepped out of the building to get some air.

He saw a black car pull up at the building's entrance, and a man in a tuxedo with dark glasses stepped out, opening the rear door and helping Deborah out.

"Careful, ma'am," he said, taking the box she was carrying and offering her his hand to help her out of the vehicle.

[Thank you.]

Deborah," Nicholas ran to her, taking her hand. "What. what are you doing here?"

"Sir, here you go," the chauffeur said, handing him the box before stepping back.

"Eh... ah, thanks... Nicholas stammered, taking what was handed to him.

'See you, ma'am," the chauffeur said, bowing slightly before getting back into the car.

[Thank you for bringing me here.] Deborah wrote as a farewell.


[It doesn't matter how I got here, but I came because I want to show you something.] Deborah looked him in the eyes

"Sure, come inside and we can talk. You know, you arrived just in time because I almost killed Frederick."

Deborah said nothing and let him lead her to a room where they could talk in private.

"Well, tell me what you wanted..."

[Take this, it's for you.] Deborah opened the box to take out a letter and give it to him.

Nicholas was about to ask about the contents of the envelope, but he was surprised to see his name because he recognized the handwriting, it was a letter written by Alexandra. Cautiously, he opened the envelope to read the letter inside.

To my beloved Nicholas,

If you are reading this letter, it means my plan has failed. That idiot has too many corrupt friends everywhere, and I'm scared..

Although George has offered to help me, I believe that monster's ambition has armed him against me.

I discovered he plans to pass off his children as mine, and I fear he will harm Deborah, my daughter... our

daughter, Nicholas.

Yes, Nicholas. Deborah is your daughter because when Frederick drugged and raped me, I was already a month pregnant. Your leaving had hurt me and gave him the chance to ruin our lives.

I didn't get the chance to tell you the truth when we reunited because I was dealing with my dad's death and also discovered that Frederick asked that mobster Vox to kill him.

But two can play that game, so I contacted that mobster to ask questions and also hired his services. So if you are reading this letter, it means he fulfilled my request and delivered my special box to Deborah, where all the evidence I found against Frederick and his partner Vanessa is stored, as they are both scammers and I was their final big hit. No matter how much time has passed, I want you to know that I've never stopped loving you and please take care of our daughter. I know you will be very happy together.

Yours forever, Alexandra Anderson.

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