Stealing the Heart of Mr. Steele

Heart 82

Chapter 82 Chapter 82 [Cordelia]

When I open my eyes I am lying down on a couch in an empty office lounge. The room has no windows so with the blinds drawn and the lights off it is dark and cool.

While I was conscious, placed me in a nice bed of pillows while covering me with a warm blanket, most likely for the occasional employee who has to stay late, Holding it to my nose, I realize it smells like him. Closing my eyes again, I breathe in the clean woodsy smell of Atlas' soap.

"Here, drink this," the room is dark so I can't see the gentle hands that hold me and help me drink a large glass of orange juice but I can see the bright white bandage that some used to carefully wrap my arm." The glass hit a large vein, which is why you were bleeding so badly," she explains, sounding almost like a professional nurse, or someone who spends a lot of time around them. "You are lucky you aren't anemic. Pregnancy can do that to you sometimes.'

I startle, finally recognizing her voice. "Angelica," I struggle to sit up on my own, "Where is Atlas?"

"Oh, he's busy," now that I've revealed that I am awake enough to recognize who is helping me, her voice goes from sweet to icy. Memories of the island flash through my head, moments that had been lost to the fog of continuous drugs and hypnosis I had been subjected to-often by her hands.

But I can't blame her for that now. Not for something she cannot even remember.

"You really should be more careful with yourself, now that you are having Clark's baby," she admonishes. me."It would be terrible if a more serious accident were to happen."

My body stills. Did she just threaten me? "Why would you say that?"

"No reason," She squeezes my leg. 'It's just that things can happen, bad things when you covet what belongs to another." As my eyes adjust to the dim, almost absent light, I can see the sharp edges of her grin, her teeth like sharpened knives.

"I know you want Atlas," she squeezes harder. "He's handsome, rich, and very caring and considerate with those he loves, her nails begin to dig in and I wince.

"Angelica, you're hurting me," I try to pull away.

She doesn't let go.

"He's not for you. Do you understand Cordelia? He's mine." She digs in one last time before she carefully detaches her hand from my leg to gently pat my cheek as if we were just having a friendly conversation instead of her threatening me. "He always has been mine, and he always will be."

The door creaks open and Angelica's face rearranges to one of casual pleasantness, the darker edge of her personality hidden behind a mask of sweetness and light. As she fluffs the pillow behind my back, Atlas peeks his head in and smiles, turning on a small light to be welcomed by the domestic scene of a doting older sister taking care of her injured sibling.

"Oh good, Cordelia, you are awake," his shoulders soften and his body slumps in relief. He had been worried about me. "Thank you, Angelica," he takes her hands in his, kissing her fingertips, oblivious to how she was just hurting me with those same hands just a moment before. "You are a lifesaver for taking such good care of her."

"Of course," she beams innocently, her cheeks dimpling as a small blush forms at the sound of his praise. "She is, after all, my baby sister. Even though she's a big girl now, I'll always want to protect her and keep her safe. I'm sure you agree."

He nods, knowingly at her patronizing words and I find my heart plummeting. Is that how he really sees me? As somebody in need of constant supervision?

*I'm glad to see you two getting along," he hugs Angelica gratefully. "Maybe now we can have her over for dinner sometime," he looks at the two of us expectantly.

Angelica nods. "I feel that this moment has brought us closer together and that we are finally starting to understand one another again. Wouldn't you agree, Cordelia?"

I try to respond, but my mouth can't quite form the words. If I say no and accuse her of harming me and coercing me into an agreement, I'll look bad for trying to embarrass her and who knows, I might even bring on another one of her panic attacks. But I also don't want to lie to Atlas, especially since we are just starting to understand one another.

I don't know what to think or do.

"Is everything okay, Cordelia?" Atlas looks at me, his face lined with worry.

"Yes," I lie. "Everything is going to be fine."

Angelica's smile stretches across her face from ear to ear. Grabbing Atlas by the arm, she pulls Atlas by the arm and lets me know that Clark will be by soon to pick me up.

"I'm sure you miss your fiance as much as I miss mine she winks. "How lucky we are, two sisters engaged to two handsome brothers."

"I'll see you at work on Monday," Atlas looks over his shoulder at me and his gaze is anything but brotherly. "I plan to keep you to all of your agreements

As I'm left in the dark I place my face in my hands.

How am I going to be a good sister when he is making it so hard for me to let him go?noveldrama

VictoryAnne Vice

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