The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Book 4 Chapter 19.

Sophie POV.

I wake up and my head is pounding and I realise I'm in a van. I remember waking up to something being placed over my mouth and nose and feeling a weight pressed against my hips. Seeing those eyes of his made me scream.

My father he fucking drugged me and abducted me. I lift my head and look at the front. I see one man driving. I look around and I'm the only one here with the driver. I look down and my ankles are bound and my wrists are bound in front of me. The driver hits a bump and I jolt, smacking my head against the metal floor. Asshole!

"Damn roads. It's like driving on the damn moon with all the holes." He grumbles, well no shit sherlock, you try being tied up in the back and jumping each time you hit one.

I bring my wrists to my mouth and chew and pull as we hit another bump and I stop and remain still when the van swerves and he cusses as he regains control of the van. The tyres squeal as he pulls up to a stop.

"Mother fucker!" I hear the door open and slam shut. I pull and chew again and wiggle my wrists. Slipping my wrists free as the binding snaps. I sit up and pull on the cable tie around my ankles. I pull with all my strength and it gives enough for me to get my foot out. I can hear raised voices outside.

"We need to find another route. One more bump like that the wheel will fall off." The driver says and I hear my dad reply.

"Just drive slowly. She will still be asleep." He says. Asshole. I look at the steering column and smirk. I crawl forward and lay flat again as the driver grumbles but gets back in the driver's seat.

We move again, and I move slowly until I am behind his seat. I look and see his gun next to him. I smile as I reach up and he is focused on the road. I hold my breath as I snatch the gun and check it over. He turns the radio on and hums to the song.

I remove the clip and check. Full magazine. I slide it back in place, hearing the click. Ok Soph, it's now or never.

I move slowly and stand behind him. I place the gun at the back of his head. "What the fuck!" he shouts and I speak.noveldrama

"Do exactly as I say, and I will let you live. Piss me off or let them know and I will kill you. So you going to listen to me?" I say and he nods his head and I smile.

"Good. Here's what you will do. You will speed up and on the next exit, you take it. I want both of your hands on the wheel and your eyes forward. You do this and I promise I won't kill you." I say and he sighs.

"Ok, I will do this, but they will kill me either way." He says, and I don't feel sorry for him. He chose this life, but I didn't.

"Well, maybe I should just kill you now then, save them a job." I say, and he chuckles.

"I'll play along," he says, and I move to the front seat and place the gun against his temple.

"Why did they take me?" I ask him and he looks at me before he looks back at the road.

"The man you killed was related to someone powerful. But you, being a kid at the time, wouldn't have known that. For what it's worth, I'm sorry." He says and I say nothing.

"So this man, who is he?" I ask, and he chuckles.

"Liam Whitlock." I look at him with a confused look on my face. Like that name is meant to mean something to me, because it doesn't.

"No clue who he is. But I do know of someone that would rival this Liam Whitlock."

I say and the driver looks at me again as his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

"You heard of the Morettis? The Princes Of Darkness MC?" I ask him and he gulps, so he does.

"Who?" he replies and I smirk.

"Well, Nico Moretti is my boyfriend's uncle. My boyfriend is the future president of the Princes Of Darkness MC. So this Liam Whitlock will die either way, and so will my father and brother. So tell me, what do you think will happen to anyone who helped them to abduct me?" I say and he gulps and I see the sweat start to bead on his skin.


"Ohhh, you have heard of them. Well, that was your mistake. Tell me, did you know who I was with before agreed to this assignment?" I ask him because I have a feeling my father has kept this vital information from the men he has asked to help him.

“No, he didn't. Look, lady, I don't want any trouble." And there it is.

"You asked for trouble when you didn't think to ask the relevant questions. Did you know why I killed that man?" I ask him as we approach the exit. "Turn, now." I say, and he does.

"No," he says, and I chuckle.

"That man was going to rape me. My father was going to allow his little girl to be raped. So tell me, was I not right to kill that man to protect myself?" I say as we speed up and take the exit.

"Don't stop, keep driving." I say, seeing the red light, and he gulps again.

"You were right to do that. I have a kid myself and I would never do that to her." I should feel bad, but he knew what he was doing when he agreed to come along for this trip.

"Yet here you are, delivering me into the hands of the man who will kill me. A kidnapper with a conscience. How sweet." I say when the road levels out again.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry." He says, and I look at him and feel nothing. I unclip his seatbelt and he looks at me.

"What are you doing?" He panics and I turn to face him and aim the gun at his forehead.

"You are going to open that door and jump out. Then you are going to run and get your family to safety." I say to him and he looks at me with his mouth open and his eyes wide, and I smirk. He nods his head.

"You have until the count of three. Ready? One Two ..." he opens the door and jumps and I move fast. Controlling the van, reaching over to close the door and I press down harder on the gas and follow the signs back towards the state.

I see the phone in the centre console and smirk. I put the gun on my lap and lean

forward to grab the phone. Now to get a message to the club.

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