Nine months too late: After divorce

Chapter 16

Sylvie scoffed at the formalities. Seriously!

"Well, from the look of things, you've concluded it wasn't business related, she muttered as she dropped her phone

"Am I wrong?"

She rolled her eyes. Do you need something?

He let out a short mirthless laugh. "You're here on a contract, Ms. Price. You shouldn't seem pestered each time I walk into your office."

Well, the truth was, Sylvie was beyond pestered. She hated the fear and guilt that settled in her guts Lancelot's words from th previous might filled her with so much fear, it was as though, she couldn't survive being around Kage.

She hurt him. He didn't know it yet, but she did. And he was going to harm her if he gets to know. And with Lancelot in the picture, having knowledge and evidence of that day, she feared it might not be long.noveldrama

"So, whenever you walk in here, I'm just expected to stay mute, is that it?" She decided to keep her wit anyway

Kage offered a frosty smile that failed to reach his gaze.

"In addition, it is wrong, in every sense, to eat not just during working hours, but in any office space. Who the hell does that?" He probed.

Sylvie was overcome with embarrassment once more.

I'm pregnant with your babies, blockhead she was tempted to say,

"Sorry about that," she muttered instead.

"Apologies aren't always welcomed here, Ms. Price. What we need is efforts. Changes"

"Hold on, you do understand you didn't exactly hire me, right? I'm only here on a contract." Kage went closer. "And for as long as you'll be here, you're one of my staff. Deal with it."

Sylvie clinched her hands. He'll never stop being a jerk, will he

"Anyway, I need a file on plan C. Have it prepared and brought to my office as soon as possible. I have a board meeting to attend in an hour time. I hope the file will be ready by the time I'm back," he ordered and left, while Sylvie displayed eye- rolling. Sylvie applauded herself for being able to withhold her cravings for several hours. It was past eleven, and she couldn't stop checking the time.

Westley had already texted her that he was on his way.

She was resting her head on the desk and yawning when Atty walked in.

"Mr. Hawkins wants you to get ready, ma'am. He said you two have to go for an inspection, Anty reported.

Sylvie's eyes widened like saucers What!?

"Um...okay," she frownedl

But as soon as Arty was out of the office, she sprang to her feet, rushing over to kage's office.

He was on a phone call but ended it after she entered.

"Atty told me we have to go for an inspection. It's quite confusing 'cause it's almost lunch time, she queried

"Well, I've been busy as you've clearly seen otherwise, we'd have gone for the inspection earlier. But it's important we have to, Ms. Price. The foundation is already being laid, we have to be there. He stated calmly. But Sylvie knew it was all a game. And God, she hated when he addressed her by her last name.

"Okay, I understand it's important and it's also my job. But I'm very hungry," her voice thinned at the last words. "L... I really need to eat something

Kage regarded her for a moment before reclining in his seat. "You can have your lunch when we're back. Now, go in there and grab your bag." He went back to his laptop.

Sylvie sighed hopelessly. There was nothing she could do or say at that point to change his mind.

Disgruntled, she returned to her office and got her bag. It didn't take long before she and Kage were headed for the elevator.

She already texted Westley about the change of plan. He was displeased and told her to text him her new location so he could pick her up when she's done.

But Sylvie wasn't sure she could wait. It was as though, she was going to die if she didn't get something to eat in that moment.

"Okay, can I just grab something quick from the cafeteria?" She said to Kage as they stood in the descending elevator. There were two people behind them. Kage glanced at her.

"Please, I'm very very hungry. I need to eat something, Kage. Please."

She's never begged him for something in that manner before. It was kind of embarrassing, but Sylvie didn't care. She couldn't control it anymore. Kage looked at her in surprise.

Tell him what you want. He'll get it and meet us in the car," he signaled at one of the men behind them.

Sylvie's eyes beamed with gratitude. Oh thank the heavens!

Since she'd have to eat in the car, she decided she couldn't get real food.

"Um...I need chilli cheese fries, five corn dogs, potato skins, and a bottle of milkshake, she licked her lips when she finished.

She shuddered a little when she found Kage staring weirdly at her. Even the men looked at her as though, she was joking.

No, she couldn't eat all of that in front of him. He might get suspicious

"Of course, I'm kidding" she forced a laugh. I'm just so hungry, I could eat a lion. Just get me two corn dogs and chill cheese. fries. The milkshake too

Seated in the car, Sylvie couldn't stop stretching her neck. looking out for the man. When he finally arrived, she grabbed them from his hands before he could give them to her.

She started with the corn dogs, eating three in less than a minute and moaning afterwards. She had no idea that Kage was staring strangely at her. When she paused and looked at him, he was giving her a ridiculous stare. "Are you being starved, wherever you come from?" He pulled a crumpled look as he asked.

There was a small stain on her lips. She shook her head and continued eating.

Sylvie was done eating by the time they got to the site. She wasn't completely full, but she wasn't starving anymore.

As she stepped out of the ear, her hand instinctively went to her belly. Ugh, those little things were making her eat too much. She prayed shed be through with the project and leave the country before it becomes too obvious.

1st as Kage said, the foundation for the building was already in progress. It was a government project and a smart city evelopment

Mr. Ambrose was the one that had gotten the contract, while Kage was funding it. Sylvie was there as the middle woman, her company overseeing it. She alone held the blueprints and vital information regarding the project, which was why Kage could get her to work from h She wasn't expected to wait until the entire building was completed. She was only going to be there for the foundation and startup - which was the major work and was expected

to be done within a month. The completion could be done even while she was away. Her money would've already been secured then.

The sight supervisor took she and Kage around, showing them the places they've worked on so far. Sylvie also confirmed everything was going as planned.

As they rounded up and got ready to leave, Westley texted that he'd arrived.

Sylvie couldn't stop herself from smiling. She was happy as she exited the place with Kage.

When they got to where their cars were parked, she found Westley's.

"I'll meet you up at the office. I'll be going for lunch now," she told Kage

He stopped walking and passed a piercing stare at the new car. When the door opened and Westley stepped out, he frowned,

"We came here on business basis. Ms. Price. It's wrong to go off when we haven't returned."

"Please, don't even start. You told me I could go for lunch when we're done. Everyone deserves break time, Kage

"I'm not saying you don't, Ms. Price, but we need to get to the office before..."

"Can you stop with the whole Ms. Price shit?" She grimaced.

Realizing that had gotten out a little too loud, she exhaled. "If you want to be so formal, then keep to the rules and stop letting your hatred for me get in the way." "Speaking about rules, do I need to remind you so soon that you'd broken two of them just this morning? And it's only your first morning at the office." Westley noticed the argument and went over. "Is there a problem here?"

There was. Now, there are two, Kage's voice turned a degree colder. "It's rude to intrude in people's conversations. Mr. Harper.

"Yeah, I know. But she's with me, so I believe I have the right to be a little concerned" He held Sylvie's hand.

"Are you okay?" He looked down at her and asked softly.

Sylvie felt a shudder course through her spine, Kage didn't realize when he made fists of his hands. He let it go before it was noticed by anyone.

But seeing them-Westley's hand wrapped around hers-it made him furious. It was an unhealthy feeling.

And what did he

mean by 'she's with me?

"I do not care what your relationship is with her, Mr. Harper, but this is working hours. She might have skipped it, but we don't entertain visits during this time. As a CEO yourself, I expect you to know these basic things." MAD THE

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