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Daisy's Code Novel by Amelia Bennett
Daisy's Code Novel by Amelia Bennett
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Daisy Wilder was considered just a simple farm girl without any polish.
No one knew that Daisy was a legendary hacker, known across the globe, and the mastermind behind the country’s biggest corporation.
As she stepped into high school, Daisy faced a barrage of tattle-tales from her classmate, as well as her stepsister Laura, and a string of mix- ups.
Daisy’s parents, the Wilders, feared she’d tarnish their family name and decided to cut her off.
But, as the school year rolled on, the truth about Daisy slowly came to light, and the Wilders were left with nothing but regret.
Meanwhile, a mysterious figure named Lance Lindsey, known for his enigmatic prowess, was instantly drawn to Daisy’s singular charm.
He was no ordinary admirer; Lance was a covert kingpin in his own right, a force to be reckoned with. He pursued Daisy with a mix of intrigue and determination, only to discover that the girl he was chasing was… shockingly, his equal in the shadows of power.