The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Chapter 63.

Ryder POV.

I look at Angel as she sleeps. Every so often, she whimpers and wiggles closer to me. I run my fingers lazily through her long blonde hair. She calms down. That nightmare she had last night shook her to her core. It hit home that she is dealing with so much and this

pregnancy is going to unlock all kinds of fears for not just her, but me, too.

I will do everything in my power to show her that she is safe and nothing will happen. I move out of bed after I kiss her on the head. I head to the bathroom and do my business. Washing my hands, I enter the bedroom again and see she is hugging my pillow. I smile at this. I throw on a pair of sweats and leave the room. Keeping the door open.

I make my way down the hallway and down the stairs to get to the kitchen. I make a start on drinks and breakfast. The front door opens and I look around the corner and see Ice and Ripper coming in, looking worse for wear. It seems they had a good night. I yawn and go back to cooking.noveldrama

"Yo prez." Ice says as he walks past me and I can smell perfume on him. Ripper looks the same and I chuckle. Do I miss that? No, I don't I have everything I need. My girls and the life growing inside of my woman. "Good night I take it?" I say as I flip the bacon and start on the eggs.

"You could say that. We went in and man Temptress is something else. All that pussy, just wow. They are high class." I roll my eyes as I focus on making scrambled eggs.

"Anyway, what happened?" I ask as I stir the eggs as they start to form.

"We got there and met up with one of Teagan's girls. She showed us around. We went to a booth and just watched the crowd. Then the manager walked in like he owned the place." Ripper snorts, shaking his head. "Yeah, so he walked in with two women on his arm. He was flashing the cash. Even heard him say he owned the place." I chuckled. I know how this would have played out.


"Well, we caught his eye, and he walked to us. The women on his arm both looked at us like they needed help. He questioned us about why we were there in his club and we needed to the leave. You know the usual bullshit. He didn't see that Teagan was behind him listening to him ranting about it being his club and he will have us killed. Blah, blah, blah, blah." Ripper chuckles as I plate up the food and begin to make toast and drinks.

Angel will probably only want toast and eggs. So I make a plate for her but keep it warm.

"It was only then that he must have felt the barrel of the gun because he went wide eyed and looked like he was going to piss his pants." They both chuckle, shaking their heads. Mind you, running your mouth thinking you're the big shit will do that. Until you come up against the actual owner who is a tad psychotic. I say that with love clearly. We all fear Teagan for a good reason. She is worse than Antonio.

"What happened then?" we all turn to see Angel standing in the doorway. She looks awful. Bags under her eyes. Her hair is a bird's nest. I walk to her and lift her up and carry her to sit at the table. I move and make her a drink, remembering about the coffee. I make her a tea and hand it to her. She smiles and thanks me.

"Well, your momma heard everything that rat bastard had to say. Spouting his mouth off about it being his club. Your momma took him to the room where they hold their meetings and we followed."

"Hey did you know the upstairs is a sex club? Man, the things we saw. Just wow. Women with multiple men and vice versa." Ice says and I chuckle, shaking my head at him. I place the plates in front of them and sit next to Angel as she sips her tea, nodding her head. "Yeah, of course I knew. I was planning on..." I look at her and she blushes as she realises what she was about to say.

"You were planning on what?" I ask teasing her. I knew her intention. She was wanting to get freaky in one of those rooms. I would have let her, too. She is curious and I would have loved to indulge with her. We have been experimenting in the bedroom. Trying different things. She loves it and so do I.

"Nothing for you to worry about. Anyway, then what happened?" she diverts the conversation.

"Oh yeah, well, we entered the room and your dad was sitting at the head of the table with all kinds of paper in front of him. Alex knew his jig was up. Your dad looked pissed as hell. They spoke well. I say spoke Alex couldn't say anything. After all, your dad and momma had been watching him. It turns out he was stealing from the business and using it as his own cash. He bought a house, car, clothes, expensive jewellery, and it turns out he is also part of the trafficking syndicate." He says as he eats his breakfast. Angel goes still and stands up and leaves the room.

"What else happened?" I ask as I wait for her to come back and when she does, she has her laptop and phone.

"He gave up the information and promised he would leave town. Antonio and Teagan let him go. That is until they told us to kill him nowhere near their club. So we did." Ripper shrugs as he drinks his coffee.

"There had been an influx of girls coming and going from the club. It would make sense. He was using Temptress to showcase the girls. So that would mean." She types something and her eyes widen and she goes pale.

"What is it?" I ask, as she looks like she is about to pass-out. I move the laptop screen and look at the list of people are on a guest list. Where did she get this from?

My eyes widen, and I look at her. She looks like she is going to faint. Antonio Moretti is named on the list.

"I need to ring my momma. She needs to know about this," she mumbles with shaking hands as she reaches for the phone. She drops it a few times.

"Angel, it could be a mistake. He could be going there to shut it down. He wouldn't do this, especially knowing your efforts right now to close them down." I say to her because I know Antonio. He would only be doing this to shut it down. Antonio wouldn't be buying girls at these sites. I just know he wouldn't be. She doesn't say anything. She just stands up and walks through the house. I move following her she opens the front door and I follow behind her.

"Call Teagan and tell her we need her on alert." I call back to my brother's as I follow her outside.

"Angel, think about this calmly for now. He wouldn't do that. I know him and so do you. Your mom would kill him if she even thought he was doing this." I tell her, but she is lost in her head.

"Then who the fuck is using his

name? If this gets out to the other families. If this gets out to the Mafia king and queen, then my entire family will be executed for it. Don't you see, like the MCs, the mafia has laws! The main one is about human trafficking. His name is on that list, Ryder. Whoever has put his name on that damn list knows it will cause more trouble." She says and I know this. Why can't anything go

smoothly for once?

“Ok, look, we will go and see them, but if it's someone on the inside, we need to keep this quiet. We can't alert whoever it is that we are onto them. Come on." I take her hand and walk to the SUV.

We drive to the mansion and up to

the front door. Angel gets out and

runs to the door and opens it. I follow behind her as she searches every room for her mom and dad Hearing voices coming from the office, she stops in her tracks and raises her hand to knock. But she decides against it. She barges open the door and steps inside.

"Angel, what is wrong?" Antonio looks at her in shock. So does Marco, as they both stand and move to her. She has tears in her eyes as Antonio hugs her to his chest. He looks at me in confusion.

"Tell me you didn't do it? Tell me it's someone else? Please daddy, tell me." she says he backs away from her and looks into her eyes with confusion across his face. He doesn't know. "What happened?" he asks her softly.

"Your name is on the next auction

list. Alex told you last night about him being part of the trafficking ring. I ran a check and your name is on the list. Tell me daddy it's wrong His eyes widen when I hear a click. I stiffen, knowing that sound. Pslowly turn my head to see the person holding a gun in his hand pointed at Antonio.

"No point in hiding it now, is there? I had hoped it wouldn't have come to this, but oh well." Angel looks at him in disbelief.

"Why? Why do this? To your family, for fuck's sake!" she screams as the tears leave her eyes. I move closer to her and shield her from his crazed eyes. Marco moves to the side of Antonio with his hand on his gun.

"You couldn't leave it alone, could you, Angel? Do you know how it was growing up? Always being second best? No, of course you haven't. You were always first. Just like him!" he says as he spits his anger. "Please, don't do this. We can sort this out. We can ..."

"No, the Moretti name has become weak. It needs to move with the times. The Moretti name will be strong once more." He says and I look at Antonio, and he is raging.

"How long have you been planning the downfall of this family, Gianni?"

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