MY Possessive Mafia Men

Men 154

Chapter 154: They Don't Deserve You Chapter 154: They Don't Deserve You Angelia

'He remember.' I thought, warmth blossoming in my chest.

Staring at the card with blurry eyes, I felt giddy as read his text again and again until I couldn't see his elegant handwriting. My hand shook as I set the card on the table and looked back up at the bouquet, I had never gotten flowers before. Another ring sounded from the intercom and I quickly dried my tears before walking back to the door and answering it. "Hi, there is a delivery here for Angelia Hartwell. Are you her?"

"Yes, I will be right there." I had to swallow several times to get rid of the lump lodged in my



This time there was a man at the door, instead of a bouquet, he held a box from a local bakery. There was a note taped to the side of the box and I found myself more anxious to read it than to see what was in the box.

"Have a

a nice day." I told the delivery man and just as I began shutting the door, another man door.

to the

came to

"Are you Angelia Hartwell by any chance?" He was holding another box, this one bigger than the

one from the bakery. "Yes," I said, astounded by the number of gifts I was getting. "Please, sign here for me."

Almost in a daze, I signed my name and got the package. I was actually nervous as I went back up, the giddy kind of nervous. I went for the smallest box first and opened it to find a dozen chocolate covered strawberries. Carefully, I detached the card from the box so it wouldn't rip. "These will forever remind me of the day you agreed to become our submissive. It will always be

my favorite day, I know I don't have the right to ask but please forgive us. We are lost without you, my bunny. Forever your idiot, Riccardo.' I laughed as I read his regards even as tears once again welled in my eyes. These men had made me into a living wasteful with how much I had been crying these days. These were happy tears, though. Lastly, I opened the bigger box and inside, there was a beautiful chocolate cake that made 1/4

Chapter 154: They Don't Deserve You

my mouth water. Another card was taped to the top lid and again, I removed it gingerly as I took care not to rip it.

'I miss sharing my kitchen with you, cooking isn't the same when you aren't here. Come back to us, my little one.'

here wasn't a name written below but I knew it was from Kingston. I had never cooked with anyone but him and there was no one else who called me pumpkin. My heart was going wild as I gazed at their presents. They weren't extravagant or expensive and I liked that even more because their gifts were picked with me in their minds. This wasn't meant to buy my affection, it was meant to remind me of what we had together and how special it was. And it did remind me. I remembered cuddling with Marshall after I had spent the first night at his place. I remembered

our meeting when I had agreed to become their submissive and how Riccardo had taken care of

me and fed me strawberries covered in chocolate. I remembered Kingston cooking for me and then agreeing to help teach me. I remember every single good thing I had experienced with these guys and I realized how much I wanted to experience more with them to have more beau beautiful I moments

that I could look back on with a happy smile when I was old and gray. For a fourth time, the intercom rang, I couldn't wipe the silly smile from my face as another delivery person told me they had a package for me.

When they had said they would fight for me, I hadn't imagined they would do it with sweet gifts and heartfelt words. I had thought they would hound me on my phone, texting and calling and maybe even show up at Andy's doorsteps. This, though, was perfect. They were giving me space but at the same time showing me how much they cared. This time, instead of a gift, I was handed a brown envelope. Through the envelope, I could feel that whatever was in it was firmer than paper. Had they sent me pictures too? The thought made my smile widen. I felt lighter by the second as if the pain of these past days was erasing itself. I didn't care so much about the gift, their words were more than enough. They were showing me that I meant something to them and it made me soar.

Taking two stairs at a time, I locked myself back inside the apartment. The other gifts were momentarily forgotten as I opened the envelope, excited to see what else they had up their sleeves. I was careful as I reached inside and took it out. I laughed happily as I felt the smooth content with my fingers. It was a picture. It took me a moment to register what I was looking at but when I did, my heart dropped. It was a picture taken yesterday at the park. I could see myself standing by the lake with one of my hands in Riccardo's and the one` stretched out for what I knew should be his cheek but all I saw were ruined paper because Riccardo's face was scratched out. @

Oh my goodness, I stared at the ruined picture as a shock took hold of me. I could feel at least two more pictures underneath this one but I was afraid to look. Steeling myself, I picked up the top one and put it behind the others. The following picture was of Marshall and me by the same lake


Chapter 154: They Don't Deserve You

the day before. His face was also scratched out. I forced myself to look at the next one, knowing that it would be one of Kingston and me and I was right. It was also from the day before yesterday at the cafe. He was holding me while I was sobbing into his chest. I couldn't see his face behind the ruined paper. With shaky legs, I collapsed on the couch and the picture fell from my hand and down to the floor but I couldn't stand looking at them. "Oh no! Oh no!!" I kept mumbling, my eyes strayed towards the picture against my will.

A whimper escaped me when I saw words written on the back of the one picture that had landed face down. Trembling, I bent down and picked it up. The film shook as my hand trembled.

"They don't deserve you.'

Letting the picture yet again slip from my hand, I picked up another one and turned it around, searching for more messages.

'I don't share.'


"No!" I gasped, I stopped breathing when I looked at the last one. My chest tightened painfully as fear gripped me.

'It would be a shame to see them get hurt.'


"What do you mean you can't help me?" I stared at the officer in disbelief.

As soon as I had gotten those pictures which were currently on the table between us, I rushed down to the police station.

"1 I am not saying we can't help you if this is real. I am saying that we get stuff like this all the time and the majority of them turn out to be pranks." The officer in front of me said in an almost patronizing tone.

"The thing is, we have to use our recourse for important matters and..."

"Are you saying this isn't important?" I gasped."

"I have just found out that someone has been following me and taking pictures of me and my me.. friends. These pictures were taken several hours apart which means someone waited for me for hours. That is not normal behavior from anyone." He sighed. 1 "I understand your frustrations but we can't do anything about it now. As I said, this could just be a prank. Trust me, they are happier much more often than stalking does. I suggest you go about


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life and ignore it, the person that is doing this wants attention from you or at the very least a reaction. Don't give it to them and they might get bored." Cruel prank? F***ing ignore it? And they might get bored? I had been as taken aback as I was right now, hearing this policeman minimizing my fright. Sure, he could be right, this could be just a prank but it didn't feel like that. Nobody waited hours for me to make my moves so they could follow me, only to prank me. That didn't add up. This was the first time I had contacted the police and now, I almost regret it.

I had gotten no support whatsoever from them, the only advice I had gotten was to ignore it and go about my day as usual as if I hadn't had someone follow me for two days, take pictures of my men and me and print said picture. Scratch out the faces of the men and then send them to me with freaky notes at the back. All of that just so they could get a couple of laughs in? Yes, that sounded unlikely or whatever the hell that person was sounded just as unlikely because why would someone stalk me? I was just me, nobody special. Chapter Comments Carolyn Reese

don't go to the police go to your men!

my guess, uts the b***hy front desk girl....

Amber Aldridge

ok so it's either Ben or the creepy date rape drug guy.

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