Daddy Devious: A Dark Billionaire Daddy Dom Romance (Forbidden Pleasures Island Book 1)

Daddy Devious: Chapter 15

My second full day on the island is far different from my first. We spend the day inside, me in my playpen, coloring and playing with toys obviously geared for a toddler that somehow still manage to be entertaining, while Daddy works.

It should be boring, but instead the scene is soothing. As though I can simply let go of all the worries of the outside world. Rent? What’s that? Groceries? Bills?

Those are all Daddy’s job for the next month. My only job is to play the part of his Little girl. Which, as long as I don’t have to go back to Doctor D or the spa, shouldn’t be all that bad.

I do feel a prick of guilt as I wonder what my friends back home are doing. Daddy said he had someone email on my behalf after I fell asleep on the plane, but I can’t help but wonder if they bought it. Have they emailed me back? Are they waiting for a response? Will they be worried about me when I don’t respond?

Because I have a sneaking suspicion that asking to check my email will only end up with me over Daddy’s knee, I try to ignore the guilt and focus on my toys instead.

Unfortunately, my efforts to avoid a spanking prove to be in vain a few hours later when Daddy tells me it’s time for a nap. I refuse, telling him I’m too old for naps, and my defiance earns me a long, hard spanking after which I promptly cry myself to sleep in my playpen.

Apparently, I’m not too old for naps, after all.

I’m awoken later by the sound of Daddy’s voice, telling me it’s time to get up. That he has a special surprise planned for me tonight.

“There’s my pretty girl,” he says when I begrudgingly open my eyes. “Did you have a good nap, little one?”

“Uh-huh.” Rubbing at my tired eyes, I push myself up and look around. “What time is it?”

“Time for sweet little girls to get a bath so they can be nice and clean for our guests. Up you go.”

In that effortless way he has, he scoops me up out of the playpen and carries me up the stairs to my nursery. Sleep clings to me, fogging my mind and making it difficult for me to really process his words. “I already had a bath, Daddy.”

“I know, but tonight is a special occasion.”

There’s a hint of excitement in his tone, and it chases away the dredges of sleep. “What’s tonight?”

In the bathroom, he strips me down and places me on the toilet. After repeating this same ritual multiple times over the past forty-eight hours, it’s almost stopped being embarrassing.

Almost, but not entirely.

While I pee, he runs the bath water, shrugging off his suit jacket and rolling up his sleeves so he can check the temperature without getting too wet. The sight of his toned forearms makes my naughty bits feel funny, but I try to ignore that feeling and focus on his words. “Tonight, all your Uncles and your Auntie Cat are coming to see you. Think of it as a welcome home party, of sorts.”

“Presents?” I ask, sitting up straighter and wiggling a bit on the potty. “A party means presents.”

Daddy laughs, not the way he does when he’s about to do something really embarrassing, but a happy laugh that makes my stomach dance in response. “Yes, little one, there will be presents. And I expect you to be gracious, even if something isn’t to your liking. I will not hesitate to spank you in front of our guests if you are rude or naughty in any way.”

“I’ll be a good girl,” I assure him as he wipes me clean and lifts me from the toilet to place me in the tub. “Will there be cake and ice cream?”

“After dinner.”

Just like before, he washes every bit of me while I play with my toys. It doesn’t escape my notice that there are now pirates to go with my mermaids, and I take great joy in sending the pirates to a watery grave, which earns me another one of those happy laughs from Daddy.

He spends extra time cleaning my kitty and inside my bottom, which leaves me feeling both embarrassed and needy as he carries me to the changing table. Both of those feelings are significantly heightened when he holds my legs in the air and squirts something cold onto my bottom hole.

“Daddy is just putting something in your bottom to help you remember to be a good girl tonight. It won’t hurt, but you will feel it when you sit down.”

“I don’t want anything in my bottom, Daddy,” I whine, wiggling against his hold even though I know it won’t change the outcome. Once again I’m strapped to the table, unable to escape even if I did somehow manage to shake him loose.

“That’s not for you to decide, Victoria. It’s Daddy’s job to decide when his Little girl needs her bottom plugged.”

Plugged. There’s that word again, the one Doctor D used yesterday. I’m still not sure what it means, but I’m very sure I won’t like it.

And when something hard presses against my bottom hole, I’m even more sure I’m not going to like it. The thing is much bigger than Daddy’s finger or anything else he’s put in my bottom, and I can’t help but whine as it stretches me open wide with a bite of pain.

“Daddy, no! It’s too big!”

“Nonsense, little one. Your bottom was made to take this, just like it was made to take Daddy’s cock eventually. We need to get you used to having your bottom stretched, though, so it doesn’t hurt as much when you finally take me there.”

I’ve already had him in my mouth, so I know for a fact he’s much bigger than the thing he’s currently working into my bottom. Bigger, in fact, than the few men I’ve been with before him.

Too big, for certain, to fit…there.

But I have a feeling that just like everything else up to this point, I won’t have a choice. Why that should thrill me as much as it terrifies me, I don’t know, but there’s no denying the fluttering in my tummy or the pulse in my naughty girl bits at the thought of being held down and forced to take my Daddy’s cock in my bottom.

For now, the more pressing concern is the plug. It hurts, and I make my discomfort known by whining loudly as it forces my bottom open more and more.

Just when it seems like the thing might split me in two, it slides into place and my muscles close around it. Sniffling back tears, I squeeze my bottom cheeks, wincing at the flash of pain that comes with the movement.

“There we go. A cute little jewel for a cute little bottom.”

“I don’t like it. Take it out.”

My tone is more demanding than I meant for it to be, and it earns me a sharp look from Daddy. “Victoria. Do you need a spanking before Daddy puts your diaper on?”


“Then I suggest you drop the attitude right now, little girl.”

Because his tone clearly says I’m skating on thin ice, I sniffle pitifully as I nod. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

As always, his praise makes me feel all warm and gooey inside, for reasons I can’t really explain. But it helps me feel a little less embarrassed as he puts my diaper on me and carries me into the closet.

“What dress would you like to wear tonight, little one?” He drops his voice to a whisper, as though we aren’t the only two people in hearing distance. “Auntie Cat would be absolutely thrilled if you wore one of the outfits she picked out for you.”

Which means all of my princess dresses are fair game. Feeling smug, I point to the poofy blue and silver dress from my all-time favorite movie. “That one, please.”

“Those are for playing dress up, little thief. Pick something else.”

But I don’t want something else. I want to be a princess. After all, it’s my party, isn’t it? “No. I wanna wear that one.”


My name is a warning. One I refuse to heed, and my heart hammers against my ribcage as I look up at him, tilting my chin defiantly. “You said to pick something Auntie Cat bought me, and she bought me this dress.”

Seconds tick by, silent and tense, and I’m convinced I’m about to go over Daddy’s knee for another spanking when he sighs. “You’re right. I did tell you to pick one of the dresses Auntie Cat bought you. So if you want to be a princess tonight, you can be a princess tonight.”

“Thank you, Daddy!” Wrapping my arms around his neck, I press a loud kiss to his cheek.

“You’re welcome, little one. Come. Let’s get you dressed.”


Although it isn’t the dress I would have chosen, I have to admit Victoria looks absolutely darling in her princess dress as we make our way downstairs to greet our guests. It’s just as short as her other dresses, though a bit fuller in the skirt, and her diapered bottom can just be seen beneath the layers of fabric, much to my delight.

Catharina and Jasper are already in the parlor, Jasper sipping his whiskey and laughing at some outrageous story of Cat’s as she tells the tale with the sweeping hand gestures she’s well known for. Jasper sees us first, and even from a distance I can see his eyes light with excitement at the sight of Victoria. When he rises from the couch, Catharina pauses her story to look over, her face lighting up with pure joy.

“There’s my sweet little niece! Oh, and don’t you just look darling in your princess dress! Doesn’t she look just like a real-life princess, Jasper?”

“She does.”

Seemingly enraptured, Jasper takes a knee in front of my Little girl, who is now pressing herself against me so tightly I have to wonder if she’s trying to climb inside me. It’s a feeling I savor, knowing my Little girl wants me above all others. Even her Auntie Cat.

“Hello, precious. I’m your Uncle Jasper.”

I wait, giving Victoria a chance to introduce herself, but she simply watches Jasper with a kind of guarded wonder.

“Say hello, Victoria,” I prod gently, running a hand over her hair. “Uncle Jasper has been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time.”

“Hello.” Her voice is soft, so quiet it’s difficult to hear, but Jasper grins in response.

“Such a sweet little thing, isn’t she? Cat, could you grab the present I put on the table there? I think our little princess needs my gift sooner rather than later.”

Curious, I watch as Catharina passes a small package off to Jasper, who holds it out to Victoria. “Here you go, Tori. You can open it now, if you like.”

Victoria looks up at me, and my heart swells with pride that she knows to ask her Daddy’s permission first. “It’s all right, little one.”

Beaming with excitement, she tears into the package, shredding the wrapping paper to reveal a plain white box. The store name, Little Treasures Boutique, is stamped in regal script across the top of the box.

“Daddy, open it!” Victoria demands, holding the box up for me to take.

As cute as she is, standing there with her cheeks flushed with excitement, I can’t let her rudeness slide. Especially not in front of our guests, who are watching with a much more wicked sort of excitement on their own faces.

Taking the box from her, I tuck it under my arm and reach for her, spinning her around to land a flurry of spanks to her bottom. The diaper cushions the blows significantly, but you wouldn’t be able to tell that from the way she dances and howls in response.

“Is that how good Little girls ask for something, Victoria Rose?” I scold as I spank her.

“No, Daddy! I’m sorry!”

I end the spanking with two sharp swats to the tops of her thighs. Both to drive the point home and because the embarrassment of walking around with her Daddy’s handprints on her thighs for everyone to see should help my Little girl remember her manners. “Apologize to Auntie Cat and Uncle Jasper for being so rude in front of them.”

Sniffling adorably, she rubs at her eyes with one hand while the other rubs at her diaper. “I’m sorry I was rude, Auntie Cat and Uncle Jasper.”

“It’s all right, sweet girl.” With a mischievous grin, Cat winks. “Sometimes your Daddy could stand to have people be a little rude to him.”

“I cannot wait for you to get your own Little girl,” I grumble as I pull the box out from under my arm and carefully peel back the sticker holding it shut.

Inside is a stunning tiara, studded with gems that match Victoria’s dress so perfectly, I would have suspected them of conspiring together if I hadn’t known any better.

“Look, little one. A crown fit for a princess.”

“Oh!” Eyes wide, Victoria presses her hands to her flushed cheeks. “Can I wear it, Daddy? Please?”

“Of course you can, little one.”

At the crook of my finger, a maid hurries over to help me pin the tiara into Victoria’s bouncy curls. My Little one is almost as bouncy, hopping from foot to foot as we finish securing the headpiece.

“I wanna see! I wanna see!” she squeals excitedly.noveldrama

Scooping her up in his arms, Jasper carries her over to the fireplace, holding her high so she can see her reflection in the gilded mirror hung over the brick. “What a beautiful princess you make, sweet little Tori.”

Irritation pricks at the base of my skull. I’ve never been a fan of nicknames, but I don’t have the heart to correct him, not when Victoria is staring at her reflection with such wonder.

Whatever they call her, she is breathtaking. And all mine.

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