The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 90

Dawn's POV

When I realized that I had to take Faith with me to the Grant's house, I had been more than a little trepidatious. lan could be ornery at times, and then perfectly reasonable at others. Ilan had surprised me though, with how quickly he had accepted what could have been a tricky situation and how nice he had been to Faith who had seemed to take a shine to him. He had helped to distract the little girl with coloring and had even chatted amiably to her. They had looked cute together, him with his dark hair and hers with her light coloring, complete opposites and yet, suited to each other. They had made a beautiful picture, lan almost resembling a father figure to Faith who no doubt was lapping it up, due to her own father's lack of interest. It made me a little sad, thinking about Dexter and how little interest he had in Faith and her life. lan was different, and good with children. It was a different comparison and one that made me think hard about the kind of person lan was.

I studied lan as his father made the comment about the grandchild. For some reason it seemed to have made him slightly angry, the tension in the air now slightly chilly even though Mr Grant didn't appear to pick up on it as he disappeared inside. I cleared my throat and lan's head swung towards me. "Is everything okay?" I asked him as Faith continued to play. "Yeah" his tone was moody "why wouldn't it be?"

I c****d my head "Because as soon as your father made that comment you went pale and dead quiet" My voice was blunt "Anything you want to share? I'm a good listener."

He cracked a smile at that. "I appreciate the sentiment" his eyes glanced back towards Faith "but I'm fine. Father's just living in a fantasy land and I hate to crack that particular bubble" he shrugged nonchalantly "I suppose he'll face reality sooner or later when I fail to give him a grandchild."

"Are you not able to?" I asked gesturing towards his private area "Did the shooting cause..." I trail off.

He shook his head "No, not the shooting" he said bleakly "Let's just say it's always been off the table and leave it from there."noveldrama

It was a shame I thought mutely, staring at the despondent-looking man. Ian Grant would make an excellent father. He possessed the patience and the gentle qualities that a father needed. I felt bad for him. He cleared his throat as Faith came giggling madly over to the table, leaping into a stunned lan's arms. "lan" she patted his cheeks, causing him to laugh "I saw a puppy" she screamed.

I winced but lan just laughed "Yes, I saw that. I think the poor thing's gone inside because you exhausted it" he teased, making Faith giggle.

Faith's eyes shone up at him. It looked like lan was her new hero. I sucked in a breath. If only she had this kind of male figure in her life, then perhaps she would be a bit more satisfied than just having me and her grandmother. She was so desperate for male attention, I realized now, as she continued to stare up at lan with a wide smile on her face.

"So Faith, if you could have anything you wanted, anything in the world at all, what would you ask for?" lan's voice was soft and smooth, full of indulgence as Faith sat on his lap, leaning against his chest.

I waited for Faith to say the usual things, a pet, such as a dog or cat, or money. But this time she shocked me to the core. She took lan's hand and grasped it tightly. "A daddy like you lan," she said smiling widely at him.

My heart stopped still. I almost choked. I could feel my cheeks flushing. Since when had Faith been desperate for a father figure or at least this desperate that she would ask for somebody like lan? I could sense lan's confusion as his hand lightly stroked her hair. "I'm sorry Faith but wouldn't you want a father who could walk?" he asked my little girl, who stared at him confused by the question.

"Why? I like you" she said pouting "You're nice and you do things with me. Besides, you could marry mummy and then I would have a mummy and daddy," she said.

lan choked. I rushed to interfere "Faith honey, you know that people don't just get married."

"But I want a father. Mine doesn't want me, so why can't lan be him?"

Just like that, I paused, devastation appearing on my face. She knew. Damnit she knew that her father was no good. I had tried so hard to keep it hidden, lying all this time, trying to appear as though it was normal for him to be in and out of her life, and all this time Faith had known what a goddamn loser he was. I could feel tears pricking my eyes. I could feel my heart breaking for my little girl. I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss. Faith's eyes were sparkling as she stared up at lan, silently begging. I stared at him, pleading for him not to hurt her. She was just a little girl, she didn't need to have her heart broken by a stranger when she hadn't meant anything bad by it.

He stroked the top of her head "Angel I would like nothing more than to be a father to a little girl like yourself" he murmured as Faith relaxed and smiled at him happily "But when somebody marries it's because they are in love with the other person. I can't just marry your mother when she's hoping to find the man of her dreams" he explained tightly.

I closed my eyes. He sounded so resigned, so sad. He didn't know the extent of the feelings I had for him either. If he had even an inkling of how I felt towards him, and it was by no means how an employee should feel towards an employer, I had no doubts that it would cause even more tension between us. But gods, I wanted to say it. I wanted to tell him if only to wipe away the bleak expression on his face. It was almost like he believed he wasn't worthy of being loved and that couldn't be further from the truth. "I love you, lan," Faith said, kissing him on the cheek as he smiled at her, unable to resist the little girl.

She wriggled out of his grasp. "Faith," I said quietly "we should go and get lunch ready."

I sensed lan's eyes on me as we began to set up lunch outside and eat. For once the mood was sombre, but Faith willingly ate several sandwiches. Ian's head was bowed down low. He didn't say a word, but his eyes continually darted between myself and Faith. "Should we do your physical therapy today?" I asked as we finished clearing up.

He obligingly slid off the chair onto the grass to my shock, allowing me to do the exercises without argument. Faith even came up and helped lift his legs, causing lan to chuckle at her. It was like seeing a whole new side of him that I hadn't seen before. Faith had him wrapped around her little finger. If I'd known my daughter would be able to get such a reaction from him, I might have tried bringing her earlier because it was amazing to see the smile lighting up his face. A bodyguard helped me get lan back into the chair and I thanked him, grateful for the assistance. Ian Grant might not look it, but he was solid, even with some of the muscle loss he had yet to regain.

I made dinner as Faith came inside, tired and yawning. I placed it to the side. I sensed lan's hesitation as I began to gather everything up. "How are you getting home?" he asked concerned. "By bus. Just the same as we got here" I said shrugging "It's not too far."


Faith yawned again, rubbing her eyes. lan's eyes narrowed and the expression on his face grew more troubled. "I don't think that's a great idea. Let me organize a car for you" he suggested.

I opened my mouth to protest, but one glance at Faith's tired face had me closing it again. "Thank you, I appreciate it," I said instead as he nodded, grabbing his cell phone and dialing quickly.

lan hung up. "The limo is waiting outside for you" he instructed gravely, watching as I put Faith into her little coat "They'll take you home."

Faith skipped across the room and hugged him, causing lan to stiffen "Goodnight lan, sleep tight" she murmured, pressing her face against his knee "My mum says don't let the bed bugs bite" she mumbled as lan kissed her softly on the cheek. "Goodnight little princess," lan said wistfully, rubbing her head.

Faith blinked and smiled at him before coming back to me. "Dinner's on the counter, if you need anything, call me," I told him anxiously as he nodded "And I'll see you tomorrow" I added, yawning widely and grabbing Faith's hand.

"Goodnight Mr Grant," I said politely, as Faith giggled and waved "Thank you for allowing me to have my daughter with me today."

A slow smile spread across lan's face "It was" he hesitated and glanced back at Faith "entirely my pleasure. Anytime you need to bring her, please feel free. It was a welcome change from the daily routine" he expressed as I grinned and nodded at him. "Okay Faith, let's get going so that Mr Grant can have his rest," I said, grabbing her hand and beginning to lead her out, while lan wheeled himself to the door and watched us go "We have to go check on Grandma and see if she's okay."

"Bye, Mr lan" Faith called out over her shoulder, waving her chubby little hand.

I saw lan waving slowly over my shoulder and then we were out, heading to the limo where a polite driver was standing and waiting.

"Ah these must be the two princesses Mr Grant informed me needed a lift back to their castle" the driver exclaimed jovially, causing Faith to giggle as he opened the door for her.

"I love Mr Grant" Faith said, swinging her legs as the door shut firmly behind us.

So do I, Faith, I silently told her, and that's a big problem because under no circumstances should an employee ever fall for her boss, no matter what. It caused nothing but trouble. But lan Grant had not only knocked down my defenses, he'd created a small flame where there had been nothing but coldness before and now, I was curious to see what happened when that flame was allowed to continue burning instead of being snuffed out.

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