Bedmates Soulmates


'If you beat him to death, you'll go to jail!"

She wasn't speaking up for Gideon

She just didn't want Austyn to become a murderer.

"So what? Austyn sneered

He stared at Kira, who spread out both arms as if to

to shield Gideon from him.

Team make his body disappear. Nobody will know I killed him.'

Kira looked at him in disbelief. But you will still have become a murderer! What will the kids think of you? Do you want them to have a murderer for a father? daside. 'Fine. If you are okay with that, then go ahead and kill him!

She wiped away her tears and stepped as

The fight went out of him at the mention of the kids.

Austyn set down the vase "Where are the kids?

Kira eyed him

He appeared to have calmed down somewhat

She pointed to the bedroom. "In there

Austyn headed towards the bedroom.

Kina cherked on Gidenti

Luckily, he was still breathing

He just passed out,

Kira let out a long sigh of relief.

She didn't dare touch him in case it aggravated his injury

Kira texted Gideon's assistant and asked him to come over

Austyn came out of the bedroom.

He whispered, "The kids heard us, but Joshua stopped Jennie from coming out' Kira was relieved.

'Go pack up some clothes," Austyn said. 'We'll take the kids to a hotel tonight."

Kira nodded.

Twenty minutes later, they led bath kids out of the apartment,

Kira carried Jennie while Austyn carried Joshua.

They made sure neither child saw Gideon lying on the living room sofa.

Kira left her key under the doormat for Gideon's assistant.

Austyn made a call

Howe booked a suite for them at the nearest hotel.

The twins had fallen asleep by the time they arrived.

Austyn placed Joshua on the bed.

He had not said a word to Kira on the drive.

His face was gloomy.

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No y No Crime

No Body, No Crime

Kira tuclord the kids in and went to the en-suite bathroom

She came out after taking a quick showernoveldrama

Austyn was still in the room.

He was reclined in in armchair.

A cigarette dangled from his fingers.

Kira eyed the cigarette but said nothing.

Austyn seemed to read her mind. 'It's ulit.'

Kira looked away.

Austyn tossed the cigarette into a bin.

He walked up to her. "Look at me."

She didn't move.

"Kira, look at me.

Kira raised her head.

Austyn saw the red finger marks on her neck.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He had to use all his strength to suppress the urge to kill Gideon.

Kira hunched her shoulders, sensing his rage

'Stay with the kids. Austyn turned around to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Thave some things to take care of." Austyn didn't look at her. 'T'll be back later."

He left before Kira could ask more questions,

Kira stared at the door.

She knew he was angry.

But was he mad at her or at Gideon?

Was he going back to the apartment to beat up Gideon?

She hoped Gideon's assistant acted fast.


Richard knew he was inside a hotel room, but he had no idea of the exact location.

Three days ago, right after he left the police station, he was waylaid by two men, blindfolded and then brought here.

He thought they were kidnappers, but they made no ransom demands.

They gave him just enough food and water to keep him alive, but they refused to let him sleep.

They beat him up and kept asking him questions.

Richard was scared and confused.

His body tensed when he heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway outside.

A moment later, the door to this room opened

The black hood over his head was yanked off. He blinked.

His eyes watered in the sudden bright glare.

Richard squinted and could make out a tall figure standing in front of him.

He was tied to a chair with both hands behind his back.

The man leaned forward.

He had a circle of white bandages around his forehead.

"Who are you?" chard asked weakly.

Austyn pulled a chair over and sat down in front of him. 'Don't you recognise me??

Richard's eyes were swollen.

He took another look at the man, whose face looked vaguely familiar.

'You tried to kill my wife three days ago, Austyn said coldly. 'You told the police you were drunk. They let you out on ball.

niland's mouth hung open.

Hecked his chapped lips. It was.. it was an accident."

just;'n sneered. 'I'm not the police. That excuse is not going to fly with me'

'What what do you want?!

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