The Billionaire's Mistake (Anya and Daniel)


Chapter 108: Escape

Jason raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “Arrest? On what charges, may I ask?”

Agent Vincent spoke up, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Have your heard that it is illegal to keep and operate a private military?”

Jason couldn’t help but chuckle, recalling his grandfather Ray’s prescient words. The old man had seen this coming a mile away. “A private military? Is that what you think this is?” noveldrama

Martha gestured to the armed men surrounding the hospital wing. “You tell us, Jason. Because from where we’re standing, it sure looks like one.”

Jason shook his head, a bemused smile playing on his lips. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken, agents. These men? They’re private security, hired to protect this wing and its patients. Nothing more.”

Vincent scoffed. “Private security? Come on, Jason. We weren’t born yesterday.”

“No, I suppose you weren’t,” Jason agreed. He nodded to one of his men, who produced an ID badge and handed it to Agent Martha.

Martha took the badge, her eyes widening as she read it. She looked up at Jason, then back at the badge, her face slightly frozen. When Vincent saw her reacting, he had a bad feeling.

Jason smiled. “As you can see, Agent Martha, everything here is completely above board. Now, if you’re quite finished, I trust you can find your way out.”

Without waiting for a response, Jason turned and walked back into the hospital, leaving the agents stunned in his wake.

“They are registered?” Vincent asked.

“Yes, a security firm in the capital,” Martha answered.

“Then we detain them and check it out,” Vincent insisted.

“I am willing to bet it is real. This is the jurisdiction of the police. If they are security, we can’t be here; talk more arrest them without cause,” Martha said tiredly. Their boss will not be happy when he hears this.

Vincent let out a string of colorful curses, Martha rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. “They saw us coming from a mile away,” she muttered.

In Angelo City, Daniel met up with Jerry.

“You are back quicker than I thought. Your father has not even created a distraction yet,” Jerry.


“It doesn’t matter. There was nothing inside,” Daniel said, looking at the building opposite


“Nothing in side?” Jerry asked in confusion.

“Someone else got to the safe before me. Find them. She claimed to be Anya’s mother,” Daniel


Chapter 300 Duape

On the other side of the wall, Mathias listened to them talk. He knew that no one was comitig for him. He needed to get himself out of this.

He listened to Daniel and Jerry talk as he undid his bonds. When he was free, he looked around the room. There was no one guarding him.

He walked to the edge of the building. There was a small fire escape. He carefully climbed ont to the escape and climbed down.

He had not been noticed till he was already on the third floor.

“Fire!” he heard someone order, and bullets rained down his way. With no choice, he jumped down from the third floor.

He felt pain shoot up his leg when he landed. He was sure he had broken something

He jumped into an abandoned car and drove off. He was sure of one thing: a car would be easy

to track.

Half way gone, he drove into an underground parking lot and jumped out of the car, escaping into the night.

One night, on returning from an interview, a young girl, Hazel, strolled into a part of the city she had never been to before. The mist hugged the city like a vengeful ghost; nothing Hazel was not used to. But this night was different. Something about the air was wrong. Something about the chill was too cold to the touch of her skin. She had chased a potential interview all the way. Seeing how she had to return empty–handed, she wondered why she had even bothered.

Now she was walking the cold night in an unknown part of Angelo City all by herself. Suddenly her ears caught sounds approaching–growling of some sort. She hugged her gray coat tighter

around herself and walked with more caution. He Instincts told her that something w wrong. Just then, she heard the sound of a gunship. She could no longer stay at her s quickened till she broke out in a full–blown run.


She was from the city, even with her ears barely working. She could recognize the pop a gun. She found herself unlucky that she would encounter such a thing on a day like this.

She soon felt that running on the open road was too risky. She dashed into an alley and continued without stopping; just when she thought she could not run anymore, she tripped over something and fell almost head first into the concrete. She struggled to get up, only to notice that something gripped tightly to her ankles.

She suppressed the urge to scream despite her almost bursting heart and looked down to find a person. Even in the dark, she could still make out the form of a man’s broad shoulders covered in a gray coat.

He let out a low groan below, but she did not feel any good samaritan sister peeking through her conscience to force her to help him. She could still hear shooting getting closer.

“Let go!” she said through her teeth, but his grip was like a steel clam, and her weak hands could not pry them off her ankles. In her slight moment of pause, she noticed an unearthly silence hug the alley. She could not even hear the wind drift by. Her body frozen, and she lowered herself slowly to a squat.

“Shh… one more sound, and I will deal with you, she shushed the man below. The injured man could not believe his ears. In his entire life, he had never been shushed.

The next second, her phone rang in her purse, echoing through the night, almost destroying her already tensed heart and sending her to an early grave. She pulled out her phone from her purse and silenced it quickly. It was an unknown number. She picked it up in hopes that if something happened to her, the person on the other line would hear and inform authorities. She refused to die without witnesses.

“I am here,” she heard a man’s unfamiliar voice ring out to her ears.

“Who is this?” she asked in a whisper.

“Are you the one who called for a taxi? I am here where are you?” he asked impatiently.

“Oh, drive upfront towards the white church. I walked a bit; I will step out to meet you,” she said, and the man acknowledged her location change, and the line went dead.

She looked down at the barely conscious man and almost pulled her hair out in anger and frustration; why won’t he let go? He was an injured man; why was his grip this strong? She wondered. Fine. She could only take him with her. It was noble to save a life.

“We need to leave; we can’t stay here. You can come with me or stay here, but I am leaving,” she said. This was her only concession.

She steeled her heart and told herself that the shooting ended meant it was safe now. Words she barely believed.

The man let go of her ankle, and she helped him stand. If he had not pulled himself would not have been able to help him.

up, she

“I have a taxi waiting. We need to get there soon.” Noticing his swaying form, she lent her body for him to lean on, and they staggered out of the alley.

Soon, she heard a car sound in the distance and walked out into the open road. Seeing the taxi sign, she waved at the car till it stopped before them. She helped him into the back seat as quickly as she could and jumped in after him.

“Go to the nearest hospital, hurry!” She shouted to the driver.

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