A Werewolf Fantasy

Chapter 15

"I wonder what my mother said to you to put you in such a mellow mood," said Danshak, looking at Erin curiously.

They were sitting in front of their makeshift tent, eating the little scraps of food that some of the servants had managed to put together for dinner. At the far end of the clearing, there was a roaring inferno where the carcasses of the dead beasts were being burned. The few werewolves who lost their lives during the last attack had been buried in the woods and the survivors had held a brief ceremony to mourn the deceased and bid them farewell on their journey to the afterlife. "She told me what I needed to hear," said Erin in response to her husband's question.

"And what did she say precisely?"

"That I need to stop fretting about the future and focus on the present. There is no sense in worrying over something you cannot control."

"I see..." he said, regarding her through hooded eyes.

Something about his relaxed posture, bare chest, and unruly hair made him look irresistibly handsome, and Erin felt a pull of sexual attraction toward him. This wasn't the right time to be thinking of sex, but she was hungry for his touch right


What would it feel like to lay with him and be nestled by those strong arms of his? How would it feel to be kissed by those firm lips? Would his hands be soft like that of a man who has lived a privileged life or would they be calloused like the hands of a warrior?

"What are you thinking?" he asked in a deep voice that betrayed his emotions. Erin could see that he has guessed her lustful thoughts judging by the way she was looking at him with unbridled hunger in her eyes.

"Come, let me show you," she said and rose to her feet. Danshak stood up and followed her into the makeshift tent without hesitation.

Inside, she stood in the middle of the small enclosure that barely contained the two of them, waiting for him to say or do something.

"Well?" he asked when she didn't say anything. "What did you want to show me?"

"This," she said and let her leather dress fall to her feet, exposing her naked body. She heard his sharp intake of breath at the sight of her nudity and it sparked a blazing fire of desire inside of her. She knew that he wanted her as much as she wanted him and she couldn't wait to feel his touch.

"Do not tease me mercilessly, Edvana," he warned in a hoarse whisper.

"Why would I tease you? Are you not my mate? Are we not married? This is what we should have done since the night of our mating ceremony. I wasn't ready then, but I am now. Take me, Danshak. Make me yours now."

Her words moved him to action and he took her into his arms, running his fingers through her hair before lowering his face to hers.

"Sometimes, I forget how beautiful you are," he whispered against her lips before kissing her. The more they kissed, the more they desired each other with mounting intensity.

She ran her hands down his chest, tracing a path down his torso until she found the leather strap binding his breeches and undid it quickly as if she could not wait to take him in her hands.

Once his engorged member was free from the tight fabric, she held it in her hand and stroked its length lovingly. Danshak groaned in response, his mind completely blown by the sensation that was ballooning from his groin to the rest of his body.

"You are going to drive me mad," he panted, barely able to contain his feelings.

"I haven't even started," said Erin with a wicked smile. She slowly dropped down to her knees and took him in her mouth. Danshak's reaction was priceless, fuelling her to do more and bringing him the kind of pleasure he had never dreamed of in his entire medieval life.

They were in a difficult time in history and there were no guarantees that they would make it out of this war alive, so they might as well have a memorable time together before all hell broke loose again. Who knows? This might be their first and last chance to consummate their marriage.

Danshak pulled her up to her feet and then carried her to the straw mat on the floor. He showered her with kisses from her neck down to her chest until he reached her perfectly rounded boobs.

Cupping one of the soft globes in his hands, he let his tongue do encircle the other, nibbling and sucking it lovingly. Erin writhed under him, her hand grabbing a handful of his thick hair as she urged him to continue feasting on her bosom. It was as if they had made love many times before because their movements were so in sync - rhythm matching with rhythm, sighs blending and bodies flowing together with so much familiarity.

"I want you inside me right now," Erin whispered, her eyes begging him to take her because she could no longer bear the anticipation.

In response, he trailed his fingers down her middle, stopping at the center of her body to stroke her and cup her womanhood in his large hand. She spread her legs wide to give him full access. She was so ready for him to join his body to hers, that it was almost painful to wait.

"You are not a shy one, are you?" Danshak asked with a smile. "It is almost as if you have done this before."

Erin giggled when she thought of all the naughty things she had done in her future life that would make her present husband blush with embarrassment. "Would it make you more comfortable if I pretended to be shy?"

"No, never. I prefer you this way; confident, bold, and imaginative. No other female has ever made me this... eager."

"And no other female should. You are mine now and I will not share you with anyone else."

He grinned and kissed her deeply. "Who would have thought that my fire-breathing wife is a jealous she-wolf too?"

"It takes one to know one," she retorted playfully.

"Now, I agree with the fates. You are truly my other half," he murmured against her lips as he positioned his body between her legs. "You are the one who will complete me. I did not see it before, but now I am convinced that you were made for me."

"Oh, Danshak. That is the sweetest - ow!" Erin yelped as Danshak penetrated her, pushing past the barrier at the entrance of her womanhood. She'd forgotten that in this dimension, she was a virgin.

"Forgive me, my love," Danshak whispered against her cheek. "This will be the only time you will ever feel pain when you are in my arms."

"I believe you,” she whispered back, as her discomfort gave way to ripples of pleasure as he began to slowly move against her body.

Every fiber of her being rejoiced in ecstasy as her mate continued to slide in and out of her, joining his body and soul with hers in a slow mating dance that was reserved for only the two of them.noveldrama

They were a tangle of limbs and skin; his face on hers, their fingers entwined and their bodies glued together in the deepest form of intimacy. At that moment, they felt whole, complete, and fulfilled. It was the most beautiful experience of their lives, so beautiful that words could not describe the feeling.

"Edvana," he cried out as he released his seed inside of her.

"Danshak, my love," she moaned, holding on to him as if he was her lifeline.

Never in her entire existence had she ever felt this connected to another being - either werewolf or human, and never had she been so convinced about anything in her life as she was convinced right now her love for Danshak.

She did not need to wonder or jump through hoops to know the truth that she knew now; she loved her mate with every bit of her being and she will move mountains, slay dragons, and travel through time to protect him and keep him safe. "Never leave me, Danshak," she said softly, tears welling in her eyes. "Never leave me, please."

"Where would I go?" he asked, gazing into her moist eyes. "I will never leave you, Edvana. You are mine and you will always be mine, again and again. If there is another life after this one, you will still be mine, my love. You will always be mine." For reasons unknown to her, Erin felt a sudden wave of sorrow washed over her. She could not explain the strange feeling but it felt like a premonition. Had Olna Raven lied to her?

Was Danshak the one who would not make it out of Ketjouk alive? How would she survive if her mate died tonight or tomorrow? How would she cope?

"Don't leave me," she whispered again.

"Never. I will never leave you, Edvana. I promise," he assured her, cradling her in his arms like a baby. "We will always be together, always."

Feeling reassured, Erin let herself relax in his arms, inhaling his scent. She was not going to ruin this special moment with her unfounded fear even if they were in the middle of a war. She had to remain positive and stop letting her anxiety get the better of her. After all, Olna Raven had told her that none of them would die tonight, so why worry?

She had no idea of what would happen tomorrow, but she would not fret about that now.

With her mind now settled, she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.

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