Keeping Katie (Syndicate Kings Book 5)

Keeping Katie: Chapter 8

His touch is so warm. Gentle, but firm. It’s like anytime he holds me, I melt right into him.

When he threatens to spank me, my body heats, and my pussy clenches. Spanking scenes in books are always my favorite parts but I have no idea if I’d actually enjoy it. What if it’s not as hot as it is in the stories? Grady made it clear that some spankings won’t be pleasurable.

Could I submit to being punished? The idea is intriguing. Being forced to strip out of my pants and panties and bend over his thighs so he can discipline me like a naughty Little girl? Yeah, the thought is freaking hot. I have a feeling it might not feel as sexy, though, when it’s actually happening.

“I, um, Grady?” I say softly.

I’m so tired and confused right now that I don’t know what to think about all of this. This man I just met is bulldozing into my life, and I don’t know how to react. I’ve never had a man show interest in me like this, and I’m pretty sure most men aren’t quite this…intense.

“I know, baby. This is a lot. For now, I want you to shut your brain off and focus on getting ready to sleep. Find something to wear and get changed. I’m going to cover all your baked goods. I’ll be back in five minutes. I want you under those blankets with Pancake in your arms when I get back. Can you be a good girl and do all that for me?”noveldrama

His voice is soft, coddling, but he’s not asking, and I know it. I also want to please him and be his good girl. “Yes.”

When he leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead, I suck in a breath and close my eyes. I want him to kiss me everywhere. I want to feel the scratchiness of his beard on my skin, my nipples, lower. I’ve never felt this need before. It’s overpowering all my senses.

As he takes a step back, my gaze lands on his slacks and the enormous bulge between his legs. Holy crap. That’s big. Long and thick.

“Eyes up here, princess. Ignore that. I can’t help my response to you.”

I snap my head back, though the look on my face must be one of shock because he chuckles softly as he turns around and leaves me alone to spiral.

A full minute passes before I start moving. Shoot, I need to hurry up before he gets back. I dig through my drawers and find the least ratty matching pajama set I have. One of these days, I’ll go buy some new ones. It’s been on my list of things to do forever, but life has gotten in the way. I can’t remember the last time I bought any new clothes or shoes.

Right as I climb under the covers, Grady taps on the door, then walks in and gives me that breathtaking smile of his. Who knew teeth could be so white and perfectly straight? The man is a mix of sophistication and roughness. His teeth are perfect, but his nose is crooked as though it’s been broken a time or two. He wears designer suits, but he’s covered in tattoos. He looks like he’d be at home in a boardroom. He also looks like he could kill a man with his bare hands. He’s a complete contradiction. A hot one.

“I don’t know what you put in those blueberry muffins, but I ate three, and I’m taking the rest home,” he says as he sucks on the tip of his index finger.

My breathing increases, and my nipples bud into points. Good God. Does he realize how sexy he is, or is he blind to what he does to women? When he winks at me and gives me a cocky grin, I giggle and shake my head. The man knows exactly what he’s doing. Bastard.

He sits on the edge of my bed. “Who’s your realtor?”

“Calvin Dunlap,” I answer without thinking. “Why?”

There’s a flutter low in my tummy as I study him. He’s flawless, and here I am, looking like a hot mess express.

“Do you know the guy well?” His voice is tight. Controlled. Too controlled. Is he jealous? The thought shouldn’t thrill me, but my pussy disagrees.

“No. I don’t. He was recommended. I don’t like him very much, but this is all new to me, so I’m just trying to get through it as quickly as possible to pay off my parents’ final hospital bills before the bank tries to come after the business.”

Suddenly, everything feels heavy. My body. My eyes. My heart. I’m tired. So tired. And it’s not my lack of sleep that’s causing it.

As though he senses it, he reaches out and brushes some wild hairs away from my face. “I want you to sleep. Will you be a good girl and do that, or do I need to sit here and make sure you rest?”

I have a feeling he isn’t bluffing.

“I’ll sleep. You need to go to work or something, I’m sure. Wait, do you actually go to work?”

I need to ask Chloe some questions. A whole lot of them because my head is spinning. The mafia? Seriously?

He lets his fingers dwell on the side of my face, his touch settling something inside me. Is it possible for someone to do bad things but still be a good person? I’ve always felt that I’m a good judge of character, and something tells me that Grady is a great man.

“Yes. I do. I have people who report to me. We all have roles. It’s like one enormous business with Declan as the CEO. The other five of us are senior employees. Most of our fathers were in the top six.”

Interesting. He almost makes it seem boring.

“Your father was in the mafia, too?”

Grady looks away, his jaw clenched, pain etched in his features. “Aye. He was.” Then he stands and leans over me, placing his hands on either side of my head. “You need to rest. I’m leaving my card right here on your nightstand next to your phone. Text me when you wake up. Understand?”

I want to ask more questions. I’ve pretty much blabbed my entire life story, but I don’t know anything about him. Now isn’t the time, though.


“Good girl,” he murmurs.

Then he bends down and presses a feather-light kiss to my forehead. “Sweet dreams, princess.”

Katie: Can we get together? I have a bazillion questions.

Chloe: LOL. I’ve been waiting to hear from you. Grady dropped off some muffins for me and told me you were napping. It was cute. He got all growly when Bash tried to eat one.

The corners of my lips twitch. Jealousy isn’t supposed to be hot, but there’s something about Grady getting all possessive that’s sexy as hell. He seems chill, but I have a feeling he’s quite intense.

Katie: He showed up when I was in the middle of panic baking.

Chloe: Ooh, girl. Panicking over him?

Unable to wait for answers, I press the call button.

“Hey,” she says.

“Yes, totally panicking over him,” I blurt out. “This is a lot. He’s a lot. I feel like a mouse being stalked by the cat.”

“It’s hot, right?”

“Chloe!” I squeal.

She bursts out laughing. “Listen, these guys are a bit unconventional. They don’t live by a set of rules. They do what they want. When they find someone they want, they go after them. The second Bash got permission from my brother, he was all over me, completely unrelenting.”

“You’re supposed to be making me feel better.”

“I’m trying. Just listen. I’m getting there. They’re animals. Really good-looking animals. But they’re also protective, and they treat us like we’re royalty. Just give him a chance. You’ve spent the last fifteen years taking care of your parents. They were wonderful people, but because of their illnesses, you always came second. Maybe you should let Grady take care of you now.”

That does sound wonderful. The way he showed up and took control when I wasn’t able to think clearly? That was exactly what I needed. He took my choices away from me, but only for my own good.

“What about what they…do. For work,” I say slowly, trying to figure out how to bring it up over the phone.

She sighs. “I’m not going to pretend it’s not scary. They face risks. It’s dangerous. But they’re also smart.”

I rub Pancake’s ear between my fingers, my mind running in circles. “I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

“Uh-huh. I bet you will. You’ll be thinking about that hot Irishman making you scream,” she taunts, giggling.

Heat spreads over my cheeks as I grin. I’m sure with the outline in his pants I saw earlier, he could definitely make me scream.

“Thanks for working at the shop for me. I’ll write you a check tomorrow.”

Chloe snorts. “Love the change of subject, and no, you won’t. I had fun. I wouldn’t mind taking a shift once in a while.”

My heart squeezes. “I’d like that.”

“Oh, Tom stopped by. Bash almost blew a vein when I hugged him.”

Laughing, I roll my eyes. These guys are over the top. And the fact that I like that about them is a bit frightening.

“Who are you talking to?” Grady asks in the background.

“Katie,” Chloe answers.

My stomach tightens. Shoot. I haven’t texted him yet. It only took a few minutes for me to fall asleep after he left, and I slept like a baby. Once I woke up, I needed to talk to Chloe.

There’s a rustling sound. “I believe you were supposed to message me when you woke up, princess.” His voice is deep and stern, but there’s also a hint of care. “I was getting worried about you.”

I suck in a breath. “You were?”

“Yes. Why didn’t you text me?”

“Sorry. I needed to talk to Chloe first.”

He sighs. “Still overthinking it, baby?”

Rubbing Pancake’s thin ear again, I close my eyes and smile. It’s like he knows me already. “Yes. A little.”

“Was Chloe helpful?”


“Good. I’m coming over and bringing dinner. Be there in about half an hour.”

I bolt up in bed. “Wait, but…”

He hung up on me. Seriously?

Remembering that he left his phone number, I grab the card from the nightstand.

“Yeah, princess? Did you need something else besides dinner?” he asks.

“What? No. I mean, you don’t have to come over. I can find something here. I have work to do anyway, and I promised my neighbor I would bake her some cakes for her son’s birthday, so I should work on that, too. Thanks for the offer.”

The line is silent for a few seconds, so I look at my phone to make sure the call is still connected. Then he chuckles deeply, and my core tightens at the sound.

“That’s not how this works, baby girl. I’ll be over in thirty with dinner, and we’ll go from there. We’ll also be having a discussion about you overdoing things and not taking care of yourself first.”

This time, when I open my mouth to argue, no words come out. I take care of myself. I mean, sure, I don’t remember the last time I washed my hair. Or painted my nails. Or bought new clothes. But it’s fine. I don’t need any of that stuff. Even though I often wish I had the time and energy for it.

“See you soon, baby.”

“Uh-huh,” is my only reply because what else is there to say? Grady O’Brien doesn’t ask permission. He does what he wants, and tonight, he wants to come over. And I still look like a walking disaster.

Shower. A shower would help. Maybe I can even take a minute to shave. Yep. Shaving is a must. Not that anything is going to happen. Nope, it definitely won’t.

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