Beyond Beta's Rejection

The Alpha’s Tainted B***d Chapter 32


Harper and I headed straight over to the cells after the meeting. She seemed quiet as we walked over.

“Are you okay?” I asked, and she looked up at me.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you went to speak to Damien this morning?” she asked. I could tell she wasn’t happy about it, but neither was I. Mostly because I couldn’t actually remember going to the cells. I went to sleep last night and when I woke up I was in the woods with b***d on my hands. We reached the entrance to the cells, and I leaned against the wall. Harper stood in front of me, still waiting for an answer.

“Well, can you at least tell me what happened?” she asked. I looked anywhere but at Harper. I heard her growl in frustration and looked back at her.

“Dammit Elias, I thought we were a team. Why are you shutting-”

“I can’t tell you,” I finally said, interrupting her. She stopped and stared at me.

“Why not?” she demanded.

“Shut up,” the demon said in my head.

“Because I don’t remember,” I said and Harper’s eyes widened.

“I said shut up,” the demon shouted again. He sounded really pissed off.

“What do you mean you don’t remember?” Harper asked, and I shrugged.

“I’ve been losing time,” I said. “It’s getting worse.”

“If you tell her what is going on, she won’t trust us, you stupid meat suit,” the demon shouted. I rubbed my temples where a headache was starting to form. I could feel the demon trying to push forward and take control. It was a constant battle to keep him back.

“I don’t know if it is the proximity to the seal, but the demon is getting stronger, and more persistent,” I said and I saw concern flash across Harper’s face.

“What can I do?” she asked.

“Don’t tell anyone,” I said, “At least not yet. Maybe if we can get this seal sorted and then things will go back to normal.” The demon grunted a laugh in my head, but I ignored him. Harper forced a smile onto her face and nodded.

“Okay, we will keep it quiet for now,” she said, “But we need answers.” I agreed completely.

“Well, let’s go see if we can get some,” I said and held out my hand. Harper took my hand, and we made our way into the cells and down to the underground area where the prisoners were held.

The guard on duty did a double take when he saw me. The look of fear crossed his face before he stood taller.

“Alpha Owens,” he said, “and Miss Kirby.” Harper smiled at him and then threw me an amused glance. I nodded to him and headed around the corner towards the main holding area.

“Well, you certainly made an impression on him,” Harper said and I sighed. We reached the cell where Damien was being held and Harper stopped before I opened the door.

“Maybe I should go in alone,” she said and held up her hand as I started to protest, “I just mean to start with. See if I can get something before you show your face.” I didn’t like it, but I knew she was right.

“No,” the demon said in my head.

“Okay sure,” I said, and the demon growled. I felt him pushing at the barrier to come up and take control. I dug my nails into the palm of my hands. The pain helped to hold on, but I didn’t know how long that would work for.

“Do not let her go in alone,” the demon shouted in my head. I rubbed my eyes as the headache was growing. When I looked up Harper was watching me with concern.

“What’s he saying?” she asked.

“That you are a pathetic excuse for a meat suit, and a waste of space,” the demon responded in my head.

“Nothing important,” I said to Harper. I tried to smile while the demon threw numerous obscenities at me. I could tell that Harper wasn’t convinced, but she sighed and turned towards the door, anyway.

“Do not let her go in,” the demon shouted as Harper opened the door.

“I knew you were weak. Let me forward, I will look after her like a real monster should.” I growled at the demon and Harper raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head and motioned for her to carry on. She turned and walked through the door. I heard her gasp as she walked into the room. Without thinking, I rushed in behind her. I looked in horror at what I saw.

The room was a mess. There were dark stains all over the walls. I could tell from the smell that it was b***d. The floor was even worse and looked like a scene from a horror movie. A figure huddled in the corner of the room and he stank of b***d and piss, and fear.

“Oh my goddess,” Harper whispered as she looked around. She knelt down in front of Damien.

“Damien,” she said, and I saw him flinch at the sound. He looked up at Harper, and I saw recognition in his eyes. He went to say something and then he focused on me. His face screwed up in fear and he started screaming.

“NO NO,” he screamed, “I said I promise not to say. Please leave me alone.” He began clawing at the walls behind him. It was as if he was trying to push his way through the wall. I could see fresh b***d from the way he was scratching at the walls.

“Damien.” Harper tried to calm him down, but he just screamed louder when she went near him. She got up and shouted out of the cell.

“Call Doctor Roberts, get him down here now.” I heard a noise down the hall and looked down to see two guards come running down. I moved out of their way as they rushed in to help Harper restrain the man. I was starting to feel like I couldn’t breathe. I left the cell and stood in the centre of the holding area. My chest felt tight and the stench of b***d was making me feel sick.

“Did you do that?” I asked the demon, and he just grunted. “Don’t ignore me. What the hell did you do? What have you told him not to say?” I was met with silence from the demon.

“Elias?” I looked around to see Harper watching me.

“I don’t remember that,” I said, “I didn’t do that to him.” I shook my head as she stepped towards me. “Please don’t come closer. I don’t know if I will hurt you next.” Harper’s face fell, and she looked back towards the cell where the doctor had just gone into. She looked back at me.

“This is bad, isn’t it?” she said, and I knelt on the floor. I buried my head in my hands.

“I’m scared, Harper,” I said, “I’m scared that he is gaining control. Something doesn’t feel right.” I looked back up at her and saw that she had sympathy all over her face.

“What can I do?” she asked, and I shook my head.

“I need to leave,” I said.

“Leave? What do you mean, leave?” Harper looked at me with horror.

“I need answers, and I’m not going to find them here.” I stood back up and saw the doctor come out of the cell.noveldrama

“I have given him something to sedate him and something for the pain,” he said to Harper. “He is in pretty bad shape, but rest should help him to heal quicker.” Harper nodded and thanked the doctor.

“I am going to stick around for a bit as there are some wounds that need treating immediately,” the doctor said and Harper nodded again.

“Okay, thank you,” she said and then turned to the two guards. “Stick with the doctor and let me know when Damien is awake.” Both guards nodded and Harper turned and looked at me.

“Let’s go talk outside,” she said.

We walked out of the cells and back into the woods in silence. We were halfway back to the pack house when Harper finally broke the silence.

“Where do you think you will get answers?” she asked. She took my hand, and I squeezed hers slightly. I stopped walking and pulled Harper into my body. I buried my head into her hair and her beautiful fresh strawberry scent filled my nostrils and sent a calming wave through my body.

“Probably the one place I have avoided since finding out what this thing is inside me,” I said. Harper looked up at me expectantly.

“I need to go see my parents.”

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