Four or Dead by G O A

Chapter 209

rour of Vead

"Oh, look how beautiful she is," Taisha, Stefan's mom, coos at Sofia

She and her three husbands recently returned from a two year long trip around the world, and after Stefan bought them a house in Veross City and helped them settle in, they finally came to meet my daughter and me. They would have come earlier, but Sofia was a colic baby and kept everyone awake many nights in a row. But she is finally sleeping the entire night, and after moving to our new home, we are finally ready to receive guests

"She looks just like my Schatzi," Stefan says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders

Sofia doesn't just have the same hair color and eyes, she is basically my clone

She was born five months ago, at home, her fathers not only being present but also helping me while I was in labor. When they saw her and held her, they cried, as they really wanted to have a daughter

"She does," Hanz approves. His blond hair and brown eyes make me believe he is Stefan's biological father, as Andrew has ginger hair and Tomas is African-American. Not that it really matters, as the three of them consider Stefan their son, just as my husbands see Sofia as their daughter

"How do you like being a father?" Tomas gets curious


Chapter 2v7

"T love it," Stefan hums. "We are already trying for another."

"Her period is late, so we will know soon if we have to put more effort or if the sex marathon we have had for the past three weeks is a success," Reyes gives more details than necessary, making my cheeks burn

Two months after Sofia was born, my doctor told me I could have sex, my men have been trying relentlessly to get me pregnant again. I want another baby, but not right now. Maybe when Sofia turns one, but with three horny demons always chasing after my tail..

Andrew chuckles. "No need to be ashamed. We still tie our bonded to the bed and use her "

Stefan interrupts him. "Dad, too much info I don't want to know," he groans

We laugh

Hanz takes a big bite from his cake slice. "This is very good."

I beam with happiness. Between Sofia, being a wife, and decorating our new house, I didn't have that much time to work as an accountant, which made me depressed. But then I got hooked on pastry TV shows, and I am actually good at it. I have been making cakes and other sweets for the children in the neighborhood and even enrolled in a volunteer program to help bring a smile to the faces of families who can't afford to throw birthday parties for their loved ones


Chapter 2Uz

Sofia starts to cry, and Taisha gives her to me. "It is time to breastfeed her and put her down for a nap. She gets very fussy if I make her wait for too long," I excuse myself and take Sofia to her room

In the beginning, I didn't like the house Alekos bought for us. I thought it was big, cold, and empty, but with a little patience, I transformed it into a place I really love

I spent many weeks decorating the Lair, and now it is my favorite part of the house

Our private living room is next to the nursery. Reyes had someone put

together Alec's guitar. From afar, it looks perfect, but as you get closer,

you can see it was once broken. It hangs above our fireplace, reminding us there are scars that never heal. You just learn to live with them

I enter the nursery and sit on the rocking chair and expose my left boob to Sofia. She latches to it and sucks hard. The round piercings from my nipples are almost impossible to remove, and there is no risk of accidents

When Sofia is asleep, I put her in her crib and watch her, not wanting to leave, but she is not the only one craving my attention

With a sigh, I turn around, Stefan and Reyes are already waiting for me in the hallway

Carlos is still nowhere to be found, and since I gave birth, my mates always make sure that at least one of them is with Sofia and me at

Chapter 2v7

home. They have also hired men to protect the house, but they feel more at peace when at least one of them is with me at all the time

Stefan and Reyes take my hands into theirs, and they lead me to our bedroom. Alekos is already there he must have returned from his training as a future Elder while I was nursing Sofia-his glorious body is covered only by a pair of pants, his beautiful black wings visible

As he and his demon became one, his body changed, becoming stronger and faster, and now he can summon his wings any time he wants. Not only him but Reyes and Stefan as well

"Come to me, Agapi mou," he says

I go to him, and he removes my clothes

"Get on the bed, your ass up in the air," he instructs me next. "You have been a bad girl."

Is he going to spank me? I hope so. He can spank me when I have been good as well

I do as he ordered me

"You know why you are being punished?" I shake my head, and he smacks my ass. Hard

"For hiding from my blood-brothers and me that you are pregnant again," he lets me know as he spanks me again


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How does he know?

As if he reads my mind, Reyes says, "We found the pregnancy test in the trash can after Stefan's parents left." He spanks me as well

Why were they looking in the trash bin in the first place? I thought they were demons, not raccoons

"You know how badly we want to have another baby," Stefan sounds hurt

Do they think I am a baby machine? "T was going to tell you!" I yelp. "But I wanted to go the doctor first." Alekos stops spanking me. "And? Did you go? Without us? And when?"

I sit on the bed. "If you would have had a little patience until dinner, you would seen the surprise I was planning. But no, you had to go all cavemen on me and spank me. And I had the appointment the other day when Liza and I took Sofia for

her monthly check-up." That was one of the rare occasions when all three of them had to attend an important meeting at the Blood Lodge and had two security men accompany me until they returned home

"You like it when I spank you," Alekos smirks. I don't try to deny it

"And you should have told us about the appointment."

"So what's the surprise?" Reyes demands I tell them


Chapter 2vz

I smile. "We are having twins."

They fall to their knees, their black wings wrapping around me, and they take turns kissing my stomach and cradling me to their chests, telling me how

Life is not perfect; it will never be, but their love for me is imperfectly perfect

uch they love me

What a journey this book has been :) Just because this story is over, it doesn't mean that the journey is over. More characters are waiting for their story to be told and the next book is called Bought and it's Olivia turn to walk a difficult path of secrets, betrayals, shatters souls and broken hearts

A little sneak peak of what's to come -

For several minutes, I listen to men talk about business, cars, and other topics before they finally fall silent when Malaky says, "Listen here, bitches." I assume 'bitches' is us women. "You have all been invited to a special hunt. For the next few hours, you will run through the forest

When you are caught, the men can do what they want to you, from fucking to killing. In fact, many of you will find your end here. That being said, Happy Hunting, everyone."

Someone fires a gun, and the women start screaming as they run. Fools

With their hands cuffed behind their back and the blindfold preventing


Chapter 2v7

them from seeing anything, they will be caught in no time, but I guess hope is a motherfucker as it gives people the false impression that they will make it. I know better. There is no hope for those like me, nor do I

need it

The women head to the forest, or at least that is what I think, while I don't move an inch. The men remain behind and laugh or make scary sounds, inciting more fear

Someone grabs my upper arm

Finally, my end has come

I get ready to take my last breath when Malaky says into my ear, "Run, you stupid bitch, or I will fucking skin you alive and then sell you to Azael."

I might not be scared of being skinned alive, but I have heard of Azael and what he does to women. Not wanting to end up in his hands, I force myself to move, but it is a little hard when my entire body is numb from the cold. I think I will enter hypothermia soon. Maybe I can find a spot in the forest and wait there until I freeze to death

With a new determination in my head, I start to run, wanting to be alone with my thoughts and to know what it feels like to be free

The snow is cold and harsh beneath my feet and in my haste to escape Malaky's threat, I collide with a tree. Dazed from the impact and with my hands tied behind my back, I struggle to get back up and carry on


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From time to time, I stumble over fallen branches, feeling their edges cut into me, splinters digging into my flesh. When I trip, I get up, and when I hear women screaming and shots echoing through the night, I force myself to move even faster. It doesn't take long to get so tired that my legs start aching from the effort. I switch from running to walking, but when I hear noises coming from behind me, I push myself to sprint-wanting to find my end on my terms while I think of that boy who stole my entire heart and soul from the moment I saw him

I am breathing hard when I trip over a log and fall face down in the snow, cutting my forehead on a rock, making me dizzy

Growls of wild beasts come from all over the place, and I freeze. Being eaten alive is not how I envisioned my last moments on Earth, but there is nothing I can do about it. The growls get close, and it takes me only a few seconds to realize the sounds are made by humans, not animals

"Look what we have here," a man says

My phone rings and I fish it out of my pocket and look at the screen

Reyes. Wasn't he on his honeymoon or some shit like that? I swipe to the right and answer the call

"You're back?" I ask

Some strange sounds come from the other line before Reyes replies

"And cut short all the fun I have with my sweet wife? Nah, I was just


Chapter 2v7

wondering if you and your blood-brothers found Carlos already? Iam a bit thirsty for blood."

And people think I am the crazy one. That's because they haven't met Reyes

More strange sounds come from the other line. "Some shit came up but I am working on it."

"Good. If that motherfucker thinks he will get away with what he did to

my wife, he is wrong."

I look at the house. Carlos has a history of abusing and killing women

Reyes' woman was lucky she didn't end up like the Diseased Cunt

Shouts come from the other line, and I ask, "Are you in trouble?"

Reyes laughs. "Not me, but my wife is. Alekos, Stefan, she's over there," he tells his blood-brothers. Giggles and more shouts come from Reyes' side of the call before he says, "On your fucking knees and open wide." A woman's voice follows,

"Fuck you, Reyes."

In a serious tone, Reyes says, "Run Nena, but when I catch you, I'll fuck your little ass."

"What the fuck is going on?" I hear myself asking

"My pregnant wife thinks she can outsmart me, so I need to teach her anoveldrama

lesson," Reyes replies. "Sorry about that."


Chapter 2U2

I take out the last cigar from the pack and light it. "You're good." Looking at the shed, I say, "About Carlos, I might have a plan."

"Good. Well, my blood-brothers found our wife. Gotta go." I take a puff from the cigar. "Knock her up." "She's already pregnant."

I think he already mentioned it. Well, I have more important things to worry about than keeping track of whether Reyes' wife is pregnant or not

"Oh, yeah," I say before ending the call. Diva is heading to the barn, and I whistle. "Come here, precious." Diva quickly comes to me and I pat her head. "Let's see how comfortable our guest is."

Author's note

Also you can join me on FB in my group - Amy T Stories

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