The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Book 4 Chapter 16.

Sophie POV.

After I leave the apartment, I walk with purpose. I know Harry is not far behind me. So I know if anything happens, he will intervene, but I honestly don't want him to.

"Ok Slugger, you can do this. No more fear, no more running. You are a badass bitch and you will face them head on. So go in there and take no fucking prisoners." I syke myself up just how I do before I get into the octagon. When I spar.

I straighten my shoulders as the store comes into view. My heart is pounding wildly in my chest and my hands begin to sweat. I see two of the members from Harry's MC sitting on their bikes in the parking lot.

They give me a nod, letting me know they have seen me. I nod slightly as I walk into the store. I grab a basket, so it looks like I'm here to do some shopping. I walk and look at products as I search for them both.

I head down one aisle as they both walk up the same aisle. I turn to the shelf like I haven't seen them. I want them to think they have the element of surprise like they always had. But I have already seen them so I'm ready.

"Well, look who we have here, Jared. It's your whore of a sister." I jump,

pretending to be scared. Well, I am slightly. But I can act like the best of them, so let's do this.

"Well, I'll be damned. We should have sold her for more." Jared says and I feel bile rising up to my throat. I turn and look at them both.

I drop the basket and stand up straight, calming my breaths. It happens so fast. Jared charges at me to grab me. I turn away and grab him. I knee him to the chest and he doubles over in pain. My father runs at me when I round house him to the head. He spins and hits the shelf, slumping to the ground.noveldrama

"KO bitch!" I say as I grab Jared and he breaks the hold. Throwing his fists, which I dodge easily. He grabs me and I grab him around the back of his neck. Bringing my knee up hard into his ribs. We fight when I see the window.

He sees it too. "No Soph, don't do it. I'm ..." I kick him in the chest hard and he crashes through the window. Glass raining down on him and people scream. I see Harry and he is running towards my bleeding and unconscious brother.

I turn and run back to where my father was just as the brothers from the MC enter.

I reach the aisle and he is gone. Coward. But no matter, I have Jared.

"Soph, are you ok?" Harry comes running to me and checks me over and I nod my head as I turn and look as Hound picks Jared up off the floor and shoves him into a van. When did that get here?

"I'm fine. I took them by surprise, but my father got away." I say, feeling forlorn. This, to me, should be a victory, but I feel guilty for doing this to my brother. Don't you fucking dare Soph. Did they feel guilty for all the shit they did to you? No, they didn't. So you kicked him through a window, big fucking deal. He and your father have both done far worse.

Well, I can't argue with that. Because my inner monologue is right. They have done far worse. The thing is, even though I want them both to hurt like I did. I know this is wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right.

"Hey, don't think about it. They have done worse to you. You took back your control. I will say this, though. I'm impressed. Remind me to never piss you off." Harry says with a chuckle, but I don't find it funny. So I do the only thing I can.

I sob, yeah I'm a pussy. Even though my father and brother have hurt me, they are all I have left. Some naïve part of me still hopes and wishes that they would change and be the people who I remember. My biggest supporters and protectors. Not the monsters they both have become.

"Oh baby, come here." Harry hugs me, and I sob onto his chest as he wraps his strong arms around me.

"You did what you had to. Don't feel bad about that. I've got you, Slugger." He lifts me up and carries me out of the store as more of the MC has arrived. Harry ignores them and carries me across the street.

I bury my head in his neck as he walks us back to the apartment and inside. Today started out so great and it has ended like this. Why can't I feel happy I got some payback?

“Harry, I am just like them aren't I?” I say and he sighs and kisses my head. We have made it into the apartment and we are now on the sofa.

"No baby, what you did was self defence. What they did was not. As much as you probably think you are in the wrong. You aren't. You did what you had to do. No one will look at you differently for that. If anything, they are all going to look at you with such adoration and pride. Just like I do." He says so gently to me as he cradles me on his lap. I sniffle and pull back to look at him, and he has love shining in his eyes.

"What will happen to Jared now?" I ask in between hiccups, and Harry looks at me when that love turned to sadness, then rage. I shift uncomfortably.

"He will be taken to the prison at the clubhouse and he will be interrogated. Then uncle Nico will decide what to do with him." He says and the tears fall again and I shake my head.

"No." I say and Harry raises an eyebrow at me before he furrows his eyebrows.

"What do you mean, no?" He asks and I wipe my cheeks and take a few breaths to calm myself down.

"I want to speak to him. I know he has no right to speak to me, but I need to get some closure from him. Jared was a good kid growing up. I need him to hear my side of things. A part of me still thinks the old Jared is in there somewhere. So please, let me speak to him." I beg him and he sighs and leans his head back against the sofa.

"Ok, I will speak to uncle Nico. But you won't be talking to him alone, I will not budge on that Sophie." He says and I nod my head. I know Jared has been brainwashed and let his heartbreak for mom take root in his heart.

I know I can't save him, but he owes me answers. Even though I know I don't owe

him shit, regardless of this. In my fragile heart, he is still my brother.

"Well, I think dinner is ruined. How about I order in and we watch one of those girly chic flicks you women seem to love?" Harry says and I look behind him and yeah, dinner is ruined. The steak looks dry and the sweet potatoes look rock hard.

"No chic flicks. I want to watch a horror. Unless you are too scared?" I say, and he laughs and tickles me. I squeal and kick my legs to get him away. I don't know what I would have done without Harry by my side. He keeps me grounded and is not a bad distraction.

I only hope Jared talks to me, and my father is found soon. I know today would have pissed him off and when he is pissed off and not in control of the situation. He is more dangerous, more unpredictable.

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