The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 67


Well, after that whole crazy a*s drama happened I somehow found my way up to my room. I grew up in this house since I was a baby, all of the years and memories I had here, I was almost emotional thinking about it..what the hell was going on with me. brother’s best mate. I laughed to myself, falling back on the bed and draping my arm over my eyes as I couldn’t f*****g believe it. Maybe there were signs, the way he would always pop into my mind. How my heart would skip a beat whenever he would text me and ask how I was doing. I couldn’t deny that I might have had a small crush on him when I was a kid…but I never thought it would end up like this.

My mom and Laura were ecstatic, with the fact that I was accepting the bond…that I was giving this a real shot. I don’t know why everything changed so drastically but the moment I saw Blake standing in the kitchen…I knew there was no way I would reject him. I knew for a fact that I was in deep shit and there was no going back.

‘Hey, are you in your room? I need to speak to you.’

Tristan linked and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

‘Yeah, come over whenever you are ready.’

I linked back and not even thirty seconds later he knocked on my door and opened it.

“He’s not in here is he…” Tristan grumbled with a scowl.

“No..he went to help out Laura.” I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Same mature Lottie like always.” He muttered under his breath and walked over towards my dresser, looking at pictures of me, him, Rowan, and Blake as kids.

“Well this is pretty f****d up isn’t it?” He quipped while studying one of the pictures closely. It so happened to be one with me on Blake’s back as he gave me a piggyback ride.

“I thought so too at first..but honestly Trist, it’s f*****g perfect..” I couldn’t help the softness of my voice and the smile that naturally pulled at my lips.

He turned around, looking at me carefully as he studied my expression.

“You felt something for him all along didn’t you?” He asked curiously. I nodded my head, he knew me too damn well.

“I honestly didn’t think it would end up like this though…I thought it was a little kid crush.” I laughed, feeling pathetic for admitting it.

“Well, if this is what you want…I will support you. But please, keep the pda shit to a’s disgusting. Seeing my best friend with my sister..” he almost shuddered picturing us together in his mind.

“Well apparently it’s Blake’s dream..he keeps calling you bro now..” I teased him and Tristan g*****d, falling back onto the bed.

“Yeah..and he’s doing it to piss me off.” He turned his head, looking at me as I laughed.

“You know it really is the best thing in the world to mean a lot to him.” I knew how much Blake looked up to Tristan, even though they were the same age..I know it’s kind of bugging him deep down how upset Tristan is about it.

“I know… It’s just been a crazy a*s day…first, we find Mila’s real dad apparently and then this. Just a lot of drama going on.” He looked exhausted, to be honest.

“Yeah, I was going to ask. Are they sure it’s her dad? It would be a shame to get her hopes up and find out it’s not really him.” That would be absolutely horrible, picturing Mila sad didn’t sit well wil me.

“That’s what I feared too but everything seems to check out, including the fact that their pack members can link her.” He said picking up one of my old teddy bears and looking at it. It was funny seeing my brother who was 6’2 and lanky hanging off the bed holding a teddy bear in his muscular arms.

“What?” He asked, looking at me curiously.

“Nothing..just seeing you holding Mr. Buttons is hilarious. ” I said with a chuckle.

“You laugh at me but you named a stuffed bear Mr. Buttons? He doesn’t even have any buttons on him.” He said, examining the bear and I yanked it from him, frowning as I kissed Mr. Buttons on the nose.

“I hope Blake doesn’t find out about this..he might see Mr. Buttons as competition.” He raised an eyebrow and I threw my pillow at his head.

“Okay, get out.” I called out playfully and he laughed, holding his hands up in surrender.

“Fine, I’m leaving.” He said turning around. And then I remembered something.

“Oh Trist, can you give me Mila’s number? I wanted to see if she would want to get ready with me for tonight.” I asked and he nodded his head. Bringing out his phone and forwarding me her contact info.

“Good luck…Rowan has her locked up pretty tight.” He said raising an eyebrow.

“We’ll see about that.” I said with a huge grin and Tristan left in a much better mood..which was a huge relief because if my brother didn’t get on board it would have eaten me alive.noveldrama


I heard a cell phone ringing and looked over for Rowan’s phone…when I realized he was on it with a work call. His eyebrow shot up in confusion as he glanced over at my phone, wondering who could be calling me. I shrugged, not knowing the number as I picked it up..oh goddess, please don’t let it be Harry.

“Hello?” I asked softly, glancing at Rowan as he seemed more engrossed in my conversation than his own.

“Hey Mil, it’s me, Lottie, Tristan gave me your number.” Lottie said casually and I let out a breath I hadn’t even realized I had been holding.

“Hey Lottie, how are you doing.” I said loud enough for Rowan to hear. He seemed to relax immediately with relief filling his eyes as he continued his conversation.

“Actually pretty f*****g great.” She said with a clear smile in her voice, I couldn’t help but smile too.

“That’s awesome I really am so happy for you two.” I couldn’t contain my own excitement for them.

Rowan kept glancing over at me as I laid back in the bed, his eyes wandering the length of my body as my fingers naturally twirled a strand of hair mindlessly.

“Well, I was calling to ask if you wanted to get ready together. For the cocktail hour and dinner. I could use some girl time.” She said like it was nothing and I sat up straight…I had seen this in some movies and even read about it in books.

“Girl time?” I sounded confused and she must have sensed it.

“Yeah you know, do each other’s hair, drink some wine, get dressed together, that type of girly stuff.” She laughed.

“I..uhh..let me just ask Rowan.” I was shell shocked. I felt embarrassed but I didn’t want to do anything without making sure Rowan was okay with it first.

Rowan must have finished his call because he was now sitting in a chair across from the bed looking at me. His expression was full of worry as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees and watched me intently.

“Lottie was wondering if I could get ready with her for dinner..have..girl time.” I said slowly and he studied me, as his expression softened, giving me hope that he might say yes.

“Is that what you want to do baby?” He asked me, standing now and sauntering towards was he sexy..he was shirtless and only wearing grey slack..his hair was slicked back and his muscles were firm and toned. He truly had the body of an athlete..he wasn’t too bulky, just pure muscle, and with his height..the only thing I could think to call him was drop-dead gorgeous. Looking at him, all I could do was nod my head as he slipped his finger under my chin. My throat became dry as I swallowed hard, trying to control myself.

“Okay, but you only stay with Lottie in her room okay?” He instructed with a gentle tone, placing his lips against mine softly as I nodded my head yes.

“Hello? Mila?” I heard on the phone and finally snapped out of the trance Rowan had me in.

“Yes, I’m here, sorry…yeah, I can come.” I tried to compose myself but wasn’t doing a very good job at it as Rowan wrapped his arms around me, his mouth finding my neck quickly.

“Okay great, see you in a few..oh and bring a few dress options and shoes.” She added quickly and before I could say anything Rowan grabbed the phone from me.

“Lottie, I will arrange for some items to be brought over..okay..and Lottie..please behave. I will send Ian over to guard outside your door.” And with that, he hung up. I couldn’t hide how excited I was for this and jumped into Rowan’s arms.

“Thank you, baby, I have never done anything like this before.” I said while wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands reached out sliding behind my back as he spanked my butt playfully, causing me to giggle.

“Go get ready, I will walk you over.” He quickly bent down, giving me a peck on the lips as I nodded enthusiastically.

‘Oh darling, this is going to be so much fun.’

Calypso was just as excited as me.

I ran to the closet and pulled on some jeans and a hoodie since I was only wearing a T-shirt and panties. Then I decided to pull my hair up in a ponytail. There was really no point in wearing shoes so I just slipped on some slippers. Rowan walked in, sliding his arms around my waist as he breathed me in.

“As much as I will miss you I know you deserve this. Plus I better catch up with the guys.” He said, kissing my cheek and sending butterflies rushing to my stomach.

“I love you baby, thank you.” I turned in his arms, rising on my tiptoes, and pressed a gentle k**s to his lips.

“We better go before I rip these clothes off of you and have my way with you again.” He growled and I nodded my head quickly, pulling away and walking straight for the door. Rowan laughed behind me as he pulled on a black polo shirt and slipped on his shoes.

“Okay let’s go.” He said, reaching for my hand as I took it happily. I couldn’t wait for my first experience of having an actual girlfriend..a real friend! I was more than excited, to say the least.

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