Keeping Katie (Syndicate Kings Book 5)

Keeping Katie: Chapter 15

Whoever the hell this Tom guy is, he’s about to have a come-to-Jesus moment. I don’t give a fuck if he’s seventy or homeless or the Lord and Savior himself. Katie is mine, and I’m going to protect her by any means necessary.

I’ve been sitting outside Twisted Bean for the past half hour, waiting for this guy to show. Why would he come by every night? That’s suspicious. I’m not a trusting guy. It’s not in my nature. But when it comes to my girl, I’m even less so.

Off to the left, movement catches my eye. Sure enough, a rough-looking older man with a cart makes his way toward the shop. It looks like he hasn’t had a haircut or a shave in years. His clothes have definitely seen better days. The average person would probably cross the road to avoid the guy, but they don’t know any better. Most people just assume if someone is homeless, it’s because they have a substance problem.

I don’t think that’s Tom’s issue. He’s too proud to sleep in Katie’s shop, and he walks with his shoulders held high. My guess is he’s former military. A soldier who came home and wasn’t able to get the resources he needed to live as a civilian. I could be wrong, but something in my gut tells me I’m spot on.

When I get out of the SUV and slam the door closed, he turns to look at me. He’s very aware of his surroundings. Definitely military.

As I approach, he studies me, not shying away like most men would.

“I was wondering how long it would take for you to introduce yourself to me,” he says firmly, his voice gravelly.

I come to a stop in front of him, my spine tensing. Either Katie told him about me, or he’s been keeping an eye on me.

“Why do you visit Katie every day?” I ask.

His gray eyes sparkle as he glances toward the shop. Then he lets out a slow exhale. “Because I’m a man who follows through on my promises.”

My eyebrows shoot up. Now, I’m confused and intrigued. “What promises?”

He turns his attention back toward me. “The real question that needs answering is: What are your intentions with Katie?”

There are very few things that surprise me anymore. In my short time on earth, I’ve lived a thousand lives and seen things I wish I never had. Yet, this man is being protective of my woman, and I suddenly want to thank him.

“To marry her. Your turn. What promises?”

We stare at each other for a beat before he brings his weathered hand up to his beard to scratch his chin. “Her father. He asked me to keep an eye on his girls before he died. I promised I would.”

Narrowing my gaze, I cock my head. “Forgive me for being skeptical, but why would he ask you to do that? How did you know each other?”

Tom smiles softly. “When Katie’s parents opened the shop, her mom was trying pastry different recipes. She saw me passing and asked me to try one. I think she just felt bad for me and used it as an excuse to feed me. The pastries were terrible. Surprised I didn’t die of intestinal bleeding after eating them.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “She got better over time once she figured out how to tell flour and sugar apart. One night, she was at the shop baking alone. When she was going out to her car, someone attacked her and tried to rob her.”

“Tried?” I ask slowly.

“I was there. I knew she was alone in the shop, so I stayed close. I liked her husband. He was a good man. Good to his wife and daughter. So it felt right to keep an eye out. That night, once I got her calmed down and we called her husband, the three of us became friends. He offered me coffee and pastries for life because I saved her.”

My chest squeezes as I stare at this man. He keeps an eye on my girl to keep her safe.

“Marine?” I ask on a hunch.


I nod, flexing my jaw several times. “I have the best intentions for Katie. I’m in love with her.”

The words feel right as I say them, but I blink several times as the realization hits.

I love her.

He narrows his gaze. “Seems kind of quick to be declaring your love. You’ve known her for what, a week?”

A single chuckle rolls up from my chest. “Yeah. I know it seems fast, but I knew the second I saw her.”

Tom runs his fingers through his beard. “You can keep her safe with the life you lead?”

I don’t know how he knows I’m in the mafia, but he does. I respect him even more now. He might be homeless, but he’s smart and resourceful.

“Yes, sir. I can.”

My phone buzzes, and I ignore yet another message from Sharleen. I’m going to have to send her a blunt reply telling her to leave me the fuck alone since she doesn’t seem to understand the nicer ones I’ve sent telling her I’m not interested.

When I look back at Tom, he sighs and starts pushing his cart toward the shop again. “You hurt her, and I’ll kill you. The only other people I’ve ever considered family are gone, and she’s all I have left. I have no one else to live for.”

Warmth spreads throughout me, and a slow smile stretches my lips. He’s clearly dismissing me as he walks away.

“Yes, sir,” I say, loud enough for him to hear.

I wasn’t expecting things to go this way, but suddenly, I’m a huge fan of Tom.

I’d like you to stop calling and texting me.”

She scoffs dramatically through the phone. “You don’t mean that. Listen, let’s go out again. I’ll make it so good for you. We could have so much fun together, Grady.”

Bile rises in my throat. The mere thought of being with another woman besides Katie sickens me. I will never allow another woman to touch me in that way.

“I’m going to pass on that, Sharleen. I’m with someone else.”

If she gasps any louder, I’m going to put a bullet in my head. Apparently, being rejected is completely shocking to her.

“You’re with someone else? We just went out two weeks ago. How is that going to look when I tell my friends? They’ve been so excited to meet you.”noveldrama

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I’ve met someone since. Anyway, I need to go. Good luck.”

Before she can make another noise, I end the call and shake my head. “Jesus,” I murmur.

Ronan chuckles from the doorway. “Who knew you were such a popular guy with the ladies?”

Pocketing my phone, I glance up at him and smirk. “Well, welcome back. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were moving to Ireland.”

“Fuck off,” he says as he strolls into the sitting room toward the bar. “Was that the girl from the influencer party who was practically rubbing her tits all over you to mark her territory?”

I frown, trying to remember that night. Was she doing that? It’s hard to recall, especially since I had a few too many drinks and was feeling sorry for myself because my friends were all finding their soulmates and I hadn’t. But now I have. Maybe it’s all bullshit, but I truly believe Katie is the one God meant for me to have.

Not wanting to talk about Sharleen and her tits, I shake my head. “Do you want to share with the class why you’ve been taking so many trips to Ireland lately? Should I be worried?”

Ronan’s gaze darkens as he lifts his glass to his lips. “Paige and Tessa are graduating soon. They’ll be coming back to the States.”

What has that got to do with him traveling to Ireland? I knew they were graduating, but I don’t know why he seems upset about it. At least with Paige being home, we can all keep a close eye on her.

“And you’re feeling some kind of way about it because…?” I ask.

“Because we still don’t know who kidnapped Tessa all those years ago. The bastard is still out on the streets. She’s been tucked away at school, but whoever took her knows she was rescued, and they know where she lives. She’s not safe here.”

Ah. So this is really about Tessa more than it is about Paige.

“Tessa’s parents have the means to provide security for her when she returns home. They aren’t going to let anything happen to her.”

He flexes his hand. “I can’t believe that asshole is still alive. I should have followed the trail before it disappeared.”

“No, you shouldn’t have. You did the right thing. You took care of Tessa and brought her home. She needed you.”

It was a dark time when Tessa returned. Declan had Paige under complete lockdown, and she was a mess over her best friend missing. Then, when Ronan brought her back and we saw how badly she’d been abused, we went hunting for the bastard who kidnapped her. The trail had gone cold, though. We still haven’t figured out who it was.

“Is Tessa planning to move back in with her parents? Or do she and Paige want to get a place of their own?”

Ronan laughs. “You think Declan is going to allow Paige to live anywhere but on the estate?”

That’s true. I don’t blame him. It’s safest for her here.

“Why not have a house built for the girls and let Tessa live there with Paige?”

His gaze snaps to mine before he rises and sets his glass down so hard that the liquid sloshes over the side. “That’s fucking brilliant.” Then he strides out of the room.

Shaking my head, I pull out my phone and bring up the coffee shop cameras to make sure Katie has left. Once I confirm she has, I check the location of the tracker I dropped in her purse today. When I get her moved in, I’ll have trackers installed in all her shoes and clothes. My girl won’t move an inch without me knowing where she is.

Cali comes bouncing into the room with Scarlet on her tail. By the look on their faces, I know they’re up to something.

“Grady,” Cali says as she practically jumps onto the couch beside me. “Daddy said Katie’s coming to the estate tonight, so we were wondering if she could come over and do diamond art with us while we watch a movie.”

I narrow my gaze at them. “What makes you think I want to share Katie with you two? Maybe I want her all to myself.”

Scarlet snorts. “Of course you do. You’re all a bunch of greedy men. But we want to get to know her. Soon, she’ll be living on the estate, so we need to make sure she knows we’re her friends.”

Okay, maybe they aren’t total brats. They have good hearts, and knowing that Katie has spent so much of her life taking care of her parents, I suspect she hasn’t had the chance to make a lot of friends. She needs them. While I might regret it, Cali and Scarlet are right.

“Fine. If she’s feeling up to it, I’ll bring her over for dinner, and then you guys can hang out afterward. She works a lot, though, and if she seems tired, I’m going to put her to bed early. Got it?”

“Yes,” they say in unison.

“Good. Now, both of you need to clean up the silly string mess you made in the foyer before Grace sees it.”

Cali glares at me. “Why do you assume it was us? You act like all we do is get into trouble.”

The corners of my lips twitch. I reach out and delicately pull a slimy piece of silly string from her hair and hold it up in front of her. Cali’s mouth falls open while Scarlet covers hers to keep her giggles quiet.

“Fiiiiine,” Cali whines. “We’re going. Nobody likes a know-it-all, though.”

I chuckle and roll my eyes, then follow the girls through the house. As I pass them, I press a kiss to the top of each of their heads.

“I love you both.”

“We love you too!” they sing happily as they start scooping up colorful pieces of whatever the fuck that stuff is.

My girl doesn’t listen very well.

I watch as she pulls her purse and a tiny backpack from her car. I guess she’ll be getting a lesson in obeying her Daddy tonight before bed because there definitely isn’t more than one change of clothes in there. Good thing I already went shopping and had a bunch of new stuff delivered this afternoon.

As soon as she sees me, her face splits into a grin. “Hi.”

Sliding my hands into my pockets, I lean against the doorframe. “Hi, baby girl.”

I wonder if Tom told her about me cornering him. I suspect she would have called me and told me off if he had. She’s protective of the older man.

“Where are the rest of your bags?” I ask with a raised brow.

She slows her steps, and her eyes go round. “This is all I brought.”

“Really? Didn’t I tell you to pack several outfits?”

My cock twitches as she pulls her plump bottom lip between her teeth. “I figured if I needed more clothes, I could run home and grab them whenever. It’s not that far.”

I take a step off the porch. She swallows and watches me like a hawk as I move toward her.

“When I tell you to do something, I expect you to obey. There’s no reason for you to go home and get clothes when you can stay here and have all your things here.”

She tips her head back to look up at me. I lower my face to hers and give her a gentle kiss, then cup her chin firmly in my hand. “Did you disobey me on purpose, princess? Are you trying to test the boundaries with me?”

“No,” she whispers, her blue eyes sparkling like rare sapphires under the outdoor light. “But I don’t live here.”

I smile down at her, rubbing my thumb over her jaw. “That’s where you’re wrong, Katie-baby. You can keep your apartment for as long as you need to feel comfortable in our relationship, but starting today, this is your home.”

Part of me wants her to argue with me so I can list all the reasons she should live with me and why we’re perfect for each other, but once again, she makes me fall even deeper in love with her.

“What if I want to paint it pink?” she asks, her expression serious.

“Let’s go to the paint store. What shade of pink do you want?”

Her mouth falls open. “I was kidding!”

“I wasn’t. I want you to make this your home. Make it comfortable. Make it what you’ve always imagined your house would look like. I don’t give a fuck about any of that shit. The only thing I care about is having you in my bed every night so I can wake up to you every morning.”

“Oh.” She blinks several times, and I worry I might be putting too much on her too soon.

“Come on, baby girl. Let’s go inside. I’ll give you a tour, then we can decide what we’re going to do tonight.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.