Daddy Devious: A Dark Billionaire Daddy Dom Romance (Forbidden Pleasures Island Book 1)

Daddy Devious: Chapter 19

I consider myself a reasonable man. But there are certain behaviors even I refuse to accept.

And lying is at the top of that list.

If Victoria had been honest with me about why she’d thrown a tantrum instead of trying to lie and say she was sick, I would have let her off with a quick spanking and a stern reminder to behave for Caleb the same way she would behave for me. Instead, she tried to get out of her punishment with deceit. And that requires a firmer hand than usual.

Holding her legs in one hand and the thermometer in the other, I look down at her. Even without the perfectly normal reading on the glass tube in my hand, I would have known she was lying by the look on her face. My Little girl has the world’s worst poker face. “Hmm. No fever. Does your tummy still hurt, little one?”

“Uh-huh.” She sniffles, and the sound is so over-the-top pitiful I nearly laugh out loud. My naughty little thief really thinks she can get one over on her Daddy?


I place the thermometer to the side where it will be cleaned later and hit a button on the wall to activate the in-house intercom system. “Caleb, I require your assistance in the nursery, please.”

“Of course, Mr. Stone. I’m on my way.”

Red floods Victoria’s cheeks as she tries to squirm out of my hold. “Daddy, no! I don’t want Caleb! I just want you!”

Her words wind their way around my heart. Knowing she wants me and only me, well, it’s more than I could have dared to hope for.

But as touched as I am by her distress, I also can’t allow such naughtiness to go unpunished. “Daddy isn’t going anywhere, little one. But since your tummy is so upset, I will need Caleb’s help to clean out any nasty little bugs that might have gotten in there.”

“My tummy feels lots better, Daddy, I swear!”

I’m sure it does, now that she knows another enema is on the table. Perhaps after this she’ll think twice about trying to deceive me. “Be that as it may, I’m not taking any chances with my precious little one.”

Behind me, I hear the door open and close again before Caleb speaks. “What can I help you with, Mr. Stone?”

“It seems my Little girl has a tummy ache. Will you mix up an enema bag for me?” I glance over my shoulder, meeting Caleb’s unreadable gaze. “And add a bit of soap to the water, so we can be sure she’s extra clean.”

Delight, the kind only another true sadist can experience, glimmers in Caleb’s dark eyes before he inclines his head. “Right away, Mr. Stone.”

“Daddy, I don’t need an enema, I swear! My tummy is fine!”

Still holding her legs in the air, more for the humiliation of putting her on display than out of any necessity, I frown down at her. “You aren’t ill?”

Victoria goes still, her eyes widening as if she’s suddenly just realized her error. “Umm…”

“Victoria Rose. Tell Daddy the truth right now. Were you actually feeling sick? Or did you lie?” I already know the answer, of course, but if she confesses now I might be willing to show her some leniency.


But my little thief immediately backtracks. “I didn’t lie, Daddy. I don’t feel good.”

“Then stop fussing. An enema will clean out whatever it is that’s making your tummy feel so yucky.”

Brown eyes glistening with tears, she sniffles pitifully. “But I don’t wanna.”

“Well, that’s why you have a Daddy, little one. To make you do the things that will keep you healthy, even when you don’t want to.”

Caleb steps out of the bathroom holding the enema bag and hands me the nozzle. “All ready for our little one, sir.”

“Thank you, Caleb.” Since her bottom was already lubricated for the thermometer, I don’t bother adding any more petroleum jelly for the nozzle of the enema bag. It would be more comfortable for her if I did, but my little thief is learning a lesson right now, so her comfort doesn’t particularly concern me.

When the nozzle is firmly inserted in her bottom, I nod to Caleb. “Open the valve, Caleb.”

He does, and Victoria immediately shrieks. “Daddy it’s cold! I don’t like it!”

No doubt it’s very uncomfortable. And it’s about to become more so. “You aren’t meant to enjoy it, little thief. Especially this enema.”

That gets her attention and she blinks up at me, horror filling her eyes. “Wh-what do you mean?”noveldrama

I lean down until our faces are mere inches apart and I can hear her whimpering little breaths. “This is what we call a punishment enema, Victoria. It’s a special concoction just for Little girls who lie to their Daddies about being sick. The soap will irritate your insides and soon you’ll be begging Daddy to let you use the potty. But you’ll have to hold all of this inside you until Daddy is very, very certain you’ll never even think about lying to him again.”


Oh, god. What have I done?

Already the cramps are starting, knives of pain in my stomach insisting I use the bathroom now.

Why did I think I could get away with lying to him, this man who somehow knows all of my secrets? The idea that I could deceive him seems laughable now, but at the time I was so desperate to escape another punishment I didn’t know what else to do.

Look where that got me.

Another wave of pain hits me and I groan. “Daddy, I’m sorry! I’ll never lie again, I swear!”

“That’s very good to hear, little one. But Daddy still has to teach you a lesson or you won’t ever learn to behave like a proper Little girl should.”

More liquid fills me, and my insides cramp again. Between the enema itself and the guilt twisting my stomach into knots, there’s no escaping the pain. Tears stream down my cheeks as I beg for relief. “Daddy I need to… I’m gonna…”

But even with the agony twisting inside me, I can’t force myself to ask for what I really need. It’s too humiliating, and I’m not strong enough, or desperate enough to debase myself that way.

“Not yet, little thief. You’ll need to hold all of that inside you for a little while longer so we can make sure you are good and clean.”

Every second is torture, and my skin is soaked with tears and sweat by the time he finally releases me from my torment. Picking me up from the changing table, Daddy carries me to the toilet and I sob as I empty my bowels. The cramping eases, but doesn’t disappear completely.

I’m a shaking, panting, sweaty mess at the end of it when Daddy grips my chin between his fingers and forces my head back. His eyes are hard and my stomach cramps for an entirely different reason at the resolve I find in that icy blue. “The next time you lie to me, little thief, I will wash out your mouth as well as your bottom with soap. Am I understood?”

“Y-yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Caleb will give you another bath and put you down for a nap.”

Fresh tears well in my eyes. “I don’t want Caleb. I want you.”

He frowns, and for a moment I’m certain he’s going to deny my request. But then he sighs and hope beats painfully at my chest. “I suppose you have had a rather difficult morning, haven’t you, little one?”

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he hits a button and a moment later Angelique’s voice fills the bathroom. “I’ve already rescheduled your morning appointments,” she says, amusement in her tone. “You do have a meeting at one with the DuPonts that you specifically said was not to be rescheduled, but I can move that as well if needed.”

“No, that won’t be necessary. Thank you, Angelique.” He tucks the phone back into his pocket and raises a brow at me, though I could swear there’s a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “Angelique has something of a soft spot for you. Next time we see her, you should thank her for taking such good care of you.”

A soft spot? For me? Did she even know my name before the day she called me to his office?

More questions, all without answers, but I’m too exhausted from my ordeal to even begin asking them. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Caleb, would you mind starting the bath while I get our little one undressed and cleaned up a bit?”

From his spot by the bathroom door, where he has apparently stood as a silent sentry watching over my shameful punishment, Caleb nods. “Of course, Mr. Stone.”

Daddy peels my dress from me and tosses it into the hamper before helping me to my feet. If I thought I was too exhausted for embarrassment, he proves me wrong by bending me over to wipe my bottom.

By the time we finish my second bath of the morning, my eyes are drifting closed as exhaustion threatens to overtake me. Daddy dresses me in a new diaper and a pink onesie with something written on it that I’m too tired to try and read, before carrying me over to the rocking chair.

This time when I’m presented with a bottle, I accept it without argument, sucking greedily at the nipple. And I’m relieved to find the milk tastes just fine. Better than fine. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted, and I fall asleep with the sugary taste dancing on my tongue.

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