Chapter 46
Chapter 46
Continuing in Ryker's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about Rain..I couldn't get her out of my head..It seemed impossible. It is
I love her..
Seriously Ryker, get a grip! Stop being so sappy that she broke up with you.
I fought with my inner conscience internally and a voice interrupted "Hi. I was wondering is you have $5
dollars you could lend me?"
I knew that voice...
I looked up to see brown hair and blue eyes that I knew. She stood their and started to say something
but stopped.
"Mom." I said shocked with my eyes widening, she put a hand over her mouth to and tears pricked her
eyes "Ryker.."
I was in a state of shock and couldn't believe it was her. I haven't seen her in 12 years, but she didn't
change much. It's not the best thing to say but I just figure'd she'd turn into a drug addict or alcoholic by
I didn't know what to do and neither did she. She didn't even seem like my mom, she just seemed to be
like some stranger I knew.
"Ryker!" A voice dragged on and Melanie ran up to me. Standing up, I quickly picked her up and shifted
her over to my side.
"Melanie.." My mom whispered as she stared at her with mezmorization in her eyes. Melanie didn't
seem to draw attention towards her till Leah, Faith and Reece walked up.
"Hey bro, I need your keys-." Reece started as they approached then freezing in their place. "Mom."
They both whispered in utter shock.
"Oh my're all so grown up.." She said as tears were in her eyes. Reece pulled Faith into his
side and hugged her, knowing she was about to cry.
"Where have you been?" Leah asked in an almost whisper and tears pricked her eyes as well. "I
moved down here 9 years ago." She answered "Where have you?"
"We've all been living in New York City." Reece stated as he rubbed circles on Faith's back. "What have
you come all the way down here for?" She asked concerned as if she knew something was wrong.
I shifted my eyes to somewhere else in the restaurant and clenched my jaw. "Ryker's girlfriend got
kidnapped.." Reece trailed off and realized he said girlfriend as a current phrase.
"Right. And we should probably get going." I said, handing Melanie to Leah and walking out of the
restaurant. It was down pouring, Thunder rumbled and lightning struck.
"Ryker! Ryker!" Leah's voice yelled after me as she ran out after me "Ryker stop!"
I stopped walking and turned around to face her "What Leah?!" I snapped. "Ryk..I know you're going
through a lot right now, but you have to stop and calm down for a minute-" She sighed.
"You want me to calm down?! Leah I know you're blond and all but don't be dumb for a minute! Rain's noveldrama
somewhere out there kidnapped with her ex rapist boyfriend, and one of the most powerful gangs! And
ontop of that she broke up with me! So don't fucking tell me to calm down!" I yelled.
Rain poured came down faster and faster and I was soaked by now and could barely see Leah.
(Don't any of you dare comment "Ha. Get it Rain...")
"We wouldn't be in this situation if you actually thought before making your actions!" Leah yelled.
I tensed up and stared at her for a moment, pressing my lips in a tight line and clenching my jaw.
She then realized what she said and covered her hand with her mouth as guilt filled her eyes "Oh my
Gosh-Ryker I'm so sorry...I didn't mean it like that-"
"But you did" I cut her off "Fuck you Leah. You know family is suppose to have each other's backs, but
you basically just stabbed me in mine." I turned around and started walking down the street without
knowing where I was going and Leah yelled after me but I ignored her.
"That will be $50.00" A guy with a foreign accent and dressed in a Hawaiian shirt with khakis and
sandals said.
I sighed then pulling out my wallet and handing him some money. He took in exchange he gave me the
key for the bedroom.
I snatched it from his hand then walking up down the hallway and searching for room 8-A. It was a
shitty ass shady motel, but I didn't feel like searching and I didn't have the money for a hotel.
I unlocked the room with the key and walked in to where the 70's apparently threw up. There was a
white radiator beneath the window, which viewed out to trees. Plaid printed curtains were hung, the bed
was a full-size and covered in a thin orange blanket, a small wooden nightstand with a purple lamp on
it. There was a small painting of some city hung above the bed, a leather chair was in the corner of the
room by the radiator with a small wooden table by it.
I shut the door behind me and threw my keys down onto the bed and walked up to the window where
there was a repeating tapping sound on the glass from the tree branches. I pulled the curtains shut to
block out the sound, and flipped over a table in anger because of everything that was happening.
My phone was going off like crazy but I declined everyone's calls and ignored their text. I raised my
arms above my head and placed my hands ontop of my head and closed my eyes to try and not to
punch a whole through the wall.
I chucked the beer can into the garbage can and turned off the ancient TV that had an antenna on it. I
tore my shirt off and threw it on to the leather chair, and plopping on my back onto the bed.
I stared up at the ceiling that was covered in weird patterned wallpaper that you'd find in your
grandma's house along with her collection of porcelain dolls.
I looked at my phone and saw over 100 text and to many missed calls to count. I reached into my
pocket and took Rain's phone out of my pocket. I took it because it was left behind at the hotel room in
Italy, and not that it mattered to her because she could by a new phone without a problem, but I just
figure'd I should take it.
I sighed then typing in what I think is her passcode; 0328. When it was right a small smile tugged at my
lips because it was my birthday, but I quickly realized we weren't together anymore and the passcode
was old news.
I hestiantly clicked on her contacts, and scrolled through and coming to her dad. I hit the call button and
put it up to my ear as it rang and rang a couple times.
"Yes?" Sheriff Thompson answered. "Sheriff..It's Ryker Anderson" I said stern.
"Why do you have my daughters phone?" He asked in a snobbish tone. "Your daughter's been
kidnapped" I sighed taking a deep breath.
There was dead silence for a few moments and he didn't say anything for a few moments which felt
longer then what they were.
"Where?" He asked with a cold hard voice. "North Carolina" I answered stern, and clenching my jaw.
"I told her to come home" He accused as almost it was nothing and he didn't care "She'll have to deal
with it."
I was in disbelief at to what he just said "W-What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean that I told her to
come home instead of running off with you and the rest of your hood rats."
"Sheriff this wasn't her fault-." I started but he cut me off "You do know that I don't approve of your
relation with my daughter. I don't need her running around with some druggie with mental health
problems and a prison record. She has to learn her consequences."
"What kind of fucking father are you?! Rain hasn't done anything wrong! Stop treating her like she's a
piece of shit, because you're such an asshole! Your own daughter has been kidnapped and you don't
even care! Go fucking burn in hell you sick bastard" I snapped through the phone then hanging up.
I rested my elbows on my knees and leaned forward and clutched my hair with my hands "Rain, I'm so
sorry" I whispered as if she was right next to me and could hear me.
"Ryker, don't!" Craig yelled, and held me back. I turned around to him and held a glare "Rain's about to
be killed and you're telling me not to do anything...Wow, Craig; you really don't know me" I scoffed.
I slapped the mag into the gun I had and headed out. Running down the hallways, I stopped at a corner
and peeked around to see two guys.
I moved swiftly out to the hall and pulled the trigger twice. They both clutched the part where I hit them
and fell to the ground. I walked up to them and grabbed the guys guys and unloaded his bullets and put
them into my magazine.
I left them on the ground as they bled profusely. I ran down the other halls and searched for Rain and
the room she was in.
I soon found it and bursted through the door to see Rain being grabbed and slammed up against a
Everyone's eyes snapped towards me, Rain looked up at me and gasped in shock as relief came over
her tired eyes that had bruised Skin.
Some guys came towards me and punched me and knocked the gun out of my hand. I kicked the guy
in the gut and sent him flying backwards into a wooden table which broke once he hit it.
I was then punched in the jaw and put in a headlock, and struggled to get out of the guys grip. I tried
peeling the guys arm off around my neck but he wouldn't budge.
I stared at Rain, and her eyes bored into mine. "You know Ryker.." Zeke smirked "My plan was to kill
you, but I came to realization if I killed Rain, it would kill you slowly and suffer the rest of your life
because the guilt would always follow you."
"Don't fucking touch her" I gritted, glaring at Zeke and if glares could kill Zeke would've died 27 times
now and recarnate just so I could kill him again.
Zeke smirked wider and Archer handed him a revolver. I struggled in the guys grip that was wrapped
tightly around my neck, and elbowed him in the stomach to try and get out.
I quickly looked up at the windows in by the high ceiling and saw an address painted on the walls.
Rain was silent and pressed her lips in a thin line as she was held up against the wall. Zeke pointed the
gun down at the ground and loaded it with bullets, then raising it slowly and pointing it at Rain.
I yelled and shouted threats and anger came over me. His finger wrapped around the trigger and Rain
gulped as a single tear escaped her eye and traveled down her cheek.
"Goodbye, Ryk" She said, and I gripped the guys arm and quickly twisted it back and elbowed him in
the gut. He let go of his grip on me and Zeke pulled the trigger.
"Rain!" I yelled, and started to run up but was quickly pulled back and I looked at her body that fell to
the ground and she her body became paler then normal.
I stared completely in shock and my whole world seemed to stop, as I saw her lifeless body lay on the
cement ground with blood seeking through her shirt.
I shot up and my breath was heavy and I was sweating. I quickly got up and put on a shirt and grabbed
my keys and phone then slipping on my shoes and storming out of the room.
I ran down the hallways and called Craig and it was 3 a.m. He answered "Hello?"
"Meet me at the gas station we were at earlier. I know where Rain is" I said then handing up right away.
I threw my keys down onto the front desk and ran outside.
I squinted my eyes and saw a motorcycle. I smirked and walked up to it "It's been awhile since I
hotwired something."
* * * * * *
Rain Thompson
"Let me go!" I cried with tears sobbing down my face and Tyson pinned me up against the wall "Shut
up" He girtted putting a knife up to the side of my cheek.
I gulped and became silent "Tyson, please" I pleaded staring into his piercing blue eyes. He put
pressure on the knife, making it dig into my skin and cutting in.
I flinched in pain, and the door opened. James walked in, but Tyson didn't turn around, instead he just
kept his gaze on me. "Zac and Joe wanted you in the meeting room, they said something about a drug
deal" James informed Tyson.
Tyson clenched his jaw and let go of me "You got lucky, Thompson." He walked out of the room with his
shoulder hitting James.
I held back tears and James walked up to me as I looked down at the ground and my feet that were
covered in filth from the grounds.
"Rain, I'm so sorry" James said as he pulled me into a tight hug and rubbed circles on my back "You
shouldn't have to be going through this."
Breaking into tears, I cried into his chest and clutched his shirt in my hand "No one cares" I cried.
"That's not true" James spoke softly "I Care about you Rain."
"LIAR!" I yelled, pulling out of his hug "If you cared about me, you'd get me home!" "Rain...I would if I
could" He sighed.
"YOU CAN!" I screamed as I tried to walk further away but the chain restrained me. "If I let you go, I'D
GET US BOTH SHOT!" He exclaimed.
I shook my head at him "No. No you're just like everyone else. You're playing this role so you don't
seem like the bad guy when in reality you are and you're the worse of all!"
"Why am I the worse ?! He asked giving me a disgraceful look. "Because you're the one who tricks me!
The one that thinks everything's going to be okay and makes me think it when you're holding be
captive. YOU'RE THE LIAR, James!" I yelled.
He pushed me back up against the wall and my breath faltered as we were chest to chest. His eyes
flickered to my lips and I swallowed hard, and blinked slowly.
He leaned in and his lips brushed against mine as he stayed there for a few seconds to see what I was
going to do.
His lips pressed against mine, and I gave in right away as my back was up against the wall. His arms
snaked around my waist and pressed me up against him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and his tongue found mine. He picked me up and I wrapped my
legs around his torso.
He carried me over to the bed and laid me down as he was overtop of me without his lips leaving mine.
His hands roamed my body and I placed mine flat on his chest.
James pulled back a second just to pull off his shirt and I looked at his 6 pack abs for a second as I put
the tips of my finger tips on them before looking up to meet his eyes.
"Rain..I like you" He whispered loud enough for me to hear. My eyes went wide and my heart fell as
guilt came over me.
"James..this was a mistake..I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen" I said feeling guilty. He got up
and clenched his jaw "Of course" then starting to walk out.
"JAMES! Wait!" I yelled as I grabbed his hand and he turned around to look at me "I'm sorry. It's just
with Ryker- and I didn't mean to do this."
"You're like every other girl Rain, I thought you were different; but your not. You play guys and trick
them into thinking you like them but then say you don't" James gritted.
"I like you James, just not like that. Please, you're the one that's there for me and I can't make it
through this with out you" I pleaded.
"Fuck off Rain" He said angrily then starting to walk out. I quickly caught his forearm and he turned
around to glare at me.
He grabbed the extra chain that was on the ground that led to my ankle then pulling it apart then
together to make it snap and tighten on my ankle.
I fell to the ground and clutched my ankle as tears pricked my eyes. He walked out of the room and
slammed the door shut. Tears escaped my eyes and by now I was full on crying.
* * * * * *
I stared ahead at the wall and my mind ran through thoughts. A picture of Ryker's face when I called it
off appeared in my mind, and I squeezed my eyes shut.
If I just ended this is be better for everyone..if I just wasn't here...
Turning on the faucet, I sat in the bathtub filled with water and water that started becoming dirty from all
the filth coming off from me. I slid under the water and closed my eyes and stayed under.
I heard the faucet running water crashing into the tub and the water slowly rised and rised past my
head. I pressed my lips in a thin line, keeping my eyes closed.
The water was cold but a mixture of hot at the same time. My mind set was filled with the whole gang,
my brothers, and just being home. I clutched my hands into fist and I couldn't breathe.
Just end it, Rain..
It was like the waterboarding but seemed less painful because no one was forcing me. Everything
seems less painful when you do it yourself instead of it being forced upon you.
My lungs couldn't breathe any oxygen and everything went fuzzy. I heard a door open and a voice
scream my name, then everything went black and relief came over me.
"Oh my God." James said in relief as he walked through the doorway "You're okay." "What do you
care?" I muttered under my breath.
James, Marley, and Felicity found me and pulled me out of the water. I sat on the ground, tightening the
towel around me at the thought of James seeing me naked.
Marley rubbed circles on my back in a concerning way. "Don't do that again." Zeke warned, pointing a
finer at me. Everyone was in the 'living room' and I was being lectured.
As Zeke went off, Felicity interrupted "Ezekiel!" Making everybody draw attention towards hers and
silence filled the room. "Can't you see she's depressed!? You kidnapped her, made her break up with
her boyfriend, torture her constantly, and ontop of that; You're making her become suicidal!"
I swallowed a lump in my throat and pressed my lips in a thin line as everyone's stares turned towards
me. "Get her dressed. We're going out." Zeke clenched his jaw.
Felicity and Marley both took my hands and led me out of the room and to the room I was held captive.
Marley handed me some clothes and I mumbled "Thank you."
I headed into the bathroom and got dressed. I brushed through my knotted hair quickly and looked at
myself in the reflection.
Bags were under my eyes, I had bruises and cuts, and looked broken. I sighed and turned on the
faucet of the sink, and splashed water on my face to try and make myself wake up from this nightmare.
I looked up into the mirror with hope and I still looked the same. I wasn't in a nightmare, I was living one
for reality. Pulling on the deniem jacket I was giving, I finished off the clothes.
Marley gave me black skinny jeans, a white sheer v-neck shirt, and a deniem jacket. It made me look
somewhat put together, but not much.
I was a puzzle that couldn't be completed because it had missing pieces. I clutched the sides of the
sink and closed my eyes shut as I thought about Ryker.
We're not together...we aren't Rain & Ryker, we were just Rain, and Ryker.
There was a knock at the door and Felicity asked "You okay, Rain?" My eyes flew open and I sighed
then calling out to her "Yeah! I'm fine."
Wiping my eyes to get rid of tears, I walked out of the bathroom where Marley and Felicity were.
Austin came around the otherside and opened my door. I got out and standing on the cement black top
covered in stones, I looked at the North Carolina sky that was a pink-orange.
Red sky at morning, Red sky at morning: Sailors take warning.
"Hey." A voice said softly, and James approached me. "I don't want to talk to you." I mumbled angrily as
I started to walk away towards the restaurant.
"Rain, wait." James said, grabbing my hand and turning me around to face him "I'm sorry about
earlier-..I didn't mean to come on strong like that."
I looked down at the ground and he took my hands in his with took me off guard and I jumped. "I can't
lie and try and pretend." He said "Because I wouldn't just be lying to you, I'd be lying to myself."
"I like you, Rain." James said. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. He let go of my
hands, placing his index finger under my chin, tilting my chin up to look at him.
"I don't like you, James." I admitted to him. He cupped my face in his hands and stared into my eyes
"You're lying."
"No" I shook my head "I'm not. I don't lie, Landlock." "You use to like me when we were younger."
James said starting to get angry and frsutrated.
"I liked Porter. But you lied to me, Porter was a completely different person; and it I was just some 14
year old girl crushing on some guy...I grew up James."
"Rain, please. You're just indenial from breaking up with Anderson." James shook his head. I sighed
"No, James. I'm heartbroken, not in denial."
James stared at me with his Hazel green eyes boring into me. He started to go on again but I grabbed
his face in my hands and smashed my lips to his.
My lips felt like a brick wall against his and for a couple of moments his lips stayed on mine, before I
pulled away.
"No Spark." I stated, shrugging "I'm sorry James, but if I kiss you and there's no spark there's no actual
feeling. When Ryker gives me the smallest kiss, it makes me stomach erupt with butterflies, electricity
go through me, and like fireworks are going off."
"Don't kiss me again James, because there's no point."
I pressed my lips in a thin line and gave him a small sympathetic smile, before turning around and
walking in aside the restaurant.
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