The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Chapter 57.

Angel POV.

They all look at me in shock and then rage. "How did you escape?" Dane snarls as he stalks to me and I lift my head with a bored expression on my face.

"I'm Angel fucking Moretti, that's how. Danny knows how many times I have escaped death. But saying that. You are an amateur when it really comes down to it. Right Captain." He stops in his tracks and winces slightly at the rank.

I lift my guns at him. I see Mischa. She silently removes her heels and I look back at Dane. and all the members are now solely focused on us. He laughs, a loud booming laugh as his men follow his example. Sheep, all of them are sheeple.

"So you know my rank, big deal. What you working for, JAG?" he steps closer like a hungry wolf eyeing its potential prey. He needs to realise even a rabbit has teeth.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. But you would know why they are after you. I'm even more certain your entire unit knows why. But just so we are clear. You will die here tonight. Know that it is Angel Moretti, the heir to the DeNucci family that sent you to hell." They all roar again. Ok I get it. Compared to this sick fuck, I'm small. But I am fucking mighty.

"NOW!" I shout as I watch as Misha leaps with her heel in her hand as she plunges it in the side of the neck of one of the members as Mikhail pulls his gun free and opens fire.

I fire at Dane as he ducks and rolls. I follow his movements as I fire again. God, I'm out of practice. Members try to run for the exit, but they are locked. I smile as I see out of the corner of my eye as Danny comes at me with a crowbar. I turn one of my arms and fire at him, hitting him in the leg. He goes down as I fire again.

I look at Dane, and he has grabbed one of the women. A blade to her throat. Her hair in his hand.

"Lower your gun Angel, or she dies!" he pulls her hard and presses the cold steel at the base of her throat, his hand is twitching. I look at her. She is trembling in fear as her legs threaten to give out. I look into her eyes. Her face is bruised and split open she calms and I convey a message to her through my eyes.

"Ok Dane. No need to hurt anyone else. You want me? Come and get me!" I say. I look at the woman and nod slightly. She moves her elbow hard into his solar-plex, causing him to release her as she drops to the floor. I lift my gun and fire, hitting him in the chest at the same time he throws the knife. I hit the floor as it sails, cutting through the air. Before, it embeds into the wall behind me.

The roar of bikes can be heard from outside. I walk to the poor woman and help her up as she clings to me. Tears of relief stream down her face.

"Thank you, thank you," she sobs. I look around as Mikhail and Mischa are still fighting. I look at her.

"Go and hide. You are safe." I say to her, and she runs as I turn my attention to the rest of the MC. The doors cave in. I watch as the Princes Of Darkness, the Mother's Revenge, the Bratva, and my family's men all enter, guns blazing.

I'm tackled from behind the air, leaving me in a whoosh. I reach for the blade and grab the handle. I'm grabbed by my hair. My back arches painfully when everything goes silent.

"LET HER GO!" I try to see who has me. But I can't move my head.

"Fuck you Savage! The debt is to be paid. She killed my woman and child!" Danny. I look at Alessa and she takes in the situation. Danny is frantic as he drags me around. How is he standing up? I shot him in the leg.

"Danny, you're nothing but a pussy. Your whore put up more of a fight. You want to kill me for what I did? Then let's make it even then. Come on, asshole." I snarl through gritted teeth as I feel the strands of my hair snap under the tension he has on it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Mother's Revenge have fanned out as my dad looks at me. He is angry at me. Yeah, I know I will be punished, but it is worth it. At least I got the product and guns back and saved the women from a fate worse that death. So that should earn me some points.

"You're right. Let's make this even." He shoves me down as he limps, raising his gun and takes aim at me. I kick him in the knee and he crashes to the floor. I'm up fast as my blade moves across his throat in one swift motion. His eyes go wide as he clutches at his neck. I move back as he chokes on his blood. I stand straight watching him.

"That is how she died, fitting you die the same way for your betrayal." I say as the life leaves his eyes. A single gunshot rings out through the room. I turn slowly as I look at Dane, who is grinning with blood stained teeth with his gun in his hand.

I look down and see I'm not

bleeding. Who was ... I turn and look

around the room and see Hatchet

drop to his knees. My eyes widen. turn and fire at Dane as I scream I emptying the clip into his chest and head. I throw the gun as I look at the others in rage who betrayed their club and brothers lifting the other gun. I execute them all of them.

I run to Hatchet as Ryder clutches him to his chest as Alessa is working on Hatchet to stop the bleeding.

"We need to remove the bullet, otherwise, he is going to bleed out." She says my hands are shaking as I look at Ryder and he is pleading with me. I take the blade handle and look at Hatchet.

"Bite down on this." I say he opens to mouth to protest, but I place the handle into his mouth. He glares at me. Fuck it.

Alessa has ripped his shirt open. The bullet hole is in his shoulder. "I'm sorry, this is going to hurt." I place my finger and thumb into the wound. He screams and thrashes as Ryder and my dad hold him down. Blood coats my fingers, making them slippery. I feel the warm metal. I grip it, but it slips.

"Knock him out!" I say, but Hatchet

shakes his head. Men! I roll my eyesnoveldrama

as I grip it again. "I've got it, hold him." I say as more hands hold him still. "Alessa, be ready with the gauze I say to her as I pull the slug out and Alessa applies pressure to the wound. I slump on my ass as I watch her work.

I look at my hands they are coated in blood. Sirens get closer.

"He will be ok. Ryder." I move to him and he hugs me to him as I look at Hatchet and he is awake watching us. He smiles or rather grimaces. I can't really tell.

"Thank you Angel." He mumbles as the EMTS enter and take over to stabilise him. The police enter and Alessa and my father talk to them and they nod. The authorities won't go against the Moretti's or Alessa.

"Hey, there are women here who

need your help. Please get them back to their families safely. If they need anything in the future. Here is my number. Please have them reach out to me." I say, handing the officer my number and details. She nods at me and heads further into this shithole to find the poor women.

After what feels like forever, Hatchet is taken to the hospital. I look at the blood left behind that stains the floor and walls. My family's men and some of the members of the MC are carrying the barrels and product outside into the van. "Angel, thank you for saving my dad. You will still be punished for running into danger, though." I sigh, knowing that. I will take it, though. What I did was incredibly stupid. I couldn't sit back, knowing that women were being harmed.

"I know, I will take it." I say as he kisses my head.

"What shall we do with this place?" He says, and I walk out of his embrace. I look around the entire place. My uncles pulled out the computers and hard drives. This is bigger than anything. Human trafficking is something that needs to be stopped and fast.

"Burn it to the ground." I say as I turn and walk back to him. I grab him by his cut, pulling him closer to me. I kiss him hard. He steps into me. His hands on my waist as he lifts me, not breaking the kiss. I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us outside. We break the kiss, both panting.

"You heard my ole lady. Burn it to the ground." He says as he walks away with me in his hold. We all stay and watch as the place goes up in flames.

"Let's go home." Home? It's funny. I only came to speak to Ryder about us and I end up engaged, nearly shooting my father, destroying an entire MC and freeing women from abuse and trafficking.

What was I thinking when I was ready to walk away? I must be crazy to want to stay in this kind of life. But this is MY life and I wouldn't change it for anything or anyone.

"I am home." I say as I snuggle deeper into him.

"I have waited a long time to hear you say that, Angel Moretti. I love you, but you will still be punished for putting yourself in danger." He says with a chuckle as he squeezes my ass. A girl can try, right?

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