The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 69


I kept making sure my link with Mila was open as I sat in my dad’s private study which was pretty much classified as a man cave. There was a bar, a pool table, and he even had a jukebox and dart board. This is where he would usually host his friends for poker night here.

Honestly, I had no desire to be here whatsoever..especially since that punk-a*s kid was here. I was nursing a scotch and glaring at him as Finn was going on about some summer school story and making everyone laugh. My mind was on one thing and one thing Mila. I noticed Alpha Nathan glancing toward me and knew he wanted to talk.

I just felt like I was done with this day..completely. It was six o’clock now and cocktails started at seven downstairs. Most of the Alphas were in here, their mates meeting with us later so they could get ready in their rooms. Alpha Stephen, one of my father’s close friends from Oak Ridge Pack, was an older man and had been allied with us for more than twenty years. He had two daughters a little later in life and was waiting for them to find their mates. They are in their early twenties and he is in his late fifties, his Luna Jenny though was a real piece of work..not to be rude, but she was a bitch. When I was a kid, my mom would call her that behind closed doors, and I got in trouble once for repeating what I heard to her face when I was eight, that didn’t go well. The other Alpha that came early is Alpha Isaac from Fire Crest Pack, he is in his thirties and actually just found his Luna this past year. Luna Emily is expecting their first pup in a few months. Isaac is a pretty cool guy, and keeps to himself for the most part. Which I am a fan of, that’s for sure.

‘I’m ready for this shit to be over with.’

Tristan linked to me, he was done with all of this too…I had a feeling it had to do with a certain guy who just found his mate. Considering how he kept shooting daggers at him.

Blake was on cloud nine though, blissfully unaware of it and I had to admit..I couldn’t help but feel happy for him. My brother deserved this and the fact that it’s Lottie makes it that much better.

Somehow it made me miss my own mate..knowing that happiness and feeling incomplete without her. F**k, why was this so hard?

‘Let’s go outside and get some air.’

I linked Tristan, I knew he had a lot on his mind, and getting out of here wasn’t the worst idea. Especially with how he was glaring at Blake.

I set my drink down and stood. Glancing around the room I noticed my dad and Elder Nicolas were now telling a story and everyone was deeply engrossed. One thing my dad could do was entertain a crowd. Blake was the one who inherited that trait, I would rather keep things professional and get straight to the point.

Tristan walked by me and nodded his head, signaling he was ready.

I quickly followed behind him and once we got outside I took a deep breath, feeling that ache in my heart so much more as the quiet night settled around me. How can I miss her so f*****g much when I just saw her over an hour ago, it feels like days.

‘Baby, you doing okay?’

I linked, needing to hear her voice for my peace of mind. What were they up to? I wish I could spy on them somehow…maybe I should ask Ian if he can hear anything.

‘Doing great baby! But I miss you..’

She linked, a small giggle getting through and my heart almost burst. She was so f*****g adorable.

‘You need me to get you?’

I begged for her to say yes, wishing I could take her back to our room and devour her.

‘We will be down soon, I am trying my dress on in a minute.’

She sounded a little tipsy too..which was concerning. Before I could link her back Tristan spoke up.

“How are the girls doing?” Tristan asked, passing me a bottle of scotch he must have swiped from my dad’s bar.

“Having a grand ol’ time.” My voice sounded bitter, I couldn’t hide my point in front of Tristan, he was one of the few people I felt like I never needed to hide who I was or how I truly felt.

“It’s that hard huh? To be away from her?” He asked as I took a swig of scotch and passed it back.

“It f*****g sucks…I have never felt like this in my entire life. Even now it’s almost like I can’t truly breathe without her. Like a piece of my soul is missing and she is the only thing on my mind..this mating bond has flipped my whole world upside down..” I said, looking at him as he raised an eyebrow.

“Sounds f*****g horrible.” He laughed, causing me to laugh with him..because it did sound horrible…but I wouldn’t change a single thing…

“You would think..but truthfully, I feel like before Mila I was just surviving..trying to find a purpose..a reason to wake up every day. I thought it was to be the best Alpha for this pack…which I still aim to be, but since meeting her..f**k man..she was the reason all along.” I don’t know why I was baring my soul to Tristan right now…I guess I just wanted someone to see my reasoning. I know I seem possessive and controlling, which I won’t’s hard not to feel that way. In the past, I felt like I could somewhat contain Bain more, but since the moment I met Mila he has gotten even stronger and his emotions seem to take over. I’m me…I am.

Tristan passed me back the bottle and slapped my back in a friendly way.

“Well, I am happy for you, truly, I have never seen you like this before. Even though you can’t be without the girl for even an hour..” He teased and took the bottle back, continuing to speak.

“But I know why, she really is something else..she is exactly what you needed. I guess the moon goddess knows what she is doing..even if she pairs my best f*****g friend and sister together.” He said with a scoff.

“I know it’s hard to see Lottie with anyone let alone Blake..but you know him. You know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.” I had to stick up for my brother because it was true.

Blake was never that type of guy really..even though he was my Beta and brother..Blake was naturally a lover, not a fighter. Even with his previous girlfriends he always ended it respectfully and never pursued a girl just to get in her pants..unlike me and Finn. Not to say we were complete assholes…well, maybe we were..we were pretty bad.

“I just I’m the only one..” he cut himself off and I knew this was part of the problem all along. We all found our mates and he was the only one who hadn’t yet.

“Hey, it will just takes time. Look at me, I’m f*****g twenty-eight. It took ten years for me to find my mate…but I can tell you, it’s well worth it.” I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He nodded his head, looking at me as he gave me a half-hearted smile. It was odd seeing Tristan thus vulnerable, but honestly, I liked it. He was a hard person to get to open up, so the fact he was talking to me so openly, I felt like our relationship has really grown.

“Yeah, just annoyed with it Blake just pisses me off naturally.” He laughed, and I knew it was true. They might be best friends but they also knew how to get under each other’s skin like nobody else.

Just like clockwork, Blake and Finn walked outside, laughing as they looked towards us.

“There you guys are, we thought you ran to the missus Ro.” Finn smirked, taking a cigarette out and lit it quickly.

I don’t know how he can smoke that shit, smells horrible.

“I thought about it..more than once.” I mumbled as Blake walked up to Tristan and put his arm around his shoulder.

“Trist, you’re not still mad at me right?” He was he already this drunk?

I glanced at Finn and he shrugged, taking a puff of his cigarette.

“Your dad’s going hard in there, he made everyone do a shot of whiskey.” He had the biggest grin on his face.

“F**k..this dinner will go great I’m sure.” I couldn’t deny that I was feeling pretty tipsy too, but I could hold my liquor pretty well.

“Yeah, Harry was cheering him on, then he and Blake took a few more shots.” Finn’s eyes glowed, looking at me as a low growl left me just from the punk a*s kid’s name.

“Oh come on bro, he’s not that bad. Plus Mil is already mated and marked, not like he can steal her from you.” Blake scoffed, his words pissing me off.

“Blake, that’s enough.” I barked, Bain pushing forward as Blake lifted his hands up in surrender.

“Just saying..Mila is completely in love with use in getting jealous.” He mumbled under his breath and Tristan lifted Blake’s arm off of him, making Blake stumble back slightly.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t be saying that if Lottie was the one Harry was showing attention to.” Tristan quipped and I heard Finn laugh. Blake let out a low possessive growl as he turned to look at Tristan.

“Not funny..” Blake said firmly, and I was about done with this bullshit when Finn spoke up.

“Come on guys..let’s just try to have some fun. Blake found his mate..who was Lottie this whole f*****g time… We are here to celebrate Mila. Genevieve is drunk and linking me naughty things. We’ve got it all gentlemen, let’s try to have a good time. And have the best know why?” He smiled and threw his cigarette on the floor, stomping it out quickly.

“Why is that Finn.” Tristan said unamused by this whole thing.

“Because you are free to f**k whoever the hell you want. Now that is truly lucky..” Finn laughed, taking the bottle from Tristan and taking a big gulp.

I quickly snatched the bottle from his hand and shook my head.

“I think you guys are cut off for the night.” I said raising an eyebrow at Finn.

Finn was known for becoming an aggressive drunk, trying to fight anyone or anything when he has too much. I can sense we are getting there.

I gave the bottle to Tristan and walked towards the house, knowing whatever was going on inside might be much worse than out here.

“Come on, we better go check on them. Seems like dad is trying to turn back time..” I grumbled, walking with the guys back to the house. I could hear the laughter from here as my dad’s booming voice echoed down the hall.

“We’re family now, what a true blessing the moon goddess has bestowed to us, bringing your Amelia to join our families together.” My dad said with a laugh and I couldn’t help but feel my anger rising up. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself when Greta sent me a link.

‘Alpha, we are ready to begin the cocktail hour upstairs in the dining room.’

Greta linked.

‘Thank you, Greta, are the girls already upstairs?’

I asked, wondering if Mila was already done yet. I needed to see her right away.

‘I believe I hear them coming now Alpha.’

She responded with humor in her voice and I quickly closed the link. I needed to get there now.

“Gentlemen, the cocktail hour is starting, so if you would like to make your way over to the dining room we can continue the festivities there.” I said loudly as I walked into my dad’s study.

“Oh, wonderful…I cannot wait to see what our mates have been up to.” My dad said with a huge grin, slapping Glenn on the back as they all began walking toward the hallway. I glanced over, seeing Harry whisper something to Nathan as he nodded his head. Suddenly Harry glanced towards me, setting his glass down as he began walking over.

“Alpha Rowan, is it possible to have a word?” Harry asked, looking at Alpha Nathan once more as he walked by us.

“If you would like.” I spoke firmly, already trying to reign in Bain just from the sound of this kid’s voice.

Everyone trickled out of the room and Finn was the last to leave. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow as he closed the door slowly. I couldn’t even muster a fake smile or sarcastic look. I was trying to focus all of my energy on not ripping Harry to shreds.

“Look, I think we might have come off on the wrong foot.” He began, his hands in his pocket as he stood in front of me. Damn, why was this kid so good-looking. He was tall as hell too…what the hell.

“How so?” I asked, my words lacking emotion. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he affects me. I’m an Alpha for f***s sake.

“Well, I get the feeling you don’t like me…which I can totally understand. Mila and I have a history that goes beyond even before we were born.” He said shrugging his shoulders and I almost snapped. Bain was clawing at my walls, trying to break free and give this guy a piece of our mind.

“I think you mean you and Amelia. Mila wasn’t the one involved in those plans, she doesn’t even know who you are.” Yeah..I know it was a d**k thing to say, but this kid needs to understand whatever he was promised before with Amelia has nothing to do with my Mila.

“I understand that, but it doesn’t change the fact that she is my Alpha’s daughter, and I am obligated to protect her. Considering I will be my pack’s future beta.” He looked at me with little to no fear..which I had to give the kid credit, he has some balls on him. It was almost laughable how he puffed out his chest and tried to stand even taller.

“I appreciate that, but she is my responsibility and mine only. I am in charge of who protects her..I get to decide who gets to even look at her..and to be honest..Harry..I’m not too fond of the way you have been looking at her.” I growled, letting a small fraction of my Alpha presence show, causing Harry to flinch as the overwhelming power engulfed him.

“If I see you so much as look her way again, this won’t end well for you..I mean, you understand right? You know how possessive Alphas can be with their mates.” I leaned in, my eyes turning black as Harry averted his gaze. He nodded his head, his hands clenching into fists as I pulled my presence back in slightly, letting him breathe.

“Good, glad we could reach an understanding. Just remember Harry, the moon goddess chose me as her mate for a reason.” I said, backing away and leaving him in the room to let what I said sink in.

Actually, I do feel better after that conversation. Now he knows where I stand and to not f**k with my mate. Couldn’t of gone any better than that. I saw Finn waiting for me as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed in front of him.

“Well, do I need to call a doctor? Is he still breathing at least?” He teased, smirking at me as he pushed off the wall and started walking next to me.

“Not this time, but he knows where I stand now.” I said with a smirk, glancing at Finn as he slapped my back.

“Well Alpha, I must say, Mila has made you soft.” He said with a laugh, surprising me.

“What? How so?” I said, feeling like if anything I have been even more overprotective and irrational.

“Come know the old you would of beat the shit out of the kid. But the fact that it could possibly upset Mila stopped you.” He said, calling me out as I frowned..I guess that’s true. I did wonder how Mila would feel if I beat the kid up.

“Whatever..let’s go.” I grumbled, not wanting to think about this shit anymore.

We walked through the hallway, the sound of chatter filling the room as the scent of my mate slammed right into me. This time it was mixed with something else though. A sweet floral scent with a hint of citrus..was she wearing perfume?..that was a first. I turned the corner and instantly stopped in my tracks, frozen in place as I saw the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Mila was smiling brightly, her dress a sparkling emerald green that matched her eyes perfectly. It clung to her body and flowed to the floor. I had never seen her wear something like this..and it knocked the f*****g air out of me. She wore her chocolate brown hair up in a bun with beautiful curls framing her face. Her eyes had a smokey look and her lips a shiny pink. My eyes wandered down her gorgeous curves. The bodice clung to her full chest, not revealing her cleavage in any way but yet it was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen her wear.

“Holy shit.” Finn blurted out next to me, causing me to whip my head towards him, and let out a growl.

“You better be talking about your own mate Finn..or so help me..” I hissed through clenched teeth.

“Yeah..of course..” he coughed out, trying to find Genevieve now.

I walked forward, entering the room as Mila’s eyes instantly snapped to mine. F**k she was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen..and I knew for a fact I wasn’t the only one thinking this.

I walked up to my mate, my hands wrapping around her waist as I looked into her eyes, unable to find any words as she smiled up at me. Her hand slowly reached for my face as she pressed her palm against my cheek lovingly.

“There you are, I was getting worried.” She whispered, the smell of sweet champagne mixing with her warm breath.

I bent down, my lips crashing against hers as I kissed my mate deeply. Needing to taste her, to feel my sweet Mila pressed up against me. She slipped her tongue inside my mouth, rolling and gliding against my own. The action causing sparks to burst on my tongue, making me swallow them whole as the sensation filled every inch of me. F**k I loved her so much..

“You look incredible baby.” I whispered against her lips, our brows touching as I looked down at her. For a moment we were the only two people here..the room faded away as I looked at this woman who has become my whole world.

“You look pretty good yourself.” She breathed, a warm smile pulling at her mouth as I couldn’t help but cup her face and press another deep k**s onto those perfect pink lips.

I slowly pulled away, my arm wrapping around her small waist as I looked down at her lovingly. Her own eyes burned into mine. She reached up slowly, wiping my lips gently with her thumb. I suspected she was cleaning off the lipstick I now must be wearing.

‘I love you.’

She linked to me, causing my heart to flutter as I gripped her waist tighter.

‘F**k baby, I love you so don’t understand how bad I want to rip that dress off of you.’

I growled into the link..that being my first thought when seeing her in that dress.

She gasped, her eyes narrowing as she looked up at me.

‘Don’t you dare, this is a rental.’

She commanded into the link, making me laugh out loud as I bent down to whisper into her ear.

“Too late, I have already committed to the plan.” I whispered, causing a visible shiver to tremble through her as she bit her bottom l*p softly, making my d**k twitch..I was already hard enough from just seeing her…this was going to be a long night..unless I could sneak her away. That might be my only hope.

Before I could come up with the plan fully a server came up, carrying a tray of cocktails as I grabbed one for Mila.

“Here baby, you drink tonight.” I whispered, knowing how frisky she gets when she drinks..that will help my plan go smoothly.

She smiled brightly, taking the light pink drink and sipping it.

“Mmm..You want to try it?” She asked, I could tell she was already pretty tipsy..but I wanted her to have fun.

I nodded my head, bending down as I kissed her lips..she knew that’s how I liked to taste things..and can I say it was pretty f*****g delicious..maybe because it was mixed with Mila..all food and drink tasted better that way.

She giggled, smiling brightly at me as I saw my mom and dad walking up to us. My mom wore a blush pink sequined dress, it was actually pretty similar to Mila’s but no one can compare to her..she is just on a whole other level.

“Well, it’s nice to see you behaving for once son.” My mom teased and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

“Hello mother, you look beautiful. ” I said, leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek. She waved away my comment, a smile forming on her lips as she turned her attention to Mila.

“Well, let’s just say we had some much-needed girl time. She looks stunning doesn’t she darling?” My mother’s eyes sparkled as she gazed upon Mila. Even my dad seemed entranced.

“Well, let’s just say our future grand pups might have a chance since Mila’s good genes should offset this one.” My dad joked, pointing to me as Mila burst out laughing, causing me to frown at her.

“You do realize you just called yourself ugly Dad.” Blake said, walking up with his arm around Lottie.

She wore a lavender silk dress that left little to the imagination. She was never shy about her body and I could see her mother frowning in the corner as she shook her head and glared right at Lottie’s bare back.

“No…I called your mom ugly.” He said, causing a loud gasp to leave my mom as my dad laughed hysterically.

“Oh honey you know I was just joking..” my dad said between laughs as my mom pouted and gave him the cold shoulder.

He proceeded to sweet talk to her and try to ask for forgiveness as Blake shook his head.

“Can’t take them anywhere.” He grumbled, looking over at Lottie with a big smile.

“You look nice Lottie.” I said, seeing her eyes sparkle as she gazed up at Blake. Her attention now moving toward me and Mila.

“Thank you, Rowan. And also thanks for letting us borrow Mila for the evening. I know it was hard to let her out of the cage.” She quipped with a big a*s grin.

“I see Europe hasn’t changed you much..” I grumbled, feeling Mila squeeze my hand that was around her waist.

Suddenly I looked up, seeing Alpha Nathan approaching us as I felt Mila stiffen beside me.noveldrama

‘I’m right here with you baby..’

I linked and she nodded her head…well, I guess here we go…

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