The Billionaire's Mistake (Anya and Daniel)



Chapter 86: Awake

Anya’s eyes took everything in as panic filled her. Where was she? Had she been taken? Where was Daniel?

Her fear only caused her heart rate to increase more, causing the machine to beep even faster.

Daniel? She wanted to speak, but her throat was dry, and she could barely muster a sound. She tried to get up, but her muscles seemed weak for some reason.

Where was Daniel? She soon recognized that she was in a hospital, but this did not help calm her. In fact, her inability to move only made her more panicked.

She felt helpless as her panic grew till she started crying for help.

“Help! Anyone!”

“Help…” Anya’s ragged croak was barely audible over the ceaseless mechanical beeping sound around her.


Whether due to her weak call being overheard of the monitors detecting signs of her distress, Anya wasn’t certain, someone came.

Suddenly the room was full of people and activity as figures in hospital uniforms seemed to enter the room and approached her from all sides.

“Mrs Shaw? Mrs. Shaw, can you hear me?”

The soft voices cut through her confused mind briefly, and Anya managed to focus on the nurse leaning over her with concerned eyes.

She tried to speak, to respond, but her tongue felt heavy and useless in her mouth.

Thankfully, the nurse didn’t seem to require a response. “You’re in the hospital, Mrs. Shaw. Just take some deep breaths for me and try to remain calm.”

The soothing voice and the woman’s words seemned to have a bit of an effect. Despite calming down, Anya’s mind still seemed confused, and she had a lot of unanswered questions.

How did she get here? What had happened? The last thing she remembered was convulsing at


But despite her confusion, the doctors were taking their jobs very seriously as they started checking her.

She was still confused, but she noticed voices began issuing small orders, hands gently but firmly maneuvering her body this way and that in a dizzying series of examinations to make sure she was okay.

Somewhere along the way, an oxygen mask was put over her face, forcing her to suck in deep gulps of oxygen. This relieved the pressure Anya felt in her head and chest.

“Mrs. Shaw, I need you to take deep breaths, in and out.” The same nurse’s voice returned and she gave her simple instructions.

The oxygen was helping. It seemed in her panic she had torn it off and could not calm down afterwards.

Chops Awake

Already her head seemed to be clearing somewhat; the constant pounding in her head had reduced to a dull ache.

“There you go; that should feel much better,” a doctor murmured encouragingly. “You’ve had us all quite worried, I’ll tell you that much. Especially your family. When you slipped into a coma without any warning, they…

Coma? The word sent a jolt through Anya’s returning memory.

She recalled that after convulsing, she noticed Daniel panicked as he entered her room and scooped her up.

“What caused it?” Anya managed to say.

“Your family said you were injured by accident, and we found drugs in your system. It was administered from the injury,” he said, and Anya recalled that she had a slice from nowhere when she was escaping that stalker in a leather jacket.

Anya recoiled as the memory returned and the monitor jumped. She felt as though she had gone into a deep sleep.

“Shh, it’s all right, dear; just stay nice and calm, the nurse’s voice cut through her rising panic. “You’re safe now. No need to panic.”

“Where is Daniel?” she asked.

“Your mother–in–law has been watching you for a while. She was only gone a few hours,” the nurse reassured her.

“Where is my husband?” Anya asked again.

“We are informing your family right now,” the doctor said.

Taking a shuddering breath, Anya forced her eyes open once more. She slowly felt herself calm


Daniel was in the middle of a tense meeting at the office when his phone rang, shattering the atmosphere.

Frowning at the interruption, he glanced at the screen and felt his heart jump when he saw the number.

It was the hospital calling


The tinny voice on the other end delivered news he’d been desperately hoping for. “Mr. Shaw, this is Dr. Carter calling from First Hospital. I’m pleased to inform you that your wife has regained consciousness.”

The world seemed to grind to a halt around him as the words sank in.

Anya…she was awake.

“She woke up?” Daniel asked as he stood abruptly, startling those in the meeting room.

“Yes,” the doctor answered.

“Thank you, Doctor,” he managed to force out.

Without another word, Daniel ended the call and pushed himself away from the table, his papers and laptop abandoned in his haste. “My wife is awake. I have to go.”

He was already moving toward the door, the stunned gazes of his top executives following his exit.

Nothing else mattered now except getting to Anya’s side as quickly as possible.

Daniel broke several traffic laws in his mad dash to the hospital, but he couldn’t bring himself

to care.

When he burst through the door of her room, the sight that awaited him both grounded him and stole the breath from his lungs.

Anya was propped up against the pillows, eyes open and alert, a small, tired smile curving her pale lips.

Daniel felt his tension drain from his bones as he was filled with relief.

He crossed the space between them in three long strides, hands cupping her face shakily as he drank in the sight of her.

Tears burned his eyes, but he held it in as he pressed small kisses on her brow, her temples, her cheeks, everywhere.

When Daniel finally found his voice again, it was little more than a hoarse rasp of sound. “I thought I lost you.” noveldrama

“I’m still here,” she murmured in reply, her own eyes overly bright.

Daniel pressed his forehead to hers, willing himself to simply exist in this moment. His wife

was back, and nothing else mattered.

The door burst open, and Daniel’s mother, Wendy, swept inside like a force of nature. She looked pleased and happy.

She looked like someone had given her a grandchild.

“Oh, my dear girl!” she exclaimed. The moment Daniel pulled away, she made a turn for Anya’s bedside and took her into a fierce embrace, mindful of the various tubes and wires.

Pulling back, Wendy cupped Anya’s face in her hands to have a better look.

Over Wendy’s shoulder, Anya spot Michael, and he gives her a small smile.


“We’re so thankful you’re awake,” Michael said.

Wendy and Michael only lingered for a while before giving her and Daniel space.

Daniel was acting as though she was an egg that would break. She quite enjoyed seeing him. this way.

After a while, her mind went to those who had drugged her. She knew Daniel’s temper–He was never going to let those who drugged her go. For some reason, she was more assured of his stance when it came to her well–being.

“What happened to me?” Anya asked.

Daniel paused for a moment while peeling an apple for her.

“You were drugged,” he answered.

Chacker 16. Awake

“Drugged, when?” Anya asked.

“When that stalker followed you. He managed to get the drug into your system. That is why you were hysteric; we missed another drug in your system while treating you,” Daniel said.

“Why?” she asked.

“They wanted to take you. Recall when I had forbidden you from leaving the house?” He asked.

Anya nodded. That was before their divorce.

“Well, I had gotten information that someone had put your name on an abduction list. I thought I had handled it, but it was still there,” he explained.

“Abduction list? Why would anyone want to abduct me?” She asked incredulously.

“Because they took your mother, but she was not responding, so they tried to take you,” he said, and Anya was completely confused.

“Whose mother?” Anya asked in confusion.

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