Bedmates Soulmates


our in front of her apartment block

Austyn Jumped out of her 'Kira, can explain."

"There's no need," she said with a blank face. You should go home. The kids are tired, I'm putting them to bed' Austyn said nothing and followed her into the lift

Liam lagged along

Auryn lifted jene in his arms when Kira pressed the button for the fifth floor

He stared tight ahead and pretended not to tice.

The bundled upwards slowly wich jerky mavemenEL.

Have you considered moving to a different apartment Liamaid Atleast one with a lift that's not a death trap,

What are you doing here irarsed her L

Jous glancedup at the three adults, curious.

"Danët mundine, I'm just here to watch the show. lam took Joshua's hand. Come on, kidu."

He put out of the lit abendel Kitn

The hallway was crowded

Kha pulledup shot at the familiar väke

Austyn and Liam parted, dealing the dars of Elsie, the prenoveldrama

Mother son Reunion

Standing behind her was Charlotte.

Kira didn't move.

Charlotte was the last person she wanted to see

She didn't hate her, but she just couldn't bear to look at her without thinking of her father.

Charlotte understood it as well

Which was why she kept her distance for the past four

The nonchalant grin on Liam's face had vanished

He was not happy to see Charlotte, either.


This was the woman who could have caused the death of his mother

Charlotte didn't notice Liam's frosty glare.

All her attention was on Austyn

She clutched his arm and touched his race with a shaky hand.

Tears welled up in her eyes

She had not slept a wink since Elsie told her about Austyn's return "My son...

Austyn suppressed the surge of emotions in his heart

He forced a smile. You must be my mother.'

Charlotte's eyes widened. 'W-what?"

"I lost my memory," Austyn said, making a huge effort to keep his voice even. "Didn't Elsie tell you?" Charlotte turned to look at the housekeeper, who sighed "Madin, I was afraid you would be upset Charlotte's Eps trembled After a long while, she finally said, 'It's okay. You'll remember me one day."

Her gaze fell on the Idda

jennie and Joshua watched her curiously

They had not met Ber before

Charlotte reached out a hand to inch t

She didn't want to scare the kid

there girls chubby check, but she held bark

When the straightened up, she saw Kira standing in the hallway, looking at her with an expressionless face

Kura averted her pare.

She stepped forward 'It's getting late.

Justy stood right next to her. "I don't have

nove aside. The kids need to go to bed!

where else to go. I'm spending the night here,

Kura rolled her eyes at him. There are plenty of heels in Sanford

"All Booked "Austyn shrugerd

why do find that hard to beli

Kira took a deep birath and groped him. You not welcome bere

Jennie tugged at Kira's hand "Maminis, please let Daddy stay!

Kakower fughty had taken a shine to Austyn, but she didn't expect Jeane would speak up for him.

juu spent a few days with the mui

How would the side with him and net er own mother?

Kulawanan jealous of the turker-daughter band.

the put her down his, he can't gay-

Char kete dagbönd over tuskenly and chatched at her chest.

Elis shin mua both armute realy Curate in beant

Deface Kira could, he the keys Tromber and snacked the door

Beraried Chuckete in laana, marched into the Dving room and plated her down polly on the int

In her put in fumbled for the bottle of pils in Ducker's handog

Make Him Pay

Austyn sprinted into the kitchen and fetched a glass of water,

Elsie helped Charlotte rake two small white pill

They were antiproliferatives, meant to treat cardiac allograft vasculopathy, a common complication following heart transplantation

Charlotte's breathing returned to normal

Some colour came back into her pale cheeks,

Kira stood aside and watched the scene.

It was her father's heart that was beating in Charlotte's chest

She clenched her hands

How can you at the kids live in aquain this? Lians took in the mess in the living room. It's so cramped

Kira poredhim 'Come on, Idds, time for bed!

She supervised the kids as they brushed their teeth and the tacked them intobed

Jennie was not feeling sloppy all, but Joshua kept her entertained with Kira's phone game.

He knew the adults needed to talk

Kira peclird ber son's forehead.

She was grateful for how sensible Jorban was.

She closed the bedroom dood gently.

"Why are you still here?" she asked Liam.

He was leaning against the wall.

He winked at her and whispered conspiratorially. "Waiting to see if anything happens to that woman.'

He still held onto the belief that Charlotte had something to do with his mother's death.

Liam had a sun now

He wasn't about to throw away his life by committing murder, but he would be happy to see Charlotte co Kira rolled her eyesar hin

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