The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter Thirty-Three - Past Your Bedtime-1


I saw Jace and Adam exchange a wary look between them.noveldrama

"We can't talk about it here," Adam said to me in a low voice.

My eyebrows furrowed and I almost said something in response to his vagueness. However, Mrs. Chandler entered the room and Adam shook his head, warning me not to say anything else about it. Her face lit up when she saw me and she walked over to give me a big hug.

"Look at you!" She said, holding up my left hand to inspect my engagement ring. "You're getting married!"

I tried to smile sincerely as she seemed genuinely happy about the news-but I couldn't forget about Mr. Chandler no matter how hard I tried.

"Happy late birthday as well, Evie! How was Germany?" She asked.

Adam cleared his throat awkwardly.

I gathered from this ambiguous gesture that it probably wasn't a good idea to tell her about narrowly avoiding my throat being slit.

"It was great!" I lied, giving her a fake smile.

She didn't seem to catch on and simply smiled and turned to Adam.

"You did good," she said, referencing the ring.

"Thank you," He said smiling.

Adam was a lot better at faking it than I was.

"I'm glad you're back safely," she said sighing.

Mrs. Chandler turned and walked over to Mr. Chandler's bedside and sat down next to him, taking his hand in hers.

Almost immediately after she had done so, the door opened once again and Dr. Zosak walked in, accompanied by a nurse in black scrubs. Dr. Zosak acknowledged Adam, Jace and myself with a nod and a smile before turning to Mrs. Chandler. "Is he still sleeping?" He asked.

She nodded, running her hand soothingly along Mr. Chandler's arm.

"That's good," He said as he was handed a clipboard by the nurse.

"We're going to give him some antibiotics to make sure the wound doesn't infect further," Dr. Zosak assured her. "I'm also going to give him something for the pain. It will keep him asleep, but he'll be resting, which is good."

She nodded and turned her attention to the nurse who was injecting a vial of something into Mr. Chandlers I.V.

"We'll leave you to it," Adam said to Dr. Zosak. "I want a copy of your report on my desk in two hours."

Dr. Zosak nodded and turned to aid the nurse who was checking Mr. Chandler's vitals.

I took one last look at Mr. Chandler and the wound on his leg before Adam had grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

"I want to know how long that bite's been on his leg, how it got there, and who put it there," Adam said to Jace as we left the hospital ward.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later," he assured me. "Not here."

I was so impatient. I felt so out of the loop and I was concerned for Mr. Chandler. I could see Adam and Jace were concerned about something which made me even more worried.

Adam led me to his bedroom as the butlers finished bringing in our luggage.

I couldn't imagine what lugging my sixty-pound suitcase up all those stairs was like, but I hoped Adam was paying those poor men well enough to compensate for the back issues they were certain to have after doing so. As they left the room, Adam closed the door behind them.

"Can you tell me now?" I asked him.

"Get some sleep, you're probably jet-lagged."

I groaned.

Despite how incredibly exhausted I was, I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. Not after finding out about Mr. Chandler.

"What is going on? Why won't you tell me what happened to him? He's my best friend's father, I'm allowed to be concerned," I said.

I could tell Adam was conflicted.

"Please," I said, sighing.

Adam sat down on the couch, exhaling deeply, and I sat down next to him.

"There's things that we don't tell people," he said. "Things that if people knew about, they'd be scared of their own shadow."

I cocked an eyebrow at this.

"What are you talking about?"

He looked at me warily before sighing again.

"How much do you know about Vampires?"

"Well, they're extinct now and, according to some people, they sparkled in the sunlight," I said laughing nervously.

My smile fell as Adam stared at me darkly.

"Oh my God," I whispered.

Adam's jaw clenched as he turned to stare at the wall in front of him.

"You think a Vampire bit Mr. Chandler?" I asked.

I took his silence as a yes.

"But that's impossible," I said quickly. "I mean... they're extinct. They have been for hundreds of years."

"No," Adam said shaking his head. "They haven't been."

I looked at him in gaping horror.

"How long have you known?! How long have they been back?"

"They never went extinct," he said. "We wiped them out centuries ago, but apparently not enough to kill them all."

"But why don't we hear of any attacks?" I asked him. "I mean, they're surviving off of someone's blood and we don't hear about it..."

"They don't bite through the skin anymore," he said. "They cut people or stab them and they drink their blood as it comes out."

I cringed at the thought.

"It's how they've adapted. It's also why they're so hard to find. They don't leave a trace anymore," he explained. "The mistake that this one made was actually biting into Mr. Chandler's flesh once the wound had been opened. That's how Jace and I knew."

I gulped.

"But if a vampire got to Mr. Chandler..."

"That means they're either close to where you were living, or they've managed to get into this castle."

I could feel my heart beating wildly in my chest.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him.

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