The Lost Female Alpha

Chapter 43

"Diana," Someone shouted. My head was fuzzy, I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep but I knew it wasn't long enough. Mumbling under my breath, I turned away from the noise that was trying to pull me out of my sleep. A few more minutes, or hours, that was what I needed right now.noveldrama

"Diana, my darling," they said. Fingers caressed my cheek, brushing my hair away from my face but there were no tingles. Whoever was touching me wasn't my mate. My eyes shot open as I pushed myself away from the unknown person who was stroking my face.

Fear gripped my body as I opened my eyes and realised that I was back in the same room from my nightmare the other night. Arthur was sitting on the bed beside me with a sickening grin on his face. Pushing with my arms and my legs, I tried to get as far away from him as I could. Once I put a little bit of distance between the two of us, I turned to jump out of the bed. That was when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"I brought you here so we could talk while I held you in my arms. I want you to fall in love with me but if you won't even let me touch you then I am afraid I will have to force you." What the heck was Arthur talking about? If he thought I was ever going to fall in love with him then he was seriously deluded as well as being completely insane.

I turned around to face him, he was nibbling on his lower lip. I think he actually thought of himself as seductive rather than the creep he truly is. A chill ran down my spine. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what he was planning to do to me if I didn't comply with his requests. Then again, I always did have a morbid sense of curiosity, didn't I?

"What do you mean?" The words left my mouth before I had time to stop myself.

"I have always told you that I wanted you to come to me but I can't wait forever. If you won't talk to me then I will have to come and get you, even if it is against your will." He replied in a matter of fact tone, his eyes staring straight through me like he was looking into my soul. I shuddered.

Moving closer to him was literally the last thing I wanted to do but what other choice did I have? I needed to work out how to use my powers, until then the odds were stacked against us. Arthur could control the rest of the pack and use them against me. I would be just as powerless to stop him as my parents were all those years ago.

Maybe if I could stall him for long enough then I could master my powers. Find some way of protecting the rest of the pack from him or find a way to use my powers offensively. All I had to do was sit here and talk to him for a while, how bad could that really be in the grand scheme of things? It was just words in a dream, it wasn't even real, it was going to be fine.

Taking a few deep breaths to steady myself, I moved back towards the centre of the bed. I sat so that my back was against the headboard, making sure that no part of me was touching Arthur. For a moment I thought that he was going to let me get away with it but I wasn't that lucky.

Arthur shuffled in closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He was looking at me and smiling. The look on his face made me feel as though he was expecting something from me. I had no clue what he wanted from me, what were we even supposed to talk about? The weather? Politics? How much of a psychopath he is?

"What would you like to know?" I asked. My voice was shaking slightly, I hated it. It would be much easier if I could punch him in the jaw and be done with this. What would it take from me to make him lose interest in me? Maybe if I made myself look like the most boring person in the world then he would leave me alone.

"How about you tell me about your ideal date?" Arthur suggested. His body was inclined towards me and his eyes were on me as he tried desperately to make eye contact with me. I didn't see the point of any of this but it was fine, as long as he continued to ask me such boring questions it would be fine.

I answered his questions without making a fuss but they just kept coming. It seemed as though he wanted to know literally everything about my life. That was disconcerting enough but what made it worse was his constant need to touch me. In the beginning he ran his fingers over my shoulder but as time went on his hands started to wander. He stroked the back of my neck, my hair and right now he was running his fingers over his cheek.

I wasn't comfortable with the way he was touching me but the situation hadn't changed. If I pushed him away now he could use it as an excuse to attack mine and Elijah's pack and take me away. The risk didn't seem worth it, yet. "Tell me where you like to be kissed," he said, whispering softly in my ear. His fingers were stroking my cheek and I could see the lust in his eyes, it was enough to make me feel nauseous. Every cell in my body wanted to push him away from me. It is just a dream, I can get through this, it can't be much longer.

"I don't feel comfortable answering that question." I replied, nibbling on my lower lip. I was hoping that this wouldn't be enough to make him lose his temper with me. I glanced over and studied his expression carefully, I saw no sign of anger. A smile crossed his face as he looked at me watching him, his eyes darted down towards my lips.

"If you don't want to tell me, that is fine. I will show you where I like to kiss a woman." He leaned forward and pressed his lips against my neck, making me freeze with fear. His lips were so close to my marking spot. I didn't know what would happen if he bit me in my dream, if marking me in this strange dream-like state would also mark me in real life.

Arthur rolled over so his body was pressed against mine. I could feel his erection pressing against my hip. Panic tightened its grip on me and I wasn't sure If I wanted to scratch his eyes out or throw up in his face. In this dreamlike state I couldn't contact my wolf but I didn't need her to fight. I had been training since I was a young child, even as a human I could out-fight most werewolves. Right now though, I was terrified.

"Shhhh, it's ok sweetheart. I would never hurt you." He rubbed himself against my leg and let out a moan while he continued to kiss me. He kissed his way up my neck and along my jaw. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but that only seemed to arouse him further. His breathing was getting deeper.

My stomach clenched. What was I meant to do? It felt as though all capacity for rational thought had left me. All I knew was that I needed to get out of here, urgently. I opened my mouth and screamed while thrashing my arms and legs wildly, fighting with every part of me to get out of this situation.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

I opened my eyes to see Elijah looming over me with a worried look on his face. We were in our bed but I was still wearing the clothes I had on earlier today. Elijah must have carried me to bed after I fell asleep on the sofa with Ava.

"I had another dream. It was bad," I replied. Elijah pulled me onto his chest, he stroked my hair and whispered comforting words to me. It was comforting to hear his voice and feel his touch against my skin but I didn't hear the exact words he was saying. My mind was too preoccupied.

Most of my fear had already slipped away. There were still a few remnants of that fear but it had mostly been replaced by determination. This was never going to happen again.

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