The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0846

"Why are they searching for the murderer?" I ask, my face twisted in confusion. "It's very obviously Gabriel -“

"Ariel!" Ben breathes, putting his hands on my shoulders and giving me a little shake. "When I say chaos I mean chaos - are you aware that the protective magic all over the castle has just fallen?"

I gasp, my eyes going wide. Because how the hell did I not think of that as a consequence!?noveldrama

On one hand...this is very bad. Shit - shit! People are going to be looking everywhere for Gabriel.

But on the other hand...I whip my head to the side and stare hard at my comforter, the corner of which bursts into flame.

Ben shrieks and dashes for it, jumping on the bed and quickly smothering the fire as I laugh and clap my hands, jumping up and down a few times. Ben snaps his gaze back to me, a growl on his voice. "Ariel, this is not the time to play pyromaniac princess. We need to come up with a plan! We need to -"

The door flies open, Pippa and Elias stumbling in. "Ariel!" Elias gasps.

But then he goes very, very still as he sees who is kneeling on my bed, a charred bit of fabric in his hands.

Pippa's eyes whip between the two men and I grimace a little, worried for her as she quietly pushes the door shut.

"Um, everyone,” I say quietly. "This is...Benny."

"Benjamin,” Ben snaps, shooting me a glare. "Or, um, Ben. Ben Ternicki. I'm an... ambassador from Moon Valley..."

He finishes rather lamely as Pippa comes to stand next to Elias's side, her hand going immediately to her stomach. Then Ben goes very, very pale as he puts together the pieces. I mean, he would have seen them last night, but today...

Well, today, with the possessive gleam in Pippa's eyes...

It's very clear who the father of her child is.

"Okay,” I say, my voice humming a bit with anxiety. "Um, so, this is weird, but it's about to get...weirder."

"What?" Ben and Elias say together, spinning their heads to me.

I can't help my grin at their synchronicity. "So, I kind of...did something..."

the groans, slipping off


d coming to stand by met

Ari, god damn it. What did you do?


"Don't get mad, okay?" I say, turning towards Pippa and Elias now, my face pleading.

Pippa's eyes go wide as Elias's narrow. "What's going on?" he asks, stern.

"Um, just...come with me," I say, holding out my hands to everyone.

Elias groans but obeys, his eyes locking on Ben's as each of them hold my hand and Pippa takes Elias's.

I take a deep breath and then shift to the other world, where we all land together in the cage, Prince Gabriel collapsed in the nest of blankets at my feet, his breath faint.

Pippa shrieks, looking around at the other world as Elias shouts, falling to his knees at his brother's side.

"Holy shit, holy shit," Benny murmurs, staring between Gabriel and me. "Ariel! Did you...did you poison him!?"

"A little bit, say, pinching my

fingers together as I grimace first at Ben and then at Pippa and Elias

when they turn their heads tostare

at me in shock.

I give all three of the conscious people in the cage my best princess smile.

But I let it drop when all three just continue to stare at me, appalled.

"Oh, come on!" I huff, stomping my foot. "I only poisoned him a little bit!"

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