Daddy Devious: A Dark Billionaire Daddy Dom Romance (Forbidden Pleasures Island Book 1)

Daddy Devious: Chapter 12

“Good morning, Doctor D,” Daddy greets the man as he closes the door behind him. “Say good morning, Victoria.”

“Good morning, Doctor D.” My words are quiet, as that same shyness from before envelops me. All I want is to be back in Daddy’s giant house, playing in my nursery. I’d even take another “cleaning out” if it meant I didn’t have to be here.

“Well, hello, Miss Victoria.” Coming to stand in front of me, Doctor D smiles even wider, sending a chill up my spine. “Aren’t you a pretty little thing? Your Daddy is a very lucky man.”

His praise helps some of the shyness fade. Maybe he’s not so bad after all. “Thank you, Sir.”

“And so polite, too. A very lucky Daddy, indeed. Now, let’s see…” Looking down at the metal clipboard in his hand, he scans the information on the sheet. “Hmm. Blood pressure is high, but not enough to be concerning. Doctor’s visits can be stressful for Little ones. I’m still going to have Millie draw some blood when we’re done here, though. I’d like to do a full work-up, just to be on the safe side.”

“Blood?” All of mine seems to drain from my face. “Daddy, I don’t want a needle!”

“I know, little one. But it’s for your own good.”

“It’s not! It’s not for my own good!”

“Victoria.” My name is like a whip-crack in Doctor D’s hard voice. “Unless you would like me to show your Daddy where I keep all the things that help turn naughty Little girls into well-behaved Little girls, I suggest you settle down right this instant.”

Swallowing back my protests, I manage a weak nod. “Sorry, Doctor D.”

“Good girl.” His smile returns, warmer than before, and the change in him is so sudden it makes my head spin. “Let’s start with checking your heart.”

Placing the stethoscope in his ears, Doctor D presses the cool metal thing to my chest. At his direction, I breathe in like normal, then deep, then normal again as he moves the bell around my body.

Next he checks my ears and my throat, declaring everything looks perfect before instructing Daddy to help me lie down on the exam table.

“You’ll want to do a breast exam once a month,” he explains to Daddy over my head as his fingers work a circular pattern around my breasts. “I have some material to send home with you, and I’ll be doing my own exams on a regular basis as well.”

It doesn’t seem worth it to remind them I’ll only be here for a month, so I keep my mouth and eyes shut as the exam continues.

“Nothing concerning there,” Doctor D says after he finishes poking and prodding my chest. “Have you tested her reaction to nipple stimuli?”

“I have played with her nipples a bit and she’s responded well, but we haven’t had much time to test her reactions to anything more than my fingers.”

“Understandable.” Doctor D chuckles. “I heard you’ve had your hands full.”


Irritation pricks at my skull, but I know better than to say what I’m thinking out loud. Maybe you wouldn’t have your hands full if you weren’t treating me like a literal toddler twenty-four seven. Ever think of that, Mr. Stone?

“No matter,” Doctor D assures him. “Now is the perfect time to run some tests.”

Since my eyes are closed, I can’t see what they’re doing, but I can hear someone moving around. And then, without warning, I’m yanked down the table, with my bottom hanging off the edge, and my feet are placed in stirrups, spreading me wide for Doctor D.

Unable to bear any more humiliation, I squeeze my eyes shut even tighter as he slides a latex-covered finger inside me. “She’s already aroused. Millie tells me she responded very favorably to having her temperature taken.”

“She did.” Daddy’s voice is filled with pride. “And to having her bottom spanked before that.”

“A lucky, lucky man indeed. All right, go ahead and give her right nipple a pinch for me.”

Before my brain can fully process his words, Daddy’s fingers clamp down hard on my right nipple. Pain lances through me and I arch up with a cry, shaking my head back and forth. “Oh, Daddy, no! Please stop! It hurts!”

“I wouldn’t pay too much attention to all that complaining,” Doctor D says with a laugh. “Her little cunt is squeezing my finger nice and tight. Give her nipple a twist.”

More pain, more humiliating arousal as my pussy does exactly what Doctor D said and spasms around his finger. My clit is throbbing, aching nearly as much as my poor abused nipple.

At Doctor D’s command, Daddy repeats the torment on my left nipple. I want to die, but more than that, I just want someone to make me come. At this point, I don’t even care who that someone is, as long as I can get some relief.

“Perfection. Now, let’s see how our little patient does with having her bottom filled.”

“No! I don’t want anything else in my bottom!”

Completely ignoring my protests, Doctor D pulls his finger from my pussy and pushes it right into my bottom. There’s only a little resistance, probably because my poor hole has already gotten used to having things shoved in it.

“Maxwell, she’s practically gushing. I’d like to see how long it takes her to come, if you would like to do the honors.”


Sliding his hand down my torso, Daddy cups my aching pussy, sliding a finger inside me. I’m full, so full of him and Doctor D, and I’m honestly a little shocked I don’t come then and there.

“Stimulate her clitoris for me. It’s already rather swollen, so it shouldn’t take her long.”

“Daddy’s going to make you feel all better, little one. Are you going to be a good girl and show the doctor how pretty you are when you come?”

I don’t want to. But I also don’t have a choice. Already, his fingers are pressing against my swollen clit, tightening the coil of need inside me tighter and tighter. Doctor D slides another finger in my bottom, stretching me with a bite of pain that only adds to my burning need.

“Excellent. She enjoys the pain, Maxwell. See the mess she’s making all over the table?”

“I do. She made a mess on the plane, as well. I’ll have to keep her in diapers if for no other reason than to keep her from leaving puddles all over the house.”

Oh. My. God.

But even this humiliation does nothing to dull my arousal and as Daddy continues to stroke and play with my clit, the pressure in my core builds more and more.

“Give her clit a pinch, Maxwell. I want to see how she responds.”

Daddy obeys, and the pain shatters what little resistance I had. Pleasure floods me, and I come with a scream, my bottom clenching around Doctor D’s fingers as Daddy continues to play with my pussy, sending wave after wave of mind-numbing pleasure through my body. Until, finally, I collapse against the table, completely spent and gasping for breath.

“She’s absolutely fantastic, Maxwell. So responsive and sweet. Would you like me to plug her bottom for you?”

“Not today. We have an appointment at the Cozy Cradle later.”

What the hell does he mean by plugging my bottom? What’s the Cozy Cradle and why does an appointment there mean Doctor D can’t do whatever he’s asked about doing to my butt?

Nothing makes sense, but I’m too worn out to ask questions.

“Ah, I understand. In that case, you may get her dressed.”

I’m only vaguely aware of Daddy and the doctor talking as Daddy puts a fresh diaper on me and dresses me.

Scooping me up in his arms, Daddy sits on the exam table, cradling me close. “You did so good for Doctor D, my little thief. Tell him thank you for taking such good care of you.”

I don’t want to. But I also don’t want to be stripped naked and punished again, so I force the words out. “Thank you, Doctor D.”

“It was my pleasure, Victoria. Maxwell, I’ll send Millie back in for the blood draw, but unless something pops on her bloodwork, I’d say you have a very healthy Little girl on your hands. Do you have any questions for me?”

“I do. How often should I clean out her bottom? I know her diet wasn’t the best before, so I wasn’t sure if that was something we should be doing on a regular basis or not.”

Oh, god. Did he seriously just ask that? “Daddy,” I whine, burying my face in his neck.

“Shh, little one. Daddy needs to know how to take care of you so you can stay a healthy and happy Little girl.”

“As long as she is having three or more bowel movements a week, regular enemas shouldn’t be necessary. That being said, I have found them to be very useful in correcting a sulky Little girl’s attitude on occasion.”

“Duly noted. Thank you, Doctor.”

“Anytime. I’ll send Millie in.”

Sniffling, I curl into Daddy’s chest, tucking myself as tightly against him as I can manage. “Don’t wanna needle.”

“I know, little one. But you can be a big, brave girl for Daddy, can’t you?”


Beneath me, his chest rumbles. “Someone is going to need a nap when we get home, I see.”

“Nuh-uh. Naps are for babies.”

“And you’re my baby. Ah, here’s Millie. Hold your arm out, little one.”

It takes some more cajoling, the promise of a chocolate chip muffin with breakfast, and a swat to the thigh to get me to comply, but eventually Millie is able to take what seems like way too much blood out of my arm. Daddy thanks her, and carries me out of the exam room and back out into the bright sunlight.

“The cafe is about a block from here. Do you want to walk, little one?”

The last thing I want is for him to let go of me, but it doesn’t seem fair to make him walk a whole block with me wrapped around him. “I can walk.”

“Maybe we should get you a stroller,” Daddy says as he places me on my feet and takes my hand. “For days when you don’t feel like walking. Would you like that, Victoria?”

“I dunno. Maybe.”

We walk the block to the cafe, with Daddy pointing out different shops along the way. The bookstore is right across from the doctor’s office, along with a pizza shop and a store dedicated to stuffed animals. Closer to the cafe is the clothing shop, which Daddy has to drag me away from with the threat of a spanking, a store filled with candy in every color of the rainbow, and a spa. Daddy says we have an appointment there this afternoon, but when I ask for more details, he remains frustratingly tight-lipped.

We cross the street to the cafe—after a very stern lecture from Daddy about holding his hand and looking both ways as if I haven’t been crossing the street on my own for nearly two decades—and when Daddy opens the door, we’re greeted by the most delicious array of scents. My tummy rumbles, reminding me I haven’t eaten yet today, and I tug on Daddy’s hand. “Daddy, I’m starving.”

“As soon as we find your Auntie Cat, we can order breakfast.”

“Looking for me?”

I turn, and my jaw literally falls open as I come face to face with the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. Stunning is the only word I can think of to describe her, with her high, sculpted cheekbones and piercing eyes that are such a dark brown they’re nearly black. Hair the color of raven’s wings falls in a straight waterfall down her back.

Beside her, I feel exactly how I’ve been treated since I got in that car with Mr. Stone: like a child, completely incapable of competing with the beautiful woman in front of me.

“Ah, there you are, Cat.” Daddy’s voice warms with his greeting. “Cat, this is Victoria. Victoria, this is your Auntie Cat. Say hello, little one.”

But I’m far too overwhelmed, both by her beauty and a new worry creeping into my mind to speak. Instead, I duck behind Daddy, not caring that even if I could hide behind him, he would never allow it. I just need a moment to gather my courage and calm my racing heart.

“Victoria. Don’t be rude,” Daddy scolds, just as I’d expected him to.

“It’s all right, Maxwell.” Because she’s nearly as tall as Daddy in her high-high heels, Auntie Cat crouches down to my level. “It can be scary meeting new people, can’t it, sweet girl?”

Poking my head out from behind Daddy, I nod, earning myself a bright smile from Auntie Cat. “There’s that pretty face. Oh, aren’t you just darling. You can come out, little one. I promise I don’t bite.”noveldrama

“Daddy said you spank really hard, though.” Heat rushes to my cheeks. Of all the things I could have said, that’s the first thing that comes out of my mouth?

Auntie Cat just laughs, a loud, throaty sound that soothes some of my nerves. “Really, Maxwell. Are you trying to paint me as the mean old aunt already?”

“I just didn’t want her to be surprised if she decides to test you.”

“Look at that sweet face. I can’t imagine her being the least bit naughty.” Still crouched down to eye level with me, Auntie Cat holds out a hand. “Would you like to go see what kind of yummy treats they have up at the counter, sweet girl?”

The promise of baked goods draws me out from behind Daddy at last. “Yes, please.”

“See?” She shoots Daddy a glare. “There isn’t a naughty bone in her body, Maxwell. Come on, Tori, let’s go find something delicious and full of sugar to have with breakfast.”

“Tori?” Nobody’s called me Tori before, and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

Auntie Cat looks down at me, wrinkling her nose in an exaggerated show of disgust. “Victoria is so formal. And far too big a name for such a sweet little girl. Don’t you think?”

“I happen to like Victoria,” Daddy grumbles from behind us.

Despite what Auntie Cat thinks, there are plenty of naughty bones in my body. And knowing that Daddy prefers my full name is enough to have me smiling sweetly up at her. “I like it, Auntie Cat.”

“That’s settled, then. To the pastries!”

As she leads me over to a glass counter filled to the brim with what seems like every sweet treat imaginable, I can’t help but think that Auntie Cat might just be my favorite person in the whole wide world.

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